Escaping-Chapter XXXXIV

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Mystic & Willow 3rd person:
"Heyyyy..." Mystic mutters, shaking her cellmate by her shoulder. Willow shoots up, glancing around alarmed. "It's Tuesday" Mystic reminds. "Already? Wow" Willow gasps. "It's Mr. Isaac day" willow sighs. Eating up her piece of bread. "And what are you going to get today?" Mystic asks, pulling on her stitched on wings causing her curse when pain holds her back from taking it away. "I don't know. He said something about wings. Me being kind of angelic y'know? I hope it's nothing too bad. What's about your fire power?" Willow asks, brushing the dust away from her own wings. "Oh I think I'm capable of using it a bit." Mystic smirks, summoning a flame on top of her finger. "Great. I'm not really looking further to take more of your medicine" Willow groans, leaning her back on the stone wall. They've got a plan. Since they've found a guide through the forest, they've been trying to get out. Willow has been taking Mystic's dose of the thing. The guards around don't really care much about them anymore since they are all focused on the YouTubers. They would just pass by dropping of the syringe full of it. Someday Mystic would be able to melt off the bars, keeping them from escaping. They've also figured out an escape route. Since they are cellmates and work at the same job, they could focus on making plans. They saw a big enough hole to crawl out. With the guide it should be easy to leave this place. Maybe then they can return to the knight academy and alarm the Knight's to get the heroes. "So when do you think you're ready?" Willow asks. "I think tomorrow. But we need to wait till Wednesday. I can't wait getting out of here. We'll be honorary knight. Imagine all the people...this will be great" Mystic dreams.
Seto's POV.:
I watch as all the YouTubers leave and come back time to time. Mitch still won't talk. If he keeps this up he could starve...I have to ask Vipera what she did. What if she did something wrong? Isaac probably doesn't know anything about it. But what now? I don't even know if I need to go to Isaac. It seems like they don't want to do any modifications on me. At least I hope so. Like wtf would they want to do to me? I'm already a sorcerer. If I would get something too powerful it could destroy my powers. As soon as Ryan limps pass my cell, I know it's my turn. His batman suit has been brutally stitched onto him. He kind of look like herobrine in a batman suit. I chuckle slightly at that thought. Wait...why did I actually think that was funny? I guess even I can have dark humor too. The blaze passes, unlocking my cell. When I pass the multiple cells, I spot two knights curiously staring at me. I think one of them is called Mystic...the other seems familiar too thought. I shrug it off and follow the blaze. We pass Isaac's room, surprising me slightly. The blaze opens Vipera's room, shoving me in it. I get a new power? "Seto....welcome back" she mutters, fumbling around with her potions. "What's with Mitch?" I already ask. "Mitch? Yeah. I've heard he isn't accepting himself yet. I promise he'll be fine in a week or so." She replies. That doesn't really answers my question. "What did you do?" I ask again in a little harsher tone. "Giving him the blood of a necromancer." She replies. "You do know that will kill him. If Notch finds out..." I start but trail off at the end. "He's dead. Notch doesn't know he still exists. Only Okward lives." She says. Okay...maybe that would work. "....why am I here?" I finally question. She laughs a bit. "I don't know why I'm doing this. I'll end up being accused for you all murdering each other....You know way too much than everyone else. And you hope too much. Against everyone you're living this too easy." She replies. "Murdering each other? As if someone would dare to that." I roll my eyes. "The future can be changed. I need to." She finally turns around holding up a potion. "This should do." She grins, shaking the potion making the liquid sway side to side. "And what does it do?" I question further. "So many questions but not enough time. Unlike the other you won't suffer from the effects of drinking it. You'll notice why. Use your head if you can still think straight then." She snickers, giving him the potion. "Drink it lil'sorcerer." She demands. I stare at the blood red liquid for a while. No it's not blood. The liquid is way to thin to be blood. What is it then? When I shake it, black smoke or shadow breaks free, bursting the potion open. Okay...shaking it isn't the best idea. She still stares at me curiously. What if I make a run for it? I would surely be capable of burning her face off...but then? Would it be worse? Okay...I don't have much of a choice then. I quickly pour it into my mouth. Surprisingly it thickens, making me gag horribly. It stings like if I would eat fire. After forcing it down the pain lightens, letting me breathe normally again. I still feel it I'm my system, burning everything on it's way. "Good luck" She mutters before the Blaze walks in, pulling me back into my cell. Just one question fills my mind.
What the heck did she do to me? "And?" Most of the YouTubers ask me. "I have no slight idea. I went to Vipera....something is terribly wrong" I whisper with a rather hoarse voice. Vipera's sentence keeps repeating in my mind. Murdering each other.... Why? How? Who? "Ian?" I ask, returning to my corner. "Yeah?" He replies. "How's it going?" I nervously ask. Maybe I can just distract myself. "Fine...I didn't need to go today.." He mumbles. "Why?" I question. "Isaac said t would be to early. I wonder what he means. I hate it when they always keep secrets to us." Ian sighs. "Yup. All of them just won't tell us what they are doing to us. Oh...and about Mitch. She said he would be fine in a about a week." I reply, hiding what she said about killing each other. We both fall silent. No one else is in the mood to speak and interrupting their rest would be rude. After eating a soup for dinner, I fall asleep quickly.
---morning 3rd person---
"Everyone! Wake up! New day! Stand up and get to work!" The same metal hand guy yells, waking everyone up. He unlocks all cells, to let them out. It's not like they can go anywhere. "WOHOOO! IT'S WEDNESDAY!" Willow can't help it but scream. She can probably get out of there today! "Someone's happy..." Seto mumbles, standing up. They all part and join their small group. On the way Seto notices Joe being around. Turned. Corrupted.
