35. Back to School ig

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They want us to go to school. I think it's stupid. My so called stalker can be anyone. They could go here.

Bella and Edward drive us both to school. I get dropped off first.
"Be careful." Seth says.
"Call us if anything weird happens." Bella says.
"Yeah I know." I say.

I walk out and walk into school.

I go into class.

Most of the classes go by normally.

Im sitting in 5th period bored. I raise my hand.
"Yes y/n?"
"May I go to the bathroom?"

I get up and walk out. I start wandering the halls on my phone. I hear someone walking. I quickly put my phone away.

I look around and don't see anyone.

I start reaching for my phone again when I see something run across the hall. I freeze.
"Hello?" I say.

No response.

It runs by again. I start backing up.

It runs directly by me. I feel air fly by me.

I'm really scared.

"What do you want with me?" I call out.

It comes flying back and I feel it touch my arm.

"Y/n?" Someone asks. I spin around. Its Bailey. I sigh and run over to her. "Are you okay?"
"Why are you just standing here?"
"I don't know, I was just bored." She nods.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I say.
"I was just there." She says.

She leaves and I quickly call bella.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" She asks.
"I saw something. It touched me. It was fast." I say altered.

"What?" I hear Edward say.
"I don't know." I say looking around.
"Its okay we're on our way."

"Okay hurry."

I walk back to class and wait.

Not long after the phone rings and I'm excused.

I get in the car and they start asking me questions.

"I don't know." I say plainly. "I really dont."

"We'll call Seth. We're getting him." Edward says. I nod and call him. It rings a couple of times before he answers.
"What happened?" He asks worried.
"Seth we're picking you up." I say.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, just trust me." I say.
"Okay." He says.

We get there and wait a couple minutes while the school lets him out.

He gets out and gets to the car.
"So what happened?"

I tell him.

"Who the hell is it?" He asks.
"We don't know." I say.

"Well you're not going back to school until we figure it out." Bella says
"Good." I say leaning my head towards Seth.

We get to the Cullen's house and they all start talking.

"Seth take her upstairs." Edward says.
"No. I'm not a baby so stop treating me like one." I say.

"No you're not, but you're human." Bella says.
"Please, you've been a vampire what a couple of months and suddenly you're all knowing." I say. Bella looks at me like she wants to rip my head off.

"Y/n please. It's for your safety." Alice says.

I scoff while walking outside.

I sit on the floor, my back against a tree.
"My safety my ass." I mutter.

"Y/n." Seth says sitting next to me.

I grab his arm and lay my head on his shoulder.

"Hi." I say.
"You okay?" He asks. I nod.

"I just don't like being pushed aside when it's about me. It's my life in danger." I say.

"I know." He says.

I sit up and look at him.

He presses his forehead on mine and we just smile while looking at one another.

"Let's go back inside." I say.
"You sure?" He asks.

We walk in quietly.

"It's the only way to catch him." Rosalie says.
"Or them." Jasper says.

"No! She won't be held out like bait!" Bella yells.

Seth and I share a look as were still hidden behind the wall.

"Y/n. Seth. Come on out." Edward says.

We step out feeling like little kids caught lying.

"Do I have to be bait?" I say.

"No." Bella says.
"If we want to catch him, yes." Rosalie says.

"Dear, you don't have to unless you want to." Esme says.

I look up at Seth. He gives me a small smile.

"I'll protect you." He whispers taking my hand.

"I'll be the bait." I say.

———— bella's pov

I'm so mad. I can't believe Rosalie just said that.

"She can't be bait. It's dangerous." I say.
"So is her being watched and us being unable to do anything." Emmett says.
"Bella." Jasper says softly.

"You guys can't seriously think it's a good idea." I say.
"I don't think it's a good idea. I just think it's our best choice for now." Carlisle says.

No one says anything as I glare at them. They won't touch my sister.

"It's the only way to catch him." Rosalie says.
"Or them." Jasper says reminding me of the fact that we know nothing.

"No! She won't be held out like bait!" I yell.

"Y/n. Seth. Come on out." Edward says.

Y/n and Seth walk out. I don't know how much they heard.

"Do I have to be bait?" She asks looking at us.

"No." I say. She won't.
"If we want to catch him, yes." Rosalie says.

"Dear, you don't have to unless you want to." Esme says.

I see her look at Seth.

"I'll protect you." I can hear him say. But is his protection enough to keep her safe.

"I'll be the bait." She says.

I look over at edward. He looks at me with a worried look.

"No." I say.
"Bella I can do this." She says stepping towards me.
"We'll be fully prepared and have it all planned before she sets out and does anything." Carlisle says.
"It'll be okay Bells." She says.

She's absolutely insane. She's too good for this world.

(A.n: surprise i updated!! anyways i'm really sorry abt not writing. but i will again soon, i'm excited abt what i'm gonna write happen

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