Chapter 28

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Serenity POV:

The feeling of attraction was fatal. You never were told when it would happen. It just does, like a train track your thrown in front of, and I say this because it hits you hard. You could try and run, but would only find the impact harder.
And here she is... standing in front of me, annoyed to death, with her blonde hair illuminating in the purple highlights of the room, her natural beauty truly showing, with her cheekbones sharp, and her jawline even deadlier. Her lips slightly pursed together as her forest eyes wander around the room, with taking every inch of the lights, every curve and corner of the walls, while I take in every spec of her beauty... how could her boyfriend not appreciate this?

When I was younger I found people always disliking roses for they have thorns.

But I take joy in knowing every thorn has a rose. This girl? She's just got a lot of them, and likely on your climb up you'll find a few rose petals falling down as if her love for life itself dies, as if someone hasn't been giving her proper care, and attention to keep her life sprouting and of course lively.

Whether she should admit it... everyone needs love, whether in a form of physical affection or just mental reassurance, it's always necessary for the human life to find its way around the world without a proper breakdown every 1-2 business days.
But many would rather watch there life wither away then ask for it, then receive it... because sometimes receiving the wrong love is more deadly then none at all: and that's what makes it such a weapon.

It's a drug, and the wrong time, the wrong amount, or the mixup could kill you, but in the end? You'll always come back for more.

"It smells like donkey nuts in here." Ace spoke, holding his gun in a single hand, while his vest lit up red.

Right now we were all standing in a laser tag arena, with purple, yellow and red lights illuminating the room. Giving the room an orange to blue hue from the left to right side. With small neon green graffitied words and phrases among the walls.

We had all chosen our teams of two, with Ace and Amare on the red team; Camila and Leyla on yellow; and Aurora and I on purple.
But to say these teams were made like a match in heaven was completely wrong.

"Nobody gives a flying fuck about what you want." Ace spoke. I swear this boy has a death wish from satan himself.

"Hell will have winter day before I'm on a team with her." She spoke back.

"Nobody cares."

I began "If she doesn't wa-" but was quickly cut off.

"She does."

"No I don't" She countered.

"I'll be on a team with Aur-" Camila was about to offer, but was cut off by the kick of Leyla's foot to her shin.

"Look's like there are no volunteers." Ace spoke with a fake pouty face.

"Yeah well it wasn't a fucking offer." Aurora spoke once again, annoyance growing.

"Whatever it was, is denied. Now teams have been decided." Ace finished, moving up to the counter to speak to the employee.

"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw." Aurora murmured under her breath.

Now we all stand here, waiting for the first buzzer to go off signifying 10 seconds we have to find a spot.




Aurora POV

With the sounding of the first buzzer ringing throughout the arena. I ran, but not before grabbing Serenity's arm, dragging her throughout the course with me.

I had stopped on the second floor in a corner where there was only 1 safe way in-and-out with a window on each wall around us.

The air was cool, and the walls were all surrounded by a padding now which was a change from last visit.

"A 'follow me' would've been nice... or maybe even a warning before you ripped my arm out of its socket."  She spoke, hands on her knees, slightly panting.

Panting... I want to see her panting; struggling to catch her breath, her back arching slightly and her thighs wrapped arou-

No I don't.

"Shut it."

"Yes ma'am... but before I do can I ask what your game plan is?" She questioned, now looking out the window wearily.

"Yes, I've been here a million times. I can guarantee you Ace is on the first floor hiding in the corner directly across from us, and I'm sure Camila and Leyla have no idea where they are. At the buzzer Ace and Amare are going to jump out like a mad men likely getting himself shot first, and with those ten seconds we have for his cool down, we can see where the shot was taken from finding the other 2... you know what? Just follow my lead."
I trailed, looking over to see Serenity looking at me, lips slightly parted in awe and her brows lightly furrowed.

"Well can I ask how Ace doesn't know where we are?"

"He thinks I'm on the bottom in the corner next to him." I said, cutting myself off as the second buzzer was being set off on another countdown.

"What if they know were up here?" She questioned again... this is getting annoying.

"Just shut up an-" but before I could finish, she had said two words which had caused my heart to skip a beat... she was annoying, and I hated this girl... but those two words, maybe I longed to hear them... maybe I needed a reason to act upon my silly thoughts and fantasies.  Maybe they would give me that closure I needed to just stop thinking of her In a way I didn't wish to.

"Make me."

So who would I be to pass it up?

With that,
I dropped the gun which was now only being held up by the wires attached to my vest.

It all happened in slow motion, the slow illuminating lights of the violet color radiating off of her chest plate, highlighting her skin, the tan color being nothing more than sin, temptation... beauty.

I cupped her jaw softly and slowly brought her head down to mine, watching as her umber curls dropped down with every inch her face got closer to mine, and in a second, her lips were on mine, moving in a deathly slow rhythm.
Her lips tastes as if they were nothing but perfection, there was no real sense to pinpoint the moment... her skin was as soft as a river in which held only desires...

Butterflies thrived in my stomach, moving around as if they had just grown wings, flying as if this... she was the summer they were waiting for.

Serenity POV

My heart go pitta-patta

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