Rescue time-Chapter III

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Today was a mess and now? Huh they found a stairway to a strange basement with chests in it You run down the stairs and look around. The walls are made out of cobblestone. There are a few torches on the walls and there are like 20 chests in there. But the most are empty. Everyone claimed that they have found a diary with their name ontop but they couldn't read it because nothing is written or drawed in there, just blank pages. But still you think this is quite strange because you heard that no one was actually in Minecraft before. You think about everything strange that happened and list them. There was the burning book, the beds, not full names ,especially by Jason, Sky and Ty, carved in, the strange villager behaviors against Sky and the diaries. 'What is hapening?!' this was all to strange to you. You was the only one without something special. You are relieved but also jealous because you was just someone standing there not able to do anything. You get ripped out of your thoughts when someone upstairs yells something. Quickly, thaking two stepps at once, you run up the stairs again. Still panting you try to focus on what Seto yelled. 'Sky is gone' came into your mind. 'Yes thats probably is it' you walk over to Seto and ask whats wrong. "Sky is gone and I have a feeling that he isn't somewhere safe." He snaps. "Maybe hes walking around the village" you try to convince him. "After how the villagers treated him? Seto is maybe right" Ty tells you also finally here. "Do you think we should search him?" Ian asks impatiently. "Yes. Who wants to come with me? Quentin?" Jerome looks at Quentin. "Me? No. I feel still dizzy like someone throwed a level III nausea potion at me" Quentin sits back on his light blue chair. "Okay Mitch and y/n? Ty?" He questions. "Sure" you, Ty and Mitch say. "We have no weapons!" you remember then. "Its dangerous to go alone thake this!" Jerome giggles handing you an iron sword. (anyone got that Loz reference?! No? Oh well then thats just me) "Thx" you thank him for the sword. Mitch has a bow on his back and a dagger in his pocket while Jerome has a iron axe. Ty has an iron sword. After saying your goodbyes your small group walks out. The sun is allready setting. "We better get going!" Mitch sneaks past a house into an endless wildflowers field. When you reach the forest with different kind of trees you stop and glance around. Monsters spawn in and walk derpy around not noticing us. "Well they are stupid" you mutter. "Guys look at that crowd of zombies. That doesn't look right. Should we inspect it?" Ty whispers. "It does look strange" you admit. "Yes we go" Mitch exclaims and pulls back an arrow on his wooden bow. You sneak closer to the crowd of zombies and listen closely. You hope silently that it wasn't Sky or one of those cute kids. "Let's attack at 3...2...1..Go go!" Jerome whispers/shouts. Quickly you pounce on one of the zombies and slice it's head off. You side step avoiding the hand of a zombie trying to hit you. Fast you dig in your sword into the Zombies skull. Now to the last one. It has full leather armor on. You pull your sword out of the previous zombie's head out and strike at the zombie. You slice a deep cut into the zombie's right arm and quickly launch again your sword aiming at its skull. After you have killed the zombie you turn around and see a twitching, blood couvered something. The others also have finished chopping heads off and walk over to you. 'That can't be Sky...or is he Sky?' you wince at the thought of him being dead. Ty yelps and knees beside the person holding his head up. You look closer at the bloody corpse and find a faint purple glowing. You also sit down next to the twitching person and swipe the blood away from the purple glow. It is an amulet. You turn it around and read Sky carved into the back of it. "G-guys...I-it's" you stutter. "Who is it?" Mitch asks probably allready knowing who it is. "It's S-sky" you tremble and lay your head on his scratched chest. 'Du dun. Du dun. Du dun' you hear faintly. That means he's still alive. Happy you look up at the others and say "We need to bring him home now, or else he will die!" Surprised Jerome gets down and lifts up Sky. "Then lets get going I will run ahead because im a little faster,

