Meeting the impersonation of insanity-Chapter IX

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"We lost Jason!" Sky yells. "Yes captain obvios" You sigh. "2 down I guess? How many to go?" Ian groans. I toss your sword away in frustration. "We are never getting further we are just loosing to......monsters....Since when did we let someone treat us this way?!" You pout. "How the heck did you do that?" Sky says. "Hm? What?" You stare up at Sky's sunglasses. "Y-your sword..." Sky stutters. You glance at the direction you threw it. It came atleast 30 blocks away. A sword is at least 4 kg heavy so It's surely hard to throw it that far. "I guess I got lucky" You tell them as if it is the most normal thing in the world. "Whatever.." Sky sighs. Seto in the other hand still stares at you. You ignore his precence and suggest to go back and eat something. But still loosing Jason is very hard to forget. You and the others leave the place you left Jason. You just hope he's fine. Right when the structures of the village appear, you quickly notice something is wrong. A fire broke out and now the houses are starting to burn. Great...Without a word you start running towards the houses! Something under you made a clicking sound. You glance down. A pressure plate. Then BOOM! A tnt sets off and blasts off part of a house. "Holy crap!" Someone from the youtubers scream. "Oh no.." you sigh backing away from the pressureplate. You are sure that you caused the explosion. You hope noone got hurt by the explosion also if you highly doubt it. (Fuq logic) (DEFYING GRAVITY *flys to space with....a spoon *-*) You quickly run towards the destroyed house. "Is anyone inside or hurt?!" You scream. Soon you hear a quite whimper. Someone is definitely in there. Without realizing the danger of catching on fire you storm inside. The house is at least 3 stories high. Dodging a few burning chuncks of wood you run up. Noone is in the first floor. On the second floor are rooms. "Please. I'm here to help. Give me a sign where you are!" You shout. "We're in here" you hear a voice yell. Male. Age unknown but he doesn't seem that young. You take a wild guess and storm into a random room. Noone. You go out and try the next room. Quickly you notice a person under burning planks of wood. You run over to it and kick them off. "Thanks" the person says. He surely looks like he's around your age. He's really dusty so that you only can see limited details. He opens his arms and a puppy jumps out. It's a vanilla colored dog. Not like a wolf. Smaller and with flat ears hanging down. "I thought we were a goner." He pants. "Let's get out" you snap and avoid getting hit by falling wood from above. You 3 run out just in time. You nearly trip a few times because you are trying to think whom this voice belongs. You swear you've heard it somewhere before. All youtubers are allready outside waiting for you. But they curiously stare at the (I'm always trying to decide wether to say guy or boy...heh) new boy. "I'm Jordan by the way." He smiles also if he's covered in ash. He sticks one hamd into his pocket and snatches a pair of sunglasses out of it. It's red. He puts them on. He really reminds you of someone. The others also seem to know him. Mitch is finally the first to recognize him. "You mean J-O-R-D-E-N right? I mean.....are you captain sparklez?" Mitch asks. Jordan and his sunglasses. You should've recognized him! Aww. "Uh........if you say so. Noone ever called me that. Maybe you just thought I am someone else." Jordan says. "B...but you're a youtuber" you try. "Youtuber? What's that?" Jordan asks. Sighing in disapointment you walk away. You sprint into the center. Many guards in iron armor are circling someone. You try to pass them to get a glimpse of the person. "Hey! Girl you better get to safety we will take care of this monster. Everything is fine. Please join the others in the bunker." A guard says and pushes you back. "No way!" You shout. Mitch runs over to you. "Hey! Can't we help somehow" Mitch asks. "Ohhhh! It's the great bajancandian!" The voice from the creature in the middle growls. The accent does somehow sound familiar....C'mon you swear it is a youtuber. You start wrecking your brain for any answers. Someone with a weird accent. "You know you wont succed. We're rising again. This time Mitch, you won't be able to escape the rightful god of this puny pathetic world." The stranger starts to laugh. "BODIL!" You scream. That laugh. You could recognize it miles away. "I thought noone would know me." Bodil chuckles. "What?!" Sky yells. Finally Jerome pushes a guard away. He has a diamond axe. So called Betty. "Oh Jerome. The boss asked me to pick you first" Bodil laughs. "Never" Jerome growls showing his now sharp fangs in his mouth. Since he's a bacca of course. "What happened to you?" Sky asks. "I woke up like this. No memory. Just one purpose. Get the girl rule the world." Bodil replies. "What girl?" Mitch asks. "I don't