34. Stalker

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They decided that they want us staying there with them so we can be extra protected.

"What do mean someone's following them?" I hear Bella say.
"I don't know." Alice says. "It's all foggy and weird."
"Foggy and weird? Like with the pack?" Jacob asks.
"Yes." She says.

Seth and I look at each other instantly.

"It might be a werewolf." Emmett says.
"Or werewolves." Jasper says.
"Shit." Seth mutters.

"Guys they're listening in." Edward says.
"Shit." I say.

"It'll be okay, get some sleep you two." Alice says to us.
"Come on." Seth says grabbing my arm.

I lay in Alice's bed unable to sleep. Seths laying down half on me and he's somehow sleeping. I play with his hair carefully as I try to fall asleep.

There's a knock at the door. I open my eyes. It's morning.
"What?" I ask.
"Wake up." Emmett says.
"Why?" Seth says.
"Cause it's morning."
"I don't care!" Seth yells.

"You guys better have clothes on cause I'm coming in." Emmett says opening the door.
"Get out Emmett." I say really tired.
"No it's so boring with them. They won't let me bother them."

"Emmett let them sleep." Bella says pulling him away and closing the door.
"Thank god." I say.
"Mhm." Seth says laying back down to hug me.

About an hour later I wake up.
"No I'm still tired." Seth says.
"You can sleep." I say.
"No." He says sitting up while yawning.

I walk out and there's a pile of folded clothes for us to wear.

I throw the clothes at Seth so he can change. He goes into the bathroom and I change. It's comfortable clothes.

After we change we go downstairs.

Emmett smirks at us suspiciously.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"We're going to go hunting for your stalker." Emmett says.
"Oh?" I ask

Alice looks at me concerned.
"Yes?" I ask.
"He's been following you for a while but I still can't tell who." She says.

I look over at Seth who's expression is hard to read.

"We're going to go and see if we can find anything." Bella says.
"Are we staying here?" I ask.
"Yes some of us need to hunt so you two will be here alone."

"Don't have too much fun." Emmett says with a wink as they walk out.

"What do we do know?" I ask him.

"I don't know." He says honestly. "We can watch a movie."
"Or go on a walk?"
"I don't think we can leave the house."

"Movie it is." I say.
We sit down and his hands are on my inner thigh. He rubs his thumb softly.

I have the longing urge to touch him. Kiss him.

"Seth." I say. He turns and looks at me.

I press my lips on his. He grabs onto my waist and pulls me closer.

I feel ready. I'm ready to do it.

Im about to say something and I get a vision. I pull away.

"She's not here." The voice from before says.
"What are we going to do?"
"We'll find her soon enough."

"Oh my god." I say looking at him scared.
"What happened?" He asks worried.
"They tried to find me." I say.
"Oh my god."

"What are we going to do?"
"It's okay Jacob and the Cullens will be back soon." He says comfortingly.

He puts his arm around me and we wait for them to get back.

They walk in and I run over to them.
"They tried to find me but they couldn't." I say.
"What do you mean?" Edward says.
"Oh my god keep up." I say annoyed.
"I got a vision and they tried to find me but couldn't."

Alice and Edward look at each other and she shakes her head.
"What?" Bella asks.
"I can't see anything." Alice says.

"Shit." I mutter.

"You two should stay here longer." Esme says.
"What about school?" Seth asks.
"Go but you're not leaving alone." Bella says.
"Okay." I say. "I'll call Charlie and let him know. I'll be back."

I walk up and call Charlie.
"Hey dad." I say
"I'm staying at Bella's for a little while if that's okay."
"Yeah sure just make sure you have enough stuff." He says.
"Okay thank you."

There's a knock at the door. I don't move.
"What?" Y/n asks.
"Wake up." Emmett says.
"Why?" I ask not wanting to move.
"Cause it's morning."
"I don't care!" I yell.

"You guys better have clothes on cause I'm coming in." Emmett says opening the door.
"Get out Emmett." Y/n says sounding exhausted. I wonder how much she slept.
"No it's so boring with them. They won't let me bother them."

"Emmett let them sleep." Bella says pulling him away and closing the door.
"Thank god." She says.
"Mhm." I lay back down hugging her and falling back asleep.

I feel her get up.
"No I'm still tired."
"You can sleep."
"No." I say sitting up.

She throws clothes at me. I go into the bathroom and change.
After we change we go downstairs.

Emmett smirks. I look at everyone confused.
"What's going on?" She asks.
"We're going to go hunting for your stalker." Emmett says.

"Yes?" She asks Alice
"He's been following you for a while but I still can't tell who." She says.

I can't believe I hadn't realized before. Anything could have happened to her. I'm angry and disappointed in myself. But also relieved nothing happened.

"We're going to go and see if we can find anything." Bella says.
"Are we staying here?" She says.
"Yes some of us need to hunt so you two will be here alone." I look over at Emmett who raises his eyebrows at me.

"Don't have too much fun." Emmett says with a wink as they walk out.

"What do we do know?" She asks.

"I don't know. We can watch a movie."
"Or go on a walk?"
"I don't think we can leave the house."

"Movie it is."
I put my hand on her thigh.

"Seth." She says. I look at her and she kisses me. I pull her closer.

She pulls back quickly with her eyes closed. She's having a vision.

"Oh my god."
"What happened?"
"They tried to find me."
"Oh my god." They won't quit.

"What are we going to do?"
"It's okay Jacob and the Cullens will be back soon."

They get home and she runs over.
"They tried to find me but they couldn't."
"What do you mean?" Edward says.
"Oh my god keep up."
"I got a vision and they tried to find me but couldn't."

Alice and Edward look at each other and she shakes her head.
"What?" Bella asks.
"I can't see anything." Alice says.
"Shit." She mutters. That can't be good.

"You two should stay here longer." Esme says.
"What about school?" I ask.
"Go but you're not leaving alone." Bella says.
"Okay. I'll call Charlie and let him know. I'll be back."

She goes upstairs.

"Have you smelled anything different?" Jasper asks me.
"No, nothing." I say honestly. They look at each other confused.

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