Chapter 36

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Serenity POV-


"Wait, how many days are you suspended for again?" Amare questioned, as we all sat in a circle in the middle of Ace's room...

For this boy being a walking mischance, he has a fairly neat room.

Sighing, she leaned back in Ace's desk chair. "I can go back next Thursday, the suspension started last Monday so it was like 14 days... nothing serious."

"Nothing serious? Why we're you suspended in the first place?" I asked, watching as Aurora's eyes trailed to meet Ace's mentally asking for help.

"I didn't get suspended, you tell them." Ace scoffed, his arms crossing as he leaned back into his bed.

"Even Ace is angry, girl, what did you do?!" Leyla giggled, while she laid her head in Camila's lap, her night-black hair sprawled out.

"That's what I'm saying," Amare said

"Yeah... I don't claim this negative energy." I laughed, listening as the room hummed in agreement.

Groaning, Aurora mumbled something inaudible under her breath.

"What?" We all spoke in unison.

Mumbling the same incoherent words, only this time a bit louder.

"Bitch if you do-" Ace perked up from his grey comforter

"I got into a fight!" Aurora interrupted, spinning the desk chair to face us, the bruised half of her face nearly faded.

The space going silent, as we all processed the information... Aurora is a little, no- VERY temperamental, but getting in a fight seemed a bit far-fetched.

...I take that back, I wouldn't put it past her.

"With who?" Amare asked

"Some football player, don't know his name, don't care enough to know." The blonde replied briskly, throwing a small tennis ball into the air, her head leaning back into the chair.

"She forgot to mention the janitor at the grocery store, her softball teammate, some girl she played against in softball, our gym teacher, some guy on a motorcycle, some guy at the club, some girl in her drama class, our school janitor, some Karen at the mall, some Karen at her softball game, and last but not least, she was jumped by that football player's little entourage."

"Well did she win?" Camila asked, a grin as she watched the blonde before laughing at her carelessness.

"She just beat half the town to death and that's what you worry about?!" Ace asked, his hands sitting in his hair frustratingly... he looks stressed out, that's kind of funny.

"But for your own knowledge, yes, I won all of them," Aurora answered, flicking a pen back and forth between her fingers while she smirked.

"She's literally a walking intrusive thought." I joked, watching as the room of people giggled, while Ace rubbed his face before sighing.

"Why don't you tell her off?" The curl-haired boy whispered to me.

"Uhhh- because that's hot," I retorted.

"Well she only listens to you, I-I'm begging. I don't know how much more of this pyscho bitch I can take before I turn her into the police myself." He whispered harshly to me, feeling for his stress I sighed, before standing up.

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