Mystic and Willow are the only one's with a smile. They can get out. Be heroes for once! They work near the outside, by the animal cages. There is a indoor lake that leads to the outside. Their job is to fish. To escape they need to go through the small lake to get out. There is a small hole. Unfortunately it has been noticed and protected with bars, when a previous prisoner tried to escape. Mystic has the book she once found by Vipera. It tell exactly what to do to travel through the forest. Their normal boss encounters them. He glares at them for moment before returning to other prisoners. He's a fish hybrid. He can breathe underwater. Both girls pick each a fishing rod. They sit down at a small deck. They've been doing this job for about 2 weeks. It's the best since yet. Before they needed to breed animals...yes. Already by reading that you know you don't want to do that job. All kinds of fish swim in that water. It's kind of dirty and unclear unfortunately. Mystic and Willow wait till their boss starts arguing with the new animal breeder. They know him. He's also a knight. To be honest he's kind of cute and nice, but they have no time to take him with. They exchange looks before diving into the rather warm water. It's hard to see. They stop by the iron bars, keeping them from the outside. Mystic grips the iron bars, melting it off. Like planned they shortly reach the outside. Mystic opens the handbook of the forest. Not to much detail is in there, but better than nothing. There's only one path through it. By an oak tree with no leave. When you go left from it and go just straight you'll get out. There will be hallucinations like trees, persons or other stuff. "Sounds easy" Willow mumbles, squeezing the water out of her white hair.
"Did you hear it too?" Seto asks Ian. They're both back in their cells. Working time is over. "Yeah. You mean Mystic and Willow right?" Ian replies. "Yup. I knew it. They were so happy this morning. I wonder how they plan to get through the forest" Seto says. "I hope they call help...." Bashur groans. "They probably will anyway. They're knights."
"We're here..." Willow moans, running her finger along the stone walls of the knight academy. They've been traveling through the entire night. They even stole horses. Mystic's the first to see the still closed gates. They still have to wait for them to open it. The knight acedemy is practically a castle. Rooms and towers of stone make a huge square. Everything inside it for training. Mystic has been there since she was 9. Willow since she was 8. It doesn't matter what age. You can join the Knight's army anytime. Most orphans live here since they can't go anywhere else. Willow and Mystic slump down by the wall and wait tills the gate opens. It's still quite early. The sun is just about to rise in any minute now. Suddenly a loud creak sounds before the gate gets pulled up. The white haired girl jumps up surprised and walks over to the gate. "HOLD IT!" A knight yells, nearing her. He has his sword unsheated. The knight sees her as a threat since she's partly soaked in her own blood and her weird angel wings stitched on her back. "Wait. I need to talk to Magma." Willow says. "Who give you the right?" He asks. "Me. I'm one of the knights who went missing. I'm...willow." She sighs, whispering her name. Not even she can really claim the name hers. She changed. "Willow? There is no willow." The knight says. "How about Mystic?" Mystic says, finally joining her friend. " that you Jake?" Mystic asks, quickly recognizing one of her bullies. "Mystic? Oh Notch. You look awful." He snickers. "I would've loved to see you there. You'd probably deserve that. I need to talk to Magma. I know where the heroes are. I've met them. IN PERSON! Hah. Top that." Mystic snarls. Jake let's out a soft growl before letting them enter. "Home sweet home." Willow sighs in relief. It's been way to long. She grew up here. This is her home. She pulls Mystic with her, leading her to the main tower. They pass some gaping knights, before entering the main room. The moment they step in, all captains and their leader Magma stare at them. Both girls feel a bit uneasy standing in front of all the most important people at the knight academy. "How d-" one of them growls but quickly get interrupted by Mystic. "We know where the heroes are. I've met them. I've been kidnapped 2 months ago. Remember? I'm Mystic. We've been trapped in Herobrine's mansion and we escaped. If we don't do something now the heroes will be our enemies." Mystic says, bringing up the point. Magma stands up and dismisses all captains. " know where they are? Tell me exactly what happened." Magma demands with a soft voice. She's very kind and gentle but when the moment comes she can kick ass. Mystic and Willow try to report everything they know. "We need to do something then. I'll set up groups. Go rest in the infirmary." Magma says surprised. They nod and head out. The moment they exit the room through the door, someone pulls them roughly into a corner. "H-" Is the only thing they can say before the person reveals himself. "You're Mystic and Willow right?" He asks. "End-" Willow screetches, trashing around. He quickly silences her by stuffing an apple in her mouth. (Problem solved 10/10) "I'm his brother not him." Ty sighs. "Please listen" he pleads backing away. "You could've just said so and not stuff an apple in my mouth" Willow sighs, eating the apple. "What are you doing here?" They ask. "Hiding..partly. It was my job to actually warn the art about the heroes. Unfortunately they would not believe me since I look exactly like my twin Brother. I mean no harm. In fact I'm friends with the heroes."
Me: Meh. A rather shorter chapter since I want to bring one out today. I hope that this is okay for you Willow and Mystic. :3
Sky: I'm actually glad you've added some OCs. It's great to involve readers into the book.
Mitch: Yeah. We're actually needing some OCs for the prequel and sequels. Please add Any OC you like into the comments.
Ian: Yeah and plleeeasse comment and vote and follow and add and love....
Me: -.- Why do I need to write this with you again?
YouTubers: Cuz we're so fame *puts sunglasses on*
Me: Whhaatever. Pardon. I hope you've enjoyed this chap. Bya

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