You can't save them-Chapter XXXXVI

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All YouTubers glance at each other, deciding what to do with the army. Seto doesn't want to join the fight, since he's occupied with the forced field he set up against a god. Parts of the army form into some battle position but some seem lost. They don't want to die nor join y/n. They just can't. Magma is right. Notch created humanity. He wants them to fight for life. They don't need someone to watch permanently over their lives. They aren't kids who need to be protected by parents. If they die, they'll go to the Aether. Heaven for Minecraftia. Minecraftia is a huge place. There are servers. Like there is a whole Mianite thing going on with 3 other minor gods. As well as Brony craft or pokemon. It's a wide world. But if you die. You either go to the Aether or to the Nether. Not many go to the Nether. (Bonus book material)
For a moment no one moves. Only the sound of the whistling wind sounds. Both sides glaring at each other. Skybrine is the first to take a step. He grins when some of the knights back away. Here he goes. Skybrine runs up to the first knight with a speedboost. He kicks him like a football across the world. He boosts himself over to him, ending his life by ripping his heart out. Some of the army react and charge him, avenging their friend.
•Star, Mystic and Willow•
They're hiding behind the throne listening carefully. When y/n leaves with her new members they step out. Only Seto's in the room. How the heck to they want to defeat him?!
"I'll just do s simple knockout I guess..." Star whispers. Mystic and Willow feel a bit useless, since they haven't got magic to use. Suddenly Seto notices them. "How..just how." Mystic groans. "Sneaky." Seto smirks. "Distract him. Just do something" Star whines and starts picking up strength. "Star. Do you really think you can beat me? I tought you everything. I know your weaknesses" Seto chuckles. Mystic and Willow go into action by full out tackling him. He quickly blasts them off of him. None of them are willing to hurt him....they just can't. But he does. He uses telekinesis to pin Willow to the wall. Mystic tries her best to summon a small fire on her hand. Just with a small touch she burns Seto, distracting him a bit. Seto reacts quickly and sends something against Star. Nausea sets in. Star quickly looses balance and concentration, causing her to drop to the ground. "Different plan. Distract him and I'll teleport." Star exclaims. They just need to distract Seto just short to make the force field fall for a second. At the same time Mystic unwillingly burns Seto, Star vanishes into golden pixels. "You've done it." Seto snarls.
Star reappears in the middle of the Querlin City plaza. She hasn't used teleportation since a looong time. She tends to not be noticed by many people. Being someone who can do magic is something special. A few citizens stop and stare at her. Some just shrug it off and walk further. Star glances around to make out where she is and where the King's castle should be. Far off in the distance, a castle rises. It's halfway covered in thick pixelated mist. Star wastes no time and runs towards the huge castle. She gets stopped by a few guards. "Stop. Who give you the right to enter this sacred place of our god Notch?" A knight asks harshly. She didn't think of that to be honest. Teleporting in there would make everyone notice her. Then she has no chance. What to do? They're knights right? Don't they know what's going on. "I need to speak with the king. Don't you know where most of the knights went? Why didn't you go with them anyway. We need help from Notch or a whole army is doomed." Star tries, trying to sound promising. The knights exchange nervous glances. "We'll go ask him. Wait out here." One of them says. "I can't wait! Half of them could be dead now! Magma is dead too!" Star cries, trying to pass the remaining knight. "M-magma is dead?" He says clearly shocked by the news. "Yes." Star says harshly. "...w-we must wait..." He gulps. Star curses quietly while she waits for the knight to return. Suddenly a hand pats her on her shoulder. She turns around quickly, facing the person. It's the god himself. "So you say they're in danger? Y/n returned?" Notch asks confused. "How can you not see that?! They're at Herobrine's mansion!" Star rushes. "Herobrine's mansion? I've never heard of that...I guess he's able to hide stuff from me. I don't know if I can get in there, Star" Notch sighs. "You have to try at least. If not for the army, for the heroes!" Star shouts. "Fine. I'll see what I can do." He lays his hand on her shoulder. They dissolve into nothing, getting teleported into the forest surrounding the mansion. He places a hand on an invisible wall. The forcefield. "What's this?" Notch mumbles getting shocked by touching it. "Seto's forcefield" Star explains. "So...what happened to him?" Notch asks. He doesn't know shit about what happened in there. He can watch everything but just not the mansion. "All heroes are evil. That's why this is a huge problem. We need you to save your creation." Star pleads. "I don't know if I can break this" Notch sighs kicking and hitting the force field. It seems to crack each time he hits it but it's not enough to break it. Suddenly someone inside the first hurries over to the forcefield. Terror is written on the knights face. His arm got brutally chopped off. Whatever is going on in there, isn't good. Notch stares at the knight in terror. He really didn't know anything of this. Notch picks up all of his concentration. With on last punch he shatter the force field. Not even a powerful sorcerer can stop a god. Star behind squeaks slightly. Maybe this day can get better. Notch kneels down next to the knight. He places a hand on his head. In seconds everything in and by him heals. Part of dark and creepy forest changes to a nice forest