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You wake up. Your eyes open, letting you see. Your in your room. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. You stand up to look at yourself into the mirror. Instead to see yourself as Everfall, you're back to normal. Well, yourself. You smile. Finally, the spell must have wore off. But where's Everfall? You glance around, soon spotting her laying on your bed. It's a wonder you haven't noticed her. You decide to wake her up. Carefully you shake her shoulder. In less than a second she shoots up alert. "" she stutters, staring at her hand. "The spell must've wore off" you shrug. "N...not possible" she gasps. "Why?" You question confused. "Uhm..." she starts. "I'll go tell Seto" you smile, leaving the room. You run out, meeting some youtubers at the entrance of the main building. "Hey" you grin. "Y/n. Waow you're back!" Seto greets you, surprised. "Everfall is also back, right?" Mitch asks. "Yup." You reply. Shortly after you said that she appears next to you. "Bonjour" she smiles. Only Mitch and Seto seems
to like her to be back. "Great. One problem less to solve" Seto sighs. "Not exactly, but...yeah.." Everfall mutters. "One thing I've never asked you, what's your name? I mean that one you got from earth?" You ask her. " not ask me that" she mumbles. "Whatever. What should we do today?" You question everyone. "I dunno. Everyday something happens, we'll see. I'm hungry, let's go eat" Ty grins and walks into the main building. Throughout the whole breakfast you notice that Everfall, across from you, isn't eating anything. Instead she's gripping her chair and she is keep glancing at Ty at a other table. "Are you okay?" You whisper. "No." She responds as if she'd be forced to. "Uhm...what's wrong then?" You ask. Suddenly the leaning thingy on the chair snaps, causing everyone to stare at her. "Excuse me" she winces before leaving. You and Seto exchange nervous glances before deciding to follow her. You look around to search for her. She's surprisingly nowhere to be seen. You, Mitch and Seto decide to split up. You finally decide to begin in the prison. You push the iron doors open and quietly listen. Yup something's in here. You go to the higher level to finally find her standing in front of the wall. 'I'm Enderlox' is written with blood on the walls. Before you open your mouth to speak, two huge wings materialize on her back. Yup, definitely Enderlox alike. She spins around glaring at you. Her eyes have a color mixture of gold and purple. "......w-what happened" you stutter. "Master is back. Her wrath is going to last. I failed her.....I am Enderlox" she speaks. Her voice changed too, two voices at once are talking. Hers and Enderlox's. "What's with Everfall?" You question. "She's barely strong enough to fight me. Till I get out of her, she's probably gonna be dead" he smirks. "" You moan. "My master is the best in possessions. I really miss her. I can't wait!" He smiles. "Too bad she's not gonna be back" you hiss. "She already is" Enderlox grins. He quickly grabs your waist and shoots through the roof out. On the way his skin changes. Every single hint of Everfall is gone, replaced by Enderlox's skin. How the heck did he do that?! You don't even dare to squirm around, if you fall, you'll be dead. "She's not here. How do want to explain me" you growl. "She's damn clever. You don't remember the month we kidnapped you. No. We had just enough time to speed up your memories. If I'm correct you'll be back in a month. Maybe you don't notice it, but she controls at night. She sends out orders. Everfall didn't just murder out of no reason, she's been ordered to. She's wearing her stupid dogtag. The best thing is, she didn't even figure that out yet. I wish you could hear her cry now. Maybe I can speed up her death by this cuz she needs to concentrate to stay alive. On the way she'll start to think like me. In some time she'll let go and I'll be double as strong. Hmmm...Master put me in her to make me more controllable. Those really stupid dog tags. I'd rather enjoy my brothers" Enderlox hisses. "Why does everyone hate her so much?" You wonder. "Because she can never decide on which side she is. AND her stupid personality switch is getting the best out of me. Like once we've been full out on murdering a city, before you and your friends came, in the middle of it she just decides to stop. We've been in trouble for over a week! Okay...maybe she isn't that bad the whole time...she has her sneaky dark sides. Damn, when she knew what we felt" Enderlox trails off at the end. (Rly wattpad?! Lag?! Brb gotta fix this shit)Yeah even you have to meet admit that she's not that bad at all. Everyone made their mistakes. After chatting and soaring though the sky for about 15 minutes, Enderlox drops down to the floor. (I finally found out why it's lagging. My stupid classmates can't stop spamming whatsapp. *turns WiFi off* nailed it) You're now in a dark forest. It's so dark. If you would be in legend of Zelda, you would think that this is the lost woods. You already hear the lost woods song and Navi annoying you. Not literally thought. "Where are we going?" You question. "Somewhere you can't get out of. Herobrine's mansion" He chuckles. "Why can't I get out?" You ask. "A forest surrounds it. It's like the lost woods. It will make you hallucinate. It's pretty hard getting out of it without any help at all" Enderlox explains. He grabs your hand, pulling you alon through the forest. It's no lie. It looks like everything is repeating itself. Sometimes you even spot something lurking around behind the bushes. Finally a mansion appears in the middle of the forest. It's dark and seems abandoned. Vines wrap itself around the stone pillars at the entrance. Skeletons, Zombies, Wolves and other hostile creatures guard it. It's exactly a house you wouldn't want to go in. Enderlox pushes the door open, pulling you along. Inside multiple doors lead jnto different kind of rooms. Wither skeletons with full iron armor and a spear, protect the rooms. Infront of you are two large wolves, probably 10 