being a bacca." As fast as he said that he runs off carrying Sky in his arms. Ty stands up and looks at me and Mitch. "Let's go" his voice sounds like broken glass. "Sure" Mitch turns and walks away. You couldn't tell but you think Ty was crying about Sky. You couldn't see his face because of the darkness. 'How did I actually knew how to fight with a sword?" you ask yourself. (You must be wondering: Everfall! Why can I chop of heads so majestically?! :O Well heres your answear:) 'Maybe its natural' you convince yourself. 'No that can't be' you snap. 'Maybe because my MC character can fight with swords' 'that's probably it' you accept. Far away you can allready see faint lightes from the torches in the village. As you come closer you hear a door being slammed open. That was probably your bacca friend. You run the last blocks to the big house. You see a crowd of villagers trembling in fear. "we are not a game." you hear one whisper. "Poor Sky..." an other says. "It all resets" one cried/whispered. "But maybe it doesn't reset! Maybe he is dead as..." "y/n?" You bumb into Ty. "sorry, but did you hear what the villagers said?" you ask. "yes" he blankly nods and walks in. You join the others in the house and lock the door, that none of those awkward villager storm in. "Damnit" you hear Mitch yell. "What?" you ask worried. "Y/n please go out and find a doctor that would save Sky, none of us knows anything about zombie bites." Jerome tells you. 'You didn't notice until now, that Sky was bit by a zombie' you shiver at the thought of him turning into a ugly cannibal. (I would have laughed ,when I wouldn't be at this condition, at the thought of zombiesky) You you skid out of the house and climb on the low roof. "HEY, LISTEN!" (*claps* Congratulations you are the new Navi) the most villagers look up to you. "I know a few of you would like that Sky dies but we not! I have no idea why your acting so strange! Sky here needs help, is anyone a doctor?" you yell at them. No one answears or even moves. 'I knew it' you whisper in your thoughts. 'This is all so messed up' "I've never seen a village with no doctor" you tell them prompting. "Or would you like zombie sky, spawning every night, breaking your doors?" you ask them. All of them nod. "What the in the nether happened" you curse. "Do it for bajan canadian!" You try to convince them. You hear a loud hey, from Mitch downstairs. "He wouldn't like to save Sky neither" one yells and the others nod. "Mitch could you get up here and bring Sky with" you yell in the open door. You hear a groan from downstairs. "And the others exept Ty and Jason" you hope that the villagers didn't know their name because you suspect that something is also wrong with them because of the names on the bed. You hear a thud and see that Mitch or soneone brought Sky up on the roof. You run to him and pick him up. You really need to wash your hands and everything afterwords. "What are you even thinking? We have no time for this!" Seto yells at you. "Watch and learn" you smile evil and him. "Ok I present you Sky" you pick Sky up. "Catch" you motion a throw but you don't. Mitch and others reaction: O.o omg y/n.

The villagers flinch but don't move. "Would you show the doctor when 'your heroes' tell you that you should save Sky" You ask them. A few of them nod, the others stay there not moving. You look up to see the sun rising again. 'Thank Notch' you think 'at least someone has mercy' You pull Mitch, Jerome, Quentin and Ian to you. "Now tell them" you look at them. "Uh hey...there" Quentin rubbs his neck. "Can the doctor please save Sky?" Jerome and Mitch say at the same time. One of the villagers shrug then steps up. "Don't do it! Remember last time!" the villagers scream at him. The villager waves his hand then says "Im the doctor. Lets do this" "finally" you mutter. "I will get my stuff then come back" the doctor says. "He lost it..." the other villagers say. You jump down grinning at Mitch and others. "See?" you laugh. "This is so wrong.." Ian picks up Sky and gives him to you. Ty runs to you "And?" he asks. "yes" you answear. "You two" you point at Jason and Ty "get up and hide" They both nod and run the stairs up. They fold it afterwards. You swipe the stuff on the table away and lay Sky ontop of it. You sit on Sky's chair like the others also did. "How did you know?" Jerome asks you. "I'll explain later" you giggle at their confused faces. Later the door knocks. Seto runs to the door and opens it.The doctor has a white robe on with a black luggage in his hand. He walks in and places the luggage on the table. The doctor glances at Seto in confusion "Why didn't you just do it?" "Do what? I am no doctor" he replies. "No, but youre a sorcerer"

Ugh hope you've enjoyed and vote for it or even leave comments. that would help alot. Like that cliffhanger? XD I was laughing my *ss off by the talking with the villagers. I will update later today if I can.



Wow I didn't even correct this cuz I didn't need to edit it :P


Au revoir

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