with flowers everywhere. The knight gets fully healed. "T-thank you" he gasps, bowing. Notch just smiles and head deeper into the forest. He doesn't get affected by any of the traps and hallucinations. In minutes he arrives at the blood soaked battle field. No it's not even close to a battle field. It's a playground for the monster who were called heroes. One after another the knights die in a horrible way. Notch just raises a hand, making them freeze in their tracks. Notch takes his time to inspect the place. He hasn't seen so much death and despair. "Notch?!" A voice cries. It's y/n. She just stepped out of the mansion to see what happened. "Y/n. We meet again." Notch smiles, approaching her. With the flick of his wrist the YouTubers are able to move. Hissing and growling they approach Notch. They don't even seem to have any sanity left in them. Nothing human is recognizable in their doing. The remaining knights kneel down to their creator. (I guess all of you are expecting an epic battle with y/n against Notch don't you? I'm not good in writing battles... No) "What happened here?" Notch asks. No one replies. Not even y/n who's nearly exploding with anger. "Y/n. What did you do to them?" Notch asks once again, treating y/n like a dog who just destroyed Notch's favorite slippers. (I seriously love to do that with my dog. Make my dog guilty. Sometimes for no reason....Dx I'm a horrible person) "...What I wanted. Revenge." Y/n finally replies cooling her tomato red face. " didn't save me." Y/n snarls. "I didn't. I didn't understood the world back then. I thought you were dead." Notch simply replies. "Can you make them turn back. If so. Clean up this mess." Notch demands pointing at the YouTubers. "They deserve to go home." Notch claims. "...I can't and I won't." Y/n says. "You can't?" Notch gasps, approaching Jordan. Without getting bitten or scratched by him, Notch inspects him. "What have you done.." Notch gasps. "Can you save them?" Star asks already knowing the answer. "No." Notch sighs. "Y/n. Is this what you call ruling? I created mankind not to be waiting for a god to save them. They need to make and clean up their mistakes and not count on a god to do that. What you're doing is wrong." Notch says. "I probably understand your humans better than you do. You know it." Y/n hisses. "This is not Mianite. This is the real world. They don't rely on a god." Notch exclaims. "And this is not your world. This isn't your people. They will never live you. You tried so hard to make them love you. You felt lonely. Left out. I understand to be honest. What they did was bad. If you want your place back. This is the time for it." Notch offers. "And what does that exactly mean?" Y/n asks. "Belonging to them. You kind of ruined it. Maybe you'll find ways way to fix them. I can offer you a ticket to the real world. Don't you want to go home? You were a lot happier there. To be what you wanted. Nothing special. Just a fan." Notch explains. "The real world. What's that?" A few people ask. "A place you never want to be. It's way different then here. Y/n belongs there." Notch says. "STOP IT! I won't allow that" Herobrine snarls, teleporting in front of Notch. "Herobrine. What do you want?" Notch groans already annoyed. "She doesn't deserve that. It'll only help you! So you don't need to care about the trouble! Just dump it into the so called real world!" Herobrine snarls. "I've waited for this moment. Listen up idiots over there. Kill them. All." Herobrine orders. The YouTubers set into motion again approaching the remaining knights. "If I need to I'll rule the world. None of you can kill me. Fight me." Herobrine laughs. "Star. Go find it. His heart. He's not entirely immortal. His heart is living in a different person. If you find it. Kill it." Notch demands. Star backs away startled. She should take care of such a task? Finally she nods. She doesn't really have much of a choice does she? It is hidden where Notch can't go. Where? The Nether! Before she can leave someone stops her. Or something. It's Everfall. She bit her arm. (Take that star xD) Star pulls her off quickly. Why isn't she on her side now? Did y/n not change? One thing she knows she needs to teleport. Now. She grabs her staff and hits the wolf multiple times on the head. That still doesn't do. It just makes it wilder. Star glances around for Notch. He's still right behind her. "Can't you do anything? I can't go like this." Star says. "I can't control her. I can only control my creations." Notch explains. "What is it then?!" Star cries trying to hit the wolf. She uses her magic to catch it's fur on fire. Yelping the wolf drops off and starts running around in circles. "Shouldn't there be portal somewhere in there?" Star wonders and runs over to the mansion. As soon as the wolf extinguishes itself it runs after Star. Star swings the huge doors open trying to avoid the battle. Inside she meets two familiar faces. "Willow. Mystic? How did you guys survive that? Anyway...I need to go to the Nether." Star sighs. Willow and Mystic crawl out of their hiding spot to follow Star. They search the entire mansion to find an obsidian portal. "This is it. I've never been there before." Star gasps. She doesn't waste any more time and steps into it.
Me: mwah. A chapter. I dunno. This didn't even sound too great. whatever. Good enough. God. I'm already starting to search for all things for the books that will follow after this. Prequel or Sequel? Two of you already told Prequel. If anyone of you want both. I'll do both at the same time....yeah. BTW the bonus book will have stuff like Mianite and all that crap. BTW. Jordan will play a role in the Mianite mini series if there will be one :P And there will be secrets or other stuff from this book. I feel like the biggest loser of all. XD why am I doing this?! Anyway. Cya in the next chapter.

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