times as big as normal. They are guarding a huge blood red door. Enderlox knocks before opening it. He pushes you harshly in before closing the door. He bows down. Confused you look straight forward to meet two bright white eyes. He dismisses Enderlox sending him out. "Y/n. We finally meet again" Herobrine smirks, approaching you. You wish you could punch that stupid smirk out of his face. "I guess Enderlox informed you well enough am I right?" Herobrine asks. You nod, trying not to seem weak and scared. You don't really intend to speak, because that could result you stuttering. "I guess all we can do is wait." Herobrine sighs. "May I bring you something?" Herobrine asks, bowing. Seriously, it feels weird to have one of the most powerful person of the universe bow infront of you. "Yeah you can bring me back to my friends." You joke. "I'm terribly sorry, but I may bring you back Everfall" He replies in a serious tone. You think for a minute before responding. "T...that would be good I guess" you mutter. "Where's that little Enderlox?" Herobrine hisses, searching for him. He walks out of the room. Could you really just ask for anything? At least you can get Everfall. She may just be able to help you, plus thay would keep her alive, equals that Mitch, Seto, Ian, Quentin and Jerome wont butcher you for her being dead. Suddenly Herobrine enters the room, dragging Enderlox with by telekinesis. With a flick of his wrist he turns back to Everfall. "Here you go. You may ask me for anything you want. Just call me" He says and leaves the room once again. Everfall collapses to the ground panting heavily. "It's like running a marathon" she hisses. "I kept forgetting who I actually am. It's a forever lasting batyle of memories" she groans, standing back up. " you know a way to get out of here?" You ask. "Nah. They didn't tell me. We have to do something about you. I just don't know what" she sighs. "I don't even want to sleep anymore" you moan. "Understandable. I don't want that freak Enderlox to kill me" she whines. "I wish someone would care to bring my memories back. Maybe I could've even helped..." she trails off. "What would you even want to know about your past?" You ask. "Seto said that I wouldn't like the truth but I really want to know. Also about who you were. If there is one who knew best about you, everyone said it was me. I dont want to be leaded blind with my dogtags....cuz I know it will lead me to my death" she sighs. "Let me show you the prisoners. If there is something we can do, we can save them from insanity" She suggests. "Prisoners" you repeat dreamy. You both leave the room. She leads you down a stairway to the underground part. Far off in the back she opens a iron door. From the inside you could already hear pained screams. Behind the iron door is a long room with cells. To your right and left are people. Innocent persons. Some are hybrids, but you can see that they aren't naturally made like that. Most of them are heavily wounded and covered it dark blood. "W-why are they here?!" You gasp. "The strong ones will become hybrid warriors...the weak ones who don't get through the test...well...they'll be fed to you" she explains. "Fed?" You ask confused. "Uhm...well you've heard from Enderlox that if he posseses me and makes me die, he'll become twice as strong. If you'd be back, you could be about 100 times stronger." She tries to explain. "Test?" You question further. "Torture, experiments...well quite everything that belongs to a nightmare. I was once the strongest. That's how I made it to you." She answers. "You aren't even a hybrid" you notice. "I don't know yet. Maybe if I get my memories back, I'll be able to know what I can do." Everfall sighs. "Wow.." you mutter, not being able to process the information. At one cell you stop to notice someone banging on the iron bars. "Let me out!" She yells trying her best to break everything in her way. "Easy. Calm down" Everfall tries. She looks at Everfall with pure hatred. Her blue eyes scaring you. " you. EVERFALL! I swear if I get out of here I'll kill you!" She roars. "You're not the only one" Everfall rolles her eyes annoyed. "Who's she" she hisses, pointing at you. "Oh..yeah..she's y/n. Unfortunately the friendliest person on earth" Everfall interduces. "Look, we don't mean any harm. We'll get you out of here" You promise. You can't really recognize the girl cuz she's mostly covered in mud and blood. Suddenly next to you Everfall starts twitching. In seconds she turns back into Enderlox. "Great" you whine. The girl let's out a terrified scream before you backing away. "I'm sorry y/n, but you're not allowed to do just that" He growls. "Who is she?" You demand. "Mystic. She's new. She was a knight. She has a huge will to live for good. Too bad she's gonna change in one of those beasts. What was she going to be? Uhm. I think it was some kind of fire dragon if I'm correct" Enderlox replies after pondering over the question. "Let her out. She doesn't deserve this" you growl. "Nah she doesn't. I'm afraid I can't." Enderlox replies, he grabs your arm, pulling you back out. "Give me at least Everfall back" you snarl. "When I've brought back her memories. Herobrine wants that, not me. There could even be a possibility she could take over then." He whines. "How do you want to do that?" You question when he drops you back down in a new room. "This. If this works. We'll also get back your memories. She's a test experiment" Endeelox says. You glance around the room. Like many other rooms it's bloody. If this was a horror film, you could've guessed that this is the torture chamber.
Sky: Hey guys! Its me Sky. Since Everfall has done the authors note alone last time, I'm responsible for this one -.-. Yes, Mysticxxminecraft 's OC is in.. Yay. I'm also working on Everfalls memories too. Great. Maybe the next one will be a bit gory... Not to hurt the majesty. I also hope this has cleared up some questions in your mind. If there's something you don't completely understand, please comment for Everfall. Don't forget to vote! Bya!

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