13. Thankful for Seth

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"Just choose." Tammy says.
"No Tam, I'm not choosing between you and Bailey for such a dumb reason." I say in disbelief.
"Cause you're on her side?"
"You sound really fucking dumb." I say.
"You are on her side!"
"No! I'm on neither side. She didn't know you liked him, and you expect her to just drop her relationship."
"It would be the right thing to do." She says scoffing. "And if you were a real friend you would agree with me." Is she actually serious?
"I'm not choosing sides." I say simply.
"Well then you're a bitch. That's why you're single." She says. I laugh trying to keep my cool.
"Yeah I really like dogs, but in case you haven't noticed I do have a boyfriend."
"Yeah Seth Clearwater." I say smiling.
"There's no way. He's too cute for you."
"Mhm and I'm the bitch."

I stand up and grab my bag.
"You're leaving?"
"Yeah cause I'm a bitch." I say my attitude showing.
"Yeah you are one."
"Good luck finding a new best friend who puts up with your shit." I walk out of her house.

I feel a tear roll down my face. I start to run to get out of the view of the house. I stop once I know she can't see me and call Bella.
"What? Aren't you at Tammy's?"
"Yeah but I left. Can you come pick me up I don't wanna ask Charlie now that he's at work."
"What happened? Why are you crying?"

An image of Seth walking next to me as he has one arm around my shoulder comes into my head.
"Y/n?!" Bella says returning me to the real world.
"What sorry." I ask.
"What happened? Are you okay?"
"Can you just pick me up?"
"Yeah but I'm at Edward's so-."
"No nevermind it's fine. Stay there."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'll just walk."
"No I don't want you to walk alone right now."
"It's fine it's not that far." I say.
"At least call Seth and have him walk you home."
"Bella I don't wanna bother him."
"Please, just ask." She says. I can tell she's worried.
"Fine, but if he's busy I'm walking alone."
"Okay." She says. I hang up and call Seth.

After two rings he answers.
"Hey Seth." I say still crying.
"Y/n what's wrong?" He says worried.
"It's a long story, but Bella couldn't pick me up and she wants you to walk me home bec-."
"Okay yeah I'll be there. Where are you?" He says moving around. I give him the directions.
"Okay I'll be there in like 3 minutes." He hangs up.

I sit down on the curb and burry my face in my hands as i cry hard. I really just lost my best friend.

I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey I'm right here." He says. Seth sits down next to me. I look at him and burry my face in his chest.
"Please talk to me." He says stroking my hair. I take a few breaths.
"You know Tammy?" I say seeing if he remembers.
"The one who was trying to break up the one girl's relationship cause she liked the guy or something?"
"Yeah, well I was just over at her house and we're no longer friends."
"Cause I wouldn't choose sides, then she called me a bitch and said that's why I'm single, so I told her about you, and she said that you were too cute for me." He wraps his arms around me.
"I'm so sorry and I think it's the other way around."
"I think you're too cute for me." I feel my face warm up as I smile at him. He smiles back as he kisses the top of my head.
"We should start walking." I tell him.
"Yeah it's supposed to rain soon." He stands up then puts an arm out for me. I take it and he helps me up. Neither of us let go as we start walking.

"So what are you going to do?" Seth asks me.
"About what?"
"The whole Tammy thing."
"I don't know, but I'm going to talk to Bailey tomorrow."
"That's good." Seth says putting his arm around my shoulder. I snuggle up closer to him.

"Hey Seth."
"Thank you."
"For being you. Like you just came here just to walk me home and then you make everything better." He smiles.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know."
"You mean the world to me." I feel my cheeks warm up.
"Okay that's enough cringe for now please." I say. He smiles and laughs.

I feel a drop.
"Oh god." I sigh.
"It's raining."
"Oh it is." The rain starts to get harder.
"Fuck." I say.
"Here put this on." He says taking off his jacket.
"No you keep it."
"I don't get cold remember." Although I don't really want to I take it. I put it on.

We start to walk faster. We get to my house laughing and soaked.
"Wanna come in. It's pouring."
"Sure. Is Charlie home?"
"I don't know probably."
"Okay." We walk inside.

Charlie's sitting on the couch.
"Hey dad." I say. He looks over at us.
"Hey y/n, Seth."
"Hello Mr. Swan." Seth says.
"Did you two walk?"
"Yeah. Where's Bella?"
"Still at Edward's." He says.
"Are you guys hungry?"
"Yeah I'll make food." I say knowing I'm standing there with Seth who's always hungry.
"No need I bought pizza."
"Okay, do you want some?" I ask Seth.
"Yeah." He says awkwardly. I smile.
"Okay have as much as you want." Charlie says turning back to the tv.

We walk over to the boxes and get a plate with 7 pieces on it and go upstairs to my room. He plops down on my bed. 
"I'm going to change."
"Okay." I grab dry clothes and run into the bathroom. I get out and sit next to him.

"Your dad kinda scares me." He says grabbing a slice.
"Why?" I say laughing.
"I don't know." He says laughing too. I grab a slice and start to eat it.
"Don't worry he likes you."
"That's good."
"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask him.
"Yeah sure."
"Okay." I put in a movie (you choose whichever you want cause I'm too indecisive) I cuddle closer to him.

After a while there's a knock at the door. I pause the movie.
"Who is it?" I ask.
"It's me Bella."
"Come in." Bella walks in.
"Oh good Seth walked you home. What happened?" I tell her what happened.
"Oh my god she's-."
"A bitch." Seth says. We start laughing.
"Yeah she is." Bella says.
"Where's Edward?" I ask her.
"He's in my room most likely."
"Of course he is."
"Actually I wanted to tell you that.... umm actually I'll just tell you later." Bella says.
"I'm going to go so you guys can finish your movie." Bella says.
"Okay." She goes into her room.

"I wonder what she wanted to tell me."
"I don't know maybe something with Edward?"
"Maybe. What if she's pregnant?"
"Who knows." He says moving over to where he's cuddling me. I smile as I move closer to him.

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