Valentine's day-Chapter XIII

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Slowly you blink a few times before snapping your eyes wide open. Mumbling a few words you try to sit up. The moment you move your arm you get pulled back. Groaning you stare at you arm. For some reason your skin is decorated by harsh scars. You're laying flat on your stomach with your arms in chains. Around your wrist, cold metal wraps around it. Your arms are stretched in both directions, forcing you to lay in a uncomfortable position. You failed. You recall the memories. Yeah. WitherMU must've knocked you out. Great. Just perfect! Now you're surely in some stupid hideout. You just hope the others are okay. But now you gotta care for yourself. You shove the youtubers in the back of your mind, to focus on what's happening. For some reason your eyesight is horrible and you feel nauseous. They probably have drugged you. To weak to pull on the chains, you just lay there. It's not dark. You're in a small cell with one window behind iron bars. Everything is gray and boring. Behind you is a door. A normal iron door. You guess it can be opened from the outside. Finally footsteps sound. You just can't decide if that's good or bad. You do your best to look behind you. In your blurred vision a person steps in. You just see neon green. "H-help." You wince. Without a word the person frees you from your chains. Drowsy you stand up. A second passes till you nearly trip. The person catches you. Now that you can finally see him from close you still can't recognize him. Brown hair. Is it just a hallucination or does he have no eyes? Neither a mouth. He lets you lean on his shoulder, supporting your weight. Both of you walk out. You pass a hallway till you step into a room. You pass it and enter another hallway. It takes terribly long till you reach another iron door. The unknown stranger lets you lean on the wall. He grabs a lever from his backpack. He magically sticks it onto the wall. He pulls it, forcing the door to open. The stranger grabs you again, dragging you out. Outiside you recognize other people. Sky...Mitch, Bodil, Ian and Jordan. "Sub that was amazing!" Sky squeals. Sub? Quickly you stare at the stranger again. You should've known. Green clothes and no face? Subzero. What the heck is he doing here?! Well it's stupid to question that since Jordan and Bodil are here to. Wow. Subzero always seemed to be so mysterious. Seeing him wont make a difference. "C'mon we gotta go" Mitch hisses. With the help of Bodil you do your best to run with them. You just memorize half of the route unfortunately. You're going streight through a forest. (And now re-writing again -.-) As time passes you notice that the neausea is slowly drifting away as the bad eyesight. After a half an hour you're able to walk freely again. For the first time you speak up again. "Where are we going?" Is your first question. "I don't know, just out of here." Mitch informs. "How long was I gone?" You ask. "Long enough to make us worry about you. I think it was a month. By the way it's valentine's day" Sky replies. "A-a month. Holy crap." You shiver. Wow it's valentine's day. Great. You don't even have someone to celebrate with. (-.- if I would need to celebrate that I'd be crying in a corner. No one likes me.) Whatever. It's not like that's important right now. It's weird thought. Why don't you remember the month? You stare at your arm again. Long scars decorate it. What happened?

~time skip~

After a lot of walking and asking the youtubers, questions, you arrive at a city. Through the walking you discovered that all of the youtubers except them went missing. They hoped to find you at herobrine's mansion, but instead found you. Horrible. Who knows what herobrine would do with them? You read a random sign. "Welcome to Gengacity. Where the light never goes out." You read aloud. Okay? The buildings are decorated with flat screens on the walls with neon lights. There are many skyscrapers around. At the moment you take a step to the guards you notice something different about them. They aren't covered in iron armor, no, they are dressed in armor with golden decoration. On their chests are roses strapped to them. Valentine's day. Rose bushes bloom on each side of the path. You bow down and pluck a rose. You nearly cut your finger on a thorn. You snap off the big throns. The red of the rose even seems to glow. You glance back to see the youtubers agruing with a guard. You feel so sorry for sky. Leaving them alone you step into the city. Everywhere people in couples visit all kinds of shops, cafés and restaurant. Suddenly a single person bumps into you. You look up to stare into the person's eye. (No we aren't doing any romantic bullshit :P) Red. Like really bright, hurting red. His face is covered in brown fur. Jerome's. "J-jerome?" You stutter and stare at the bacca. "It's you again." Jerome rolls his eyes. "We thought you were dead! Think about how Mitch felt!" You cry. "Mitch?" That catches his attention. "J-jerome?" Mitch behind you squeaks. "No." The bacca shuts his eyes and sighs. Suddenly Jerome dissolves into smoke and floats away. It's that shadow again. "Dammit." You mutter. "Jerome's alive!" Mitch squeals. "I gotta find him." He adds and runs off, following the shadow. "Wait!" You squeak and attempt to follow him, but you quickly loose him in the crowd. (Now it's the 15th but I don't care. Still counts as valentine's day in the book) You swirl around. Great now you even lost the remaining youtubers. Facepalming, you try to get out of the crowd. Success. A word catches your vision. 'Help!' Is repeatedly written in the air, somewhere in the crowd. Subzero. You run back inside and knock a few people to the side. The shadow Jerome is there, already trying to slit Subzero's throat for some reason. As quick as you can, you kick the diamond Betty away. You grab one of Jerome's hand and throw him on the ground. The shadow Jerome grins before materalizing into a cloud of smoke to fly away. "Are you okay?" You ask Sub. He nods, recovering from the shock. Subzero could've died. Right there. Your face becomes pale for a moment before your skin returns in it's normal color. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder. You look back to see Sky and the rest. But Mitch is still missing. "Let's call it a day. We'll search for Mitch tomorrow okay?" Sky says and leaves. Quickly you and the rest follow Sky into a new hotel. You pay for two rooms. You get to stay with Sub. Unfortunately your bag is gone, with our weapons. While Sub takes the couch as a bed, you sleep on the bed. But you can't sleep. All those questions annoy you. Where is even Seto? Where are the others? You stare at Sub that's silently sleeping. You try once again to sleep. You lay down and close you eyes. Before you know it, you fall asleep.


A new dream haunts you. In the dream, you are sitting quietly on the bed. Sub is still sleeping. You think you probably just woke up. You feel something heavy on your back. Nothing. You could swear something was there. A little startled you stand up. You blink. At the moment you open your eyes, the room seems different. Way different. You smell a strong scent of blood. Your hands are covered in red blood. Startled you back away. You stare at Sub..He's dead.

~dream end~
Me: Why do I do such stupid authors notes?
Sky: What?
Me: I know this chapter is short but forgive meh.
Sky: -.-
Me: Whatever. I hope you enjoyed this anyway. It's a filler chapter so it isn't ment to be awesome. I think after this chapter plot twists will start and shit will happen. LIKE RLY. The dream is just a hint. YOU DIDN'T READ THAT!

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