Chapter 14

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Serenity POV-


I furrowed my brows at the cop sirens outside of the restaurant.  We've been sitting inside a little less than 10 minutes.
I understood why they were here but don't you think it should've taken a little less time than 10 minutes? For fuck's sake we could have killed a diner full of people by now.

I turn to the door to see 2 cops peaking me and Deimos' license plates.
I turn back around to see the freckled boy trying to hold in a laugh.

"Mom's going to kill us,"  I said holding my face in my hands.

"Not if they don't remember." He said
 I could feel the table between us lift a bit as I removed my hands to see the boy already walking out of the diner.

I allowed my feet to take away as I sped walk to the boy.  I leaned over his shoulder grabbing his arm, dead stopping him in his track.

"Are you crazy?!" I ask

"Fine then. Just wait till mom hears about this though." The boy said snickering turning his attention back to the table.
I contemplate the decision realizing my mom is far scarier than getting caught by a mortal.

"You better not fuck this up." I said pointing my finger in the boy's face.

"Well let's go then."  He said walking back towards the exit.

We pushed open the glass door to be met by the morning sun, as it was beginning to make an appearance.

Deimos and I gave each other one last assuring look before starting a conversation with the law enforcement in front of us.

"Is there a problem officer?"  The freckled boy asking holding his hands behind his back, raising a brow at the 2 men.

"Do you to kids own these?"  The dark-skinned man asks us.

"Yes, we do,"  I said giving the 2 men a pursing smile also holding my hands behind my back.

"Do you have your license?" The men ask us now with their hands on their belts.

"I'm afraid you won't be needing those,"  I said nodding my heads towards the now puzzled officers.

"If you don't show us license and registration, we'll have no choice but to take you back to the station."  The bald man said.  Bitch.

I looked at Deimos which then nodded his head. 
With my hands bending my back I swirled my middle and index finger into a circle, before closing my eyes. I saw Deimos do the same, as we both opened our eyes, mine filled with a dull grey, swirling within, almost like a never-ending galaxy, but only made of a matte grey.
Deimos was filled with black, a glossy black.  

Let's just hope no one sees this.

We smirked before turning to the men.
"Post haec memoria est played et ait haec delere orbem rigidum cogitationes ex toto corde tuo, et caput."  We said in a unison, each one of us staring into the eyes of the officers, with our fingers still behind our backs. moving in a replay motion before closing our palms tightly.

The Men's eye's turned a reflective white, as their head slightly moved back.  Their body went into a slump, still standing but their limbs went to rest. We took this as an opportunity to go back inside the diner so they would not see us standing in front of them, saving us the trouble of having to watch them as they forget ever being called upon.
They have 6 seconds before their mind catches play again.  I shut my eyes and feel the energy leave my chest, and exert from my body into the depths of the universe, waiting until I call upon it again.

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