Chapter 17

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Serenity POV-

"Is this even your car?"  The blonde asked as we began to approach MY car in the parking lot.

"That's a dumb question."

"Well, what fucking highschool kid owns a supercar?"

I snickered. "I'm not a normal highschool kid."  In fact, I'd personally consider myself just a bit older.

She began to open the passenger door, before carefully getting in.
"Well if this is your car then your house must be insane."

"You've seen it." I retorted recalling the party a few days ago.
I watched as the blonde raised an eye at me, causing me to chuckle.

"Do you think I just rented out a castle for 4 hours?"

I laughed as the girl flipped me off while bringing out her phone from the corner pocket of her bag.
I began pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main road.
"You wanna punch your address in smartass?"

And so she obliged, I waited for the oncoming cars as she gave me the address, it wasn't very far from my house, maybe only 10 minutes at the most.

I could tell she was annoyed with me talking, either that or being a sarcastic narcissist was just who she was.  But it didn't matter because I'm still going to annoy the fuck out of her.

"You do realize in order to pu-"  But she had cut me off.

"Shut up."

"I wasn't finished talking, but I bet you could make me fi-"

"I'm done listening."

"...As I was saying if we really want to pull off this play we need more chemistry."  I said with a small smirk tugging its way onto my lips.

"Nope, as long as you follow the lines we'll be just fine." She replied obviously seeing where I was getting at.

"Well, what if I just want to get to know you?" I said turning to look at her, the smirk still on my lips.

"Then I'd say no.


"You look like your used to getting what you want." She replied with a raised brow.

"I could say the same for you."

"My parents are dead and I've lived on my own since I was 14.  I don't get much of anything darling."

She sounds sadistic. How cute.

"Oh, I'm sorry..? I'm not good at these things, like sorrowful things?"  I replied in 101% honesty

"Yeah well, you don't seem good at much."

Ouch.  I could kill her in the bat of an eyelash...but I won't.

"Well... where do you want to eat?"

"There's a Chic-Fil-A  if you take a turn to the left."  She said now staring at her phone again.

With that I moved into the turning lane, waiting for the light to flash green, indicating my queue to go.

I turned my gaze to the girl in my passenger seat. Watching as she typed away on her phone. If I was a normal person I could mistake her for the Goddess. The way her curtain bangs swiped over the sides of her hair, falling back into her following strands of hair, fitting like a puzzle piece. The rest of her hair in waves.

"You have a staring problem." She spoke up still keeping her eyes on the device in front of her.

"I'd like to call it admiration."

"Huh?" She asked, tilting her head to the side, slightly furrowing her brows.

"When you see something that...per se... intrigues you, you admire it correct?" I asked. With that she turned her gaze to me, her brows still furrowed, she had taken few seconds to think about it before letting out a small murmur of 'oh' a small blush appearing on her cheeks, but her defense was never going to be let down that easily, for trying to reach the girl was almost as if trying to climb a brick wall that was completely impossible, as only the ones who had just simply walked around it got in, but there was no effort, no determination in that, I was not going to be like the others.

For if I got this girl there would be no others.


Extremely short. I know

Also its bene like a week idk? my bad</3
I've been really distant from reality, like I haven't been horny in 3 days.

anyways i love u all.


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