First hideout

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60. 59. You watch as the countdown slowly descends to 0. Already trembling in fright, you glance around. "Waow..." your voice trails off at the end. It's beautiful. The golden cornucopia is the middle, is shining in all it's glory. Inside it is food, weapons and all sorts of things you can imagine. Around the conrucopia island is crystal clear water, with white sand underneath. A cobblestone path leads to the conrucopia. Around the center of the map a huge wall of dirt rises. The water around the cornucopia is filled with water from the waterfalls. But you don't see a way to get out. How should you get over those walls? You don't even want to try, climbing a waterfall. Well....first you should get something from the conrucopia. The players beside you are Enderlox and Everfall. While you are ready to sprint, she seems terrified. You won't even judge her, since Seto said she's different than normal. It makes it hard to look at her normally. She's a traitor. Maybe. 10...9...8...7...6....5....4....3...2....1...GO! You sprint off, rushing to the golden cornucopia. "TEAM UP!" Mitch yells. When you arrive, shortly after Mitch you grab a bread and a dagger. You don't even search for more when you feel Enderlox looming over your hunched over back, with a sword positioned, to stab you. With the moves of a snake, you sidestep just in time. Enderlox just smirks and let's you run. You even hear him say "Oh, you're death will be a lot worse than what I could've done" He whispers. You avoid every enemy and focus on following the group behind Mitch. You stop by the wall. "Where do we go now?" Mitch moans. Suddenly a huge tunnel forms in the wall. It leads into a forest. Well heres's your exit. You just run.......for a long time. It even starts to darken when you stop. When Mitch counts the group, he notices someone missing. "Where's Bashur?" Mitch winces. Suddenly the green melon arrives. Without a word, he falls down, face first. He's been stabbed. And you know that sword. You should've been stabbed by it. Quickly you crouch down and wrap the youtubers chest around yours. He gurgles something like goodbye, before evey sign of life, drowns out of him. You shut you eyes. You even feel tears streeming down your face. You know well that he'll be alive after this, but still, having someone die in your arms isn't the greatest thing. He didn't even deserve to know who he is. A loud boom gets you out of your thoughts. "We gotta get going." Mitch sighs. You drop Bashur's corpse slowly to the ground. Before dropping him entirely, you pull out the bloody sword. You dont want Bashur's death to be useless. When you wipe away the blood with a leaf, you discover that something is carved in it. 'May the odds be in your favor'. Shrugging you take it with and rejoin the others. On all of their faces are bitter sadness recognizable. "We've gotta go further" Ashley says. You and the others continue your way, but slower. Finally when night breaks in you find a cave. "Let's rest here." Okward suggests. "It's actually an obvious place to stay, but I think the others are occupied with the goal to find stuff. Let's rest. I'll take the first shift" Quentin volunteers. "I'll stay up too!" You say with a rushed voice. "Then it's settled. Just wake me if you need anything." Mitch gives a weak smile before entering the dark cave. None of you dare to make a sorce of light. Not even Seto. Seto does wind up to put some weird protection field for a couple of hours before he falls asleep. Now none of you are safe. Except you and Quentin, everyone is sleeping, well at least you think so. In the time you start to think about Bashur. That poor guy. Dead already. You wonder how long this will take. You have a sword, but what now? Find food? Go on a killing spree. You don't really like to think about someday killing someone. Also if they are evil, they were and still are your idols. You change the topic. Why are you here? You're not important and no one knows you. Everfall even said that you aren't her master. Who are you then? Why are you here? Why did Seto bring you here? He said he'd only bring the people responsible to the disaster in minecraft. You repeat the question a few times.
"Who am I?" You finally say aloud. Quentin immediately stares at you. "Uhm...everything okay?" He asks worried. "Yeah...sry..just...yeah..everythings fine..." you mutter. "What do you mean with Who am I?" He ends up questioning. "I don't know. Sometimes I just think about why I am here? What's my purpose?" You sigh. "I promise that when we get out we'll find that out. I'm sure you're here for something. You're so kind.." he trails off. If you could see in the dark, you could've seen him blush. (Hulalala :P) "I'm tired. Let's wake up Mitch and Ashley" you yawn. "Yup." Quentin says. In the complete darkness, you shake the person next to you. "Mitch!" You yell/whisper. Mitch let's out a groan before waking up. "You awake?" You ask. "Yeah..." Mitch sighs. Relieved, you lay back and quickly fall asleep.
