9. The Graduation Party

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We get up and clap as all the seniors have graduated. Bella and dad have dinner together, but I went to the Cullen's to help set up, since I didn't have anything to do.
"Okay, good you're here." Alice says, she grabs my arm and pulls me into her room.
"Here's a dress for you to wear." She says handing me a simple black dress.
"Alice, I didn't even graduate, but fine the dress is cute." I say.
"I love that you understand fashion." She says walking out. I change into the dress.

I walk out and she takes me to the kitchen.
"Okay, can you help by putting up the food and stuff?"
"Yeah, sure." I say.
"Okay, thank you." She leaves. About 20 minutes later I hear footsteps.

"Y/n, I brought you a little bit of help." Alice says, I turn around and see Seth. I get butterflies, which is kinda weird but whatever.
"Alice." I say. She smiles at me, with a look of proudness.
"I have to go, but you two do your thing." She says walking away.

"Hey." I say.
"Hi, so what are we doing?" He asks.
"Just put the food on these." I say pointing to it.
"Okay." He says.
"Don't eat any of it right now." I say. He turns to look at me.
"Not even a little piece?" He asks. I turn my head to the the side, and give him a "are you serious?" look.
"Fine, but one we want everyone to still have some." He laughs. He walks over to the chips and eats one. He grabs another and hands it out to me.
"Want one?" He says.
"Uh sure." I say giving in. He hands it to me and I eat it, while we laugh.

People start showing up, and it starts to look like a high school party. Bella arrives and she runs over to Seth and me.
"She made you wear a dress?" She says.
"Oh yeah, but it's fine." I say.
"Well you look great." Seth says to me. Bella looks at me, and I smile at her softly.
"Thanks" I say feeling myself start to blush. He smiles at me noticing.
"Well, I'm gonna go." Bella says while walking away.

Jacob and two of his friends walk in.
"Seth." I say.
"Look." I say. He looks over and notices them there.
"Didn't Bella punch him last time they talked?"
"Yeah, and I wanted to." I say.
"I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid don't worry." Seth says.
"Okay, thanks." I say smiling.

Bella walks over to him. They are talking, but neither Seth or I can hear what they are saying. He pulls out a little box.
"What do you think is in it?" Seth asks.
"I have no idea, maybe a gift?" I see an image of Jacob putting on a charm bracelet on Bella's wrist. It has a wolf made from wood, and a clear heart.

I open my eyes again returning to reality. Jacob opens the box, and pulls out the same bracelet I had just seen. He puts it on her wrist. I look over at Seth.
"I'll be right back." I say.
"Okay." He says. I quickly walk over to Alice.

"It happened again." I say.
"What?" She asks. I tell her.
"Yeah definitely not a coincidence." She says looking up as if she's thinking. She then freezes. Edward runs over. Bella runs over, then the werewolves do to.

We all go into another room.
"An army is coming." Alice says.
"An army?" Jacob says.
"Of newborns." Edward says.
"Babies?" I ask.
"No baby vampires. They're even stronger and harder to kill then adults." Edward says.
"Why are they coming?" Bella says.
"They're here to kill Bella." Alice says.
"We're outnumbered and it's not going to be good." Edward says. Jacob looks at Embry, Quil, and Seth. They all nod in agreement.
"The werewolves will fight." Jacob says.
"No it's dangerous, some of you will die." Bella says.
"No he's right, we need all the help we can get." Edward says.
"Bella there's a greater chance of them winning with the werewolves involved." I say, not liking the idea but knowing it's right.
"Besides at least we'll be killing some vampires." Jacob says.
"Okay, well, Jasper has experience with them and will show us how to kill them." Edward says. Jasper nods.

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