22. School

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We've just started school again. Thankfully, I got a lot of classes with Bailey. But unfortunately I have a bunch with Tammy too.

I walk into the class I have Tammy in. She looks up at me, gives me a dirty look, and looks away. I sit down in my seat. I don't really talk to anyone in the class, so I just sit there quietly.

"Hey." Someone says. I look over. It's a guy, he has dark hair and eyes.
"Hey." I say quietly.
"So I was wondering if I could get your number or something?" He says.
"Oh- well actually I-." I start to say.
"She has a boyfriend. And I don't see why you even like her. I mean look at her." Tammy says.
"You're taken?" He asks looking back at me.
"Yeah." I say not knowing what to say. He looks at me for a second before nodding.

"He doesn't have to know." He says.
"No." I say turning away. He sighs.
"Why are girls like this now a days? Can't ever have a chance." He says. I sigh wanting to leave the conversation really badly.

"I said no. Now leave me be." I say looking at him.
"What's your little boyfriend going to do?" He says smirking. I smirk at him, knowing damn well Seth can end him.
"You wouldn't even be able to count to 3 before he ends you." I say turning away. He scoffs.
"As if." He says. I look at him out of the side of my eye.
"Keep bothering me and find out for yourself." I say. He scoffs but still walks away.

I get through a few more classes and go to lunch. I sit by Bailey and John.

"It sucks that Seth doesn't go here." John says.
"I think you're secretly in love with my boyfriend sometimes." I say laughing. Bailey starts laughing too. He shakes his head as he chuckles.
"No he's yours and I got Bailey, but he's one of the only guys I know won't stab me in the back and do something like that." John says.
"Yeah, seths like that. He would never do anything to hurt someone." I say.

"We should all hang out again soon." Bailey says.
"Yes." I say.
"When?" John asks. I start to think. The wolves don't have any plans from what I know.
"This weekend?" I say.
"Yes." Bailey says.
"What will we do?" John asks.
"Anything." Bailey says.
"Yeah." I say.
"Okay then it's settled." Bailey says.

"Oh also y/n we're still going shopping today after school right?" Bailey asks. Shit. I completely forgot.
"Oh yeah I forgot." I say.
"If you want to go a different day we can." She says.
"No no, it's fine." I say. She nods.

"Guys she's staring at us." John says looking at the distance.
"Who?" I ask.
"Tammy, who else?" Bailey says. I sigh so done with her.

I turn around to look at her. She's looking at us and whispering to her friends.
"Taking a picture would make it last longer." I call out. She immediately freezes. She heard me. They look away. We start laughing.
"She's so annoying." Bailey says.
"Yeah." I say.

I finish my last few classes and walk to my locker.

Bailey is standing there with her backpack already on. I put my stuff away as I grab my backpack.
"So what are you going to buy?" She asks.
"I'm not sure, I have to see." I say as we walk out.

We walk out the doors. I'm talking to Bailey when I hear someone calling my name.
"Y/n." I recognize the voice as Seth's. I see him and he runs over.
"Hey." I say. He hugs me. "What are you going here?" I ask.
"Just wanted to surprise you." He says smiling his stupidly adorable smile.

"Wait how did you get here so fast?" Bailey asks. "School just ended for you too." She adds. I look over at Seth. He smiles.
"My secret." He says. She nods in confusion.

"We'll want to go get something to eat?" Seth asks.
"I'd love to, but Bailey and I were going to go shopping." I say.
"Oh okay." Seth says his smile saddening slightly.
"No it's fine, we can go another time." Bailey says.
"You sure?" I ask.
"Yes go." She says. I smile thankful.

I lace my fingers with seths.
"Bye." Bailey says.
"Bye." I say." She walks off.

Seth and I start to walk. We get off of school grounds.
"So where do you want to eat?" He asks looking at me.
"Anywhere." I say getting closer to him. His body heat making me feel so safe.

"Oh my god." Someone says behind us. I turn around and it's Tammy and the guy from before.
"So this is your little boyfriend?" The guy says. Seth looks at me confused.
"It's a guy I rejected today and Tammy." I whisper so only he can hear.

He looks over at them as he steps nearer to me and slightly infront.

(A.n: sorry for the cliff hanger lol. Anyways what do you guys think??

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