know. I'm going to find her. Just to have the best place next to the lord."Bodil says. "That's so sick!" Jerome yells. "More like stupid.." Sky moans. You try your best to catch a glimps of Bodil. You jump up and down causing the others staring at you awkwardly. Finally you catch a glimpse of Bodil's corpse like body. His body is entirely covered in blood and dirt. He's slumped on the ground with a single diamond sword and a redstone torch in his hands. His sunglasses are half broken. But still he's wearing his normal minecraft skin. Just one question crosses your mind. He looks like a nightmare. But after all this. He still has a wild smile on his face. First Captain Sparklez then Bodil. How many other youtubers are in this?! You really want to know who did this. If you would ever meet him you would personally beat the crap out of him for making the youtubers suffer. For what?! They brought joy into kids eyes and saved others from depression or even suicide. (Like me.) THEY-DONT-DERVE-THIS! They are your heroes to. WHO WOULD DO THIS. Turning them into killing mashines. Why...just..why? "Hey is anything wrong?" Jordan asks. "Yes! Everything is!" You scream. "I just know one thing. I will find that girl and protect her! No matter how stupid this seems. I can't watch all my idols turn into this! " You cry and glare a Bodil. "You seem serious about this. May I join your quest?" Jordan asks. "Sure!" You smile. Atleast something bright about this day. "So what do we do with...uh Bodil?" Sky asks. "Maybe...just maybe.."Seto mutters. "Let me see" Seto says and passes the guards, toward Bodil. He raises a hand and holds it at the direction of Bodil's hand. He shuts his eyes. Suddenly he swipes his hand to his left causing Bodil's right hand to throw his sword away. Bodil just laughs on. "Pathetic. So pathetic. You sure are a surprise to me. I never thought you would come this far to-" Bodil starts but gets interrupted by Seto. "Oh shut up. Stop whining and just surrender" Seto rolls his eyes. "Fine. Me Bodil 666 will be back for revenge. Have fun with the pathetic little troll king." Bodil grins and lays down on the dirty and bloody grass. Seto approaches him and rips his allready broken glasses away. Bodil's wild grin fades away and he blacks out. "What-have-you-done?!" Mitch yells. "He'll be fine." Seto smiles and raises the sunglasses in the air. "Me Setosorcerer has won the first round." Seto laughs. "Every single one of us has a special something that will make us obey Herobrine. He's behind this." Seto explains. "Same for Bodil. Damn Herobrine." Seto mutters. "Shouldn't we just destroy it?" Sky asks allready heaving unconscious Bodil up. "Impossible. Unfortunately. No way to break it. It will restore itself." Seto replies frowning. "Awww" you moan. "Let's bring Bodil back. Are you sure he's normal again?" Sky says finally dragging Bodil out of the circle of guards. The guards are really confused. Seto just nods. You rush over to Sky and help him to bring Bodil into the house where you normally stay. You drop him on the couch. People allready started repairing the village. Luckily your house stayed untouched. "When should he wake up?" You ask. "Uh I actually don't know but it wont be short." Seto answers. "Okay, till then I'm sure I will able to find that girl." You smile. Jordan peeks in the door. "Nice place..uh..hey?" Jordan says. All the youtubers just curiously stare at him. "Come on in. It's not like we're hiding anything." Quentin says. "Okay" Jordan says and steps in. "I sure want to go to sleep first. If you want you can stay. Also if it doesn't make sense." You yawn. "Yeah It's not like I know anything around here. I just woke up a few days ago with no memory but with one purpose again. But different then Bodils. Save the girl save the world. And just stuck with one name. Jordan. I just hoped i could find nice people around here. Seems like there are." Jordan smiles. "Great. We could use help." Mitch grins. "Okay when that's settled. Good night" Quentin says and walks up. "Oh and we do have space here. I think we have a bed free. If you don't mind you can go to sleep." Sky says. Nice people. You walk up and wrap yourself in Deadlox's blanket on his bed. He surely doesn't mind. At least you hope so.

ME: It has been a looong time!
Sky: Took you awfuly long to find a new camera.
Me: Shut up.
Sky: *looms over camera* Too bad it won't last long.
Me: NO BACK OFF. *hugs camera*
Sky: *talks in a dark voice* I will succed. MWAHAHHAHA
Jason: So when are you futured in the book
Me: I'm looking for a right spot
Jason: Awwww
Me: Whatever Plottwists will follow
Sky: BY THE WAY! Please don't forget to leave a like- uh vote
Mitch: Or just Comment
Quentin: See ya next time
Sky: BYBYE *snaps camera away and starts smashing it on the floor*
*screen turns black*

Still I hope you enjoyed a comeback of you and team crafted more will follow ;)

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