♡♥♡♥ time skip ♥♡♥♡
"Y/N! C'mon wake up! We gotta go!" You faintly hear someone yell. Instead of fully awakening, you roll to your side, snuggling with something soft. It warms you up so you don't mind to go away. You just wrap yourself tighter to it. You let out an awkward purr, before falling asleep again. Little did you know that, Seto is looking terrorized at you. Faintly you hear a snicker. "Seto, you just became a pillow" Mitch laughs. Suddenly you snap your eyes open, to stare directly into Seto's. "WAH!" You screetch and let go of him. You jump up. "IM SO SORRY!" You yelp. Your face turns into 50 shades of red. Seto sits upright with a puzzled face, deciding if he rather liked your presence or not. (:P) "Shut up Mitch!" You cry. It takes a while till Mitch fianlly stops. You don't even dare to laugh. You're still in your worst nightmare: the hunger games.
After waking up the rest of the youtubers and constantly apologizing to Seto, you head out. You breathe in the fresh air. Occasionally you even hear a bird singing it's songs. You carry your sword along, always reminding you of the loss of Bashur. "What do we do now?" You question. "I've heard that there are chests hidden everywhere. We need to find them" Mitch says. "Let's split up in groups of 4" You suggest. "Yeah. Cuz when they find someone, they won't find all" Ashley agrees. You build a group with Mitch, Okward and Ashley. "Let's meet us back here at night" Seto suggest. You all nod and go in different directions. Your group stays silent on the way. Suddenly Mitch yelps up. "I found one!" He yells. You stare up. He's on the top of a tree, looting a chest. "Hm. Only a poisoned potato and a cooked porkchop" Mitch informs. Shortly after he drops down. "Whatever. Better than nothing." Okward smiles. You stare at the potato. It has a green shimmer, surrounding it. Frowning you drop it. It's useless. Soon you find a little pond. In the water you see a chest. You step into the cold water. It's remarkably warm, like in a bathtub. You open the chest to find a golden axe, a wolf spawn egg and tnt. "Cool, finally something good!" You grin. Right when you raise the items out of the water, another cannon fires. Who was it this time? From your group? You shiver. Who of your group could've possibly died? "Let's head back" Ashley suggest. Through a small opening of the trees, you notice that it's getting dark. "Yeah let's go back." You agree.
♡♥♡♥ time skip ♥♡♥♡
Exhausted you reach the cave. Far inside you meet two other groups. You need to knock down two blocks of stone before entering. "One is down" Bodil grins. "Who?" You question. "We killed Ryan" Jordan says. "Oh kay.." You place back the stone blocks, to seal the way. Its actually a safe hiding place now. They've even placed a fake chest infront to make it seems like it's a hiding place for a chest. But only a wooden sword and a poisonous potato is in it. Inside this cave are torches on the wall and leather placed on the ground. Ian seemed to find a chain chestplate. Good enough for this day. You gave the golden axe to Mitch.
After talking a lot with the youtubers you decide to sleep. Seto and Ian are taking the first watch. A little bit further away, next to Ashley, you lay down to rest. After listening a bit to the boys conversations, you fall asleep.
Me: Oh oh another chapter!
Seto: You really needed to include that part?
Me: Yeh cuz ur so cute
Seto: -.-
Enderlox: Seems like you guys got Ryan. He's anyway not hard to kill :P I'll be waiting..
Everfall: Sure you are. As well as me. ^-^' Whatever. Slow updates are going to be going on cuz of so many tests in this week! And plus I've just readed a whole 5 nights at freddy's fanfic, inspiring me to do my own. If there is any fnaf freaks out there please watch out for it. It'll be a reader insert and a chapter should be coming tomorrow *-* I'm so excited also if no one's gonna read it.

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