36. Walk in the Forest

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As the days go on they all have been practicing and training to fight an unknown thing.

I don't know how they expect to pull this off. It worries me.

• • •

Here we were. The plan had been finalized. I would go out to the woods "alone" and walk around. When I start to hear or see the thing or things, i'm supposed to run.
Then Seth who's been covered in herbs and wearing jaspers clothes to cover his smell, is going to attack.
Esme who's going to be watching from a distance is going to let the vampires go at a signal.

I have no idea if any of that is going to work but it's worth a try.

All the vampires left to go hunt so it's just me and Seth.

We're staying in Edward's room. It really doesn't look like anyones ever been in here.

Seth and I are sitting on the bed. Our knees our touching.

"Seth." I whisper. He looks at me carefully.

"I love you." I whisper again.
"I love you too." He says with a cute smile.
"It might go wrong tomorrow." I say.
"Don't say that." He says.

"No Seth. We might never be together again." I say placing a hand on his chest. He notices it and looks at me confused.

"What are you getting at?" He asks.
"Seth." I say looking at him carefully. "I want to." I say. His eyes widen.
"Are you sure?"
"It might be our last night together, and we're alone." I say softly.

His eyes wander all over my face.
"Tell me if you want me to stop or slow down." He says gently pushing me on my back as he kisses me.

(A.n: okay so this is abt to me mature content. so just a warning. if you're too young (doubtful if you're reading wattpad in the first place) or just don't like it i understand just skip it. also i hate writing smut so please ignore how awful this is abt to be

He slips his shirt off showing his muscles.

Seth kisses my neck slowly as he reaches down and pulls my shirt off.
He continues leaving kissing down my chest.

I lift my back off the bed and he slips his hand back there to unclip the bra.

I take it off and he looks at them. He looks at me and smiles.

"I love you." He says kissing me.

He reaches down and takes off his shorts and I try not to stare.

He kisses me again as I feel him slide in. He waits a second for me to adjust and he begins to thrust in and out.

He's gentle but strong all at once. It's intense.

(A.n: i'm sorry ik that sucked but i genuinely can't stand writing it

We get dressed and cuddle while we wait for them to get back.

When they get back they go over the whole run down of the plan.

"Guys." I say cutting them off. "Stop worrying. It's going to be fine." I say knowing I'm worrying.

• • •

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this." I tell myself as I walk into the trees.

I can feel like I'm being watched. Whether that's from Seth or the thing following me is unknown. I walk nervously.

I try to see something something. I don't see anything.

I look around me as a deep silence falls upon me. I can hear my heart pounding.

I can hear the leaves rustling.

Pure fear is pulsing through me.

I've walked to the point that I don't know where I am. I don't even know if Seths still close by or watching from a distance.

What if he lost me?

I let out a shaky breath as I look around. The forest around me looks darker than normal. It's eerie.

There's a big gust of wind and I completely freeze remembering what Bella told me about wind. It spreads human scents.

As if in cue, I get a vision.

I'm standing in the trees.
"Y/n." A voice whispers as if in the wind.
"Who are you!" I call out. It grabs my arm as a response and pulls me.

I force my eyes open too scared to know how that ends.

My eyes search for anything.

I can feel eyes on me but I just can't find them.

I sigh, knowing I have to keep walking.

I take a few more steps as my thoughts are heavy.

"Y/n." The wind seems to whisper to me.


(A.n: hey babes, how are we doing?? yes ik i'm very cruel for that cliff hanger but dw luvs a new chapter is in the making. hope you enjoyed

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