Chapter 39

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Serenity POV-

My heart stopped, my veins twisted.
'What the fuck was that?' Where the night had gone wrong? I don't know, but I'm sure as hell about to find out.

City lights we're passing by. California looked lively as it always does. Stars stuttered among the sky as cars honked around us.
Everyone in the car was enjoying themselves, though I couldn't say I wasn't either.

Bottles of champagne stilled in ice chests.

Everyone was moving their bodies among the music as they laughed at one another. Homecoming was only a few stoplights away and even then Deimos was throwing bottles of champagne out of the sunroof.

Anything to party, I guess

My palms were beginning to grow sweaty, I've been nervous before as has everyone: I am a goddess but that does not mean I refrain from mortal feelings.
Infact maybe I feel then stronger, yet know how to keep them under stronger wraps.

Aurora and I had texted few times back and forth, which only consisted of me telling her I was nervous, despite the open vulnerability she had only continued to tell me to stop being a little bitch.

I actually got butterflies from that... OH WELL

Though once she did admit she was nervous, and my heart settled at the fact that the butterflies were mutual.

I was in the Limousine with Deimos, Amare, Leyla, and Camila.
Ace and Aurora would have come with us, but Ace had let me know they had some last minute problems and would show up together.

Which made me all the more nervous, but I tried pushing the feelings aside as we pulled into the school parking lot.
It was 8 P.M. take or give, and the stars were scattered among the sky. With no hesitation Deimos had hopped out through the sun roof, and began walking towards the auditorium, to tend to his mystery date.

One by one Amare, Leyla and Camila dismissed themselves to enjoy the dance, as I stood outside.
The air was slightly chilly, small swirls appearing in the wind as I exhaled nervously.

My feet began to look very interesting as I tapped my fingers against the limousine's exterior.
Watching as kids entered the building in groups, Duo's or even solo. Laughing violently as even some kids began to exit the building, seemingly already intoxicated.

That's highschool for ya

I heard the cracking of gravel shoot from behind me, the sound of tires rolling against the pavement caused my attention to shoot backwards.

The car had come to a halt, as I eyed it oddly, it wasn't any car I had recognized, though the parking lot was much farther in then where I was planted.

The car had tinted windows, causing it to be difficult to view inside.

I scoffed, lightly shaking my head as I turned my attention back to the ground in front of me.
My phone had nothing on it, so I was better off looking like a stood-up idiot.

My hands planted in the pockets of my trousers, I took a toothpick from my pocket, and placed it in between my teeth.

If I'm going to mysteriously sit out here, I'm going to look hot doing it.

Seconds had passed, I was tempted to just walk inside on my own. But I was haunted, nobody had exited from inside of the car prior, I was no stranger to self defense, but it felt chillier.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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