How many sorcerers do you need to complete a spell?-Chapter XXI

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It takes you about 2 long hours till you reach Querlin city. Finally there. People just sometimes stare at you awkwardly. Nothing new. You with Mitch, Jerome and Seto walk past the stores. The people in minecraft sure a more creative than in the real world. By one shop you stop and stare into the window, blocking your way to the GAMESTOP. There is a gamestop in minecraft. Awesome! Not even Seto can stop you from bursting inside. Game over games rest on the endless shelves. The games are nearly the same as in the real world. You pick up a game that chatches your attention. The awakening is written on the game cover. Why does it seem so familiar to you? "Can I help you?" A voice from behind asks. You turn around to face the shopkeeper. "Uh. No it's okay. Thanks thought." You respond casually. When he leaves, you agree to leave aswell. Maybe you'll visit it later again to buy a game. You've heard that they have a gaming room somewhere. You didn't check it out since yet. You pass another row of shops. The last shop in the row, shows you what you desire. A potion shop. Smiling you enter it. Shelves are filled with different colored potions. Some potions seem like the liquid is made out of smoke. Some even bubble or have extraordinary colors. Seto walks up to the lady that works here. "SETO?!" She bursts out. How could she recognize her? Did they have their little sorcerer romance? (No xD) "So who did it now?" The girl bursts out laughing. You quickly recognize her. It's Star from the first village. @xXStarinaGalaxyXx She's dressed in a lovely light blue hooded cape with a white loose shirt underneath. Her huge hood is pulled most way up her head. "Whatever. We need a cure. It was a mistake..." Seto groans. "Let me guess. Those silly guys in the back, destroying my potions, are Mitch and Jerome?" She giggles. You look back to see Mitch and Jerome staring and sniffing at all kinds of potions. "And who's she?" She points at you. "Oh. I'm just a random girl that doesn't even belong here" you reply, smiling nervously. "Belong? Everyone here belongs somewhere. So, master, how many cures should I give?" Star asks and turns around to face the shelves. "How many are we?...whatever. Just give me about 10 just in case" Seto responds. "Here you go!" Star turns around holding 10 potions. They are all pink colored. It seems so bright, as if it would even glow. Seto takes a few gold nuggets to pay with them. "Thank you and good bye!" She yells happily when you leave with the cures. "How do you know her?" You question. "Oh. She was my apprentice after we saved her. She was one of the best I've ever seen. Always so...positive." Seto smiles, dreaming in her distant memories. "Saved?" You repeat as a question. "Like I once said. To lead an army against it's will is hard. Herobrine has his tactics. Corrupting them. Some are hard to save. Like Everfall. She has those symptoms. She's a hard nut to crack. Must've been very loyal." Seto replies, sighing.

~time skip~

Finally you reach the mysterious empty village. "How do we get up?" You ask. "Good question" Seto notices. "Great." Mitch moans. Suddenly an arrow zip past you, to the ground. "MITCH! Think! What's your talent?" A voice from above yells. All the youtubers on the island are staring down. The one that's yelling is Everfall. Surprised you tilt your head. "Talent? I don't have a talent." Mitch replies. "A bow!" You snap. "Oh yeah. A bow. As if I ever could shoot an arrow straight" Mitch rolls her eyes. "Seto! Let me down. I'll help! I swear! Right guys!?" Everfall from above yell and nudges the youtubers next to her. "Just let her down! She apparently knows how to get them up!" Ty agrees. You glance over to Seto. "Fine. Since you're here" Seto replies, glancing over to you. You raises a arm. I a blink of a second the nearly invisible purple barrier vanishes. Everfall picks up speed before jumping down. She lands next to you. "Gawd. That adrenaline rush. I'll never do that again" She whines. She stares up from the ground to Mitch. "Take this bow. It's mine but whatever" she sighs. "Jerome. I couldn't get Betty for you but here's my axe. Take care of her." Everfall growls. She hands over Jerome a enchanted golden axe. "Mitch take aim. Even if you don't know it, you still can shoot an arrow better than anyone. Self experience" She sighs. "Where?" Mitch asks. "Jerome. Throw him up." Everfall says. "You serious? I could never be able to throw Mitch. I can't even lift him!" Jerome protests. "You have the strenght of a bacca. Try it." Seto continues. The female bacca steps up to Mitch and lifting her up with no problems. "How?" Jerome mutters. "Mitch. You'll see a button on one the trees. It's painted red." Everfall informs. Jerome picks up strength before launching Mitch 5 blocks in the air. Mitch doesn't think twice before letting go of an arrow. Jerome catches her before she would crash on the floor. Everfall claps. "You guys do great. I'm sorry y/n but I have nothing for you. Well actually I do." Everfall smiles. She takes off her necklace. "What? That shouldn't even work?!" Seto gasps. "My master isn't around. Well...kind of" she replies. "But how? Y-you..." you start. "Shhh. You'll figure it out. It isn't hard to solve the problem. Let's face it. I'm stronger than you." She smirks. "Cya!" She yells. On the way past you she drops of the necklace with dogtags. "WHa?! WAIT YOU CAN'T JUST!" You scream. No you can't let her leave. You sprint as quick as you can to her. Suddenly she turns around. But before you can grab her she vanishes into black smoke. "SETO!" You yelp. She just stands stunned there. You facepalm. Finally you notice the huge stairs, leading all th way up. "That's what the button is for" Mitch gasps. "GUYS! If you didn't notice, Evefall just went!" You yell and wave your hand infront of their eyes. "HEY!" Quentin agrees, running down the stairs made out of obsidian. "SHE JUST LEFT!" Ty screetches. "She did?" Seto tilts her head to a side. You roll your eyes. "Just make sure we're not going to die. If herobrine finds out..." you stop. No. You shake your head, to loosen the thought of what herobrine would do to you. Corrput you like Everfall? Well she didn't say it was from that...what then? Doesn't matter. "Just drink the cure" you sigh, giving up.

~time skip~

After all return to their normal gender you all sit down on the couch. Thinking about today. Outside it got dark already. Hostile nocturnal mobs started spawning. "Tomorrow we should get ready to go. We have no time to waste." Seto says. He already putted on his normal clothes again. All the others also. Sub, still feeling guilty as ever, stays silent. "Guys! Ashley! Omg! Ashleymariee!" You hear Ty yelling from outside. "Seriously?!" You jump up surprised. Quickly you rush out with the youtubers. Indeed, kneeling on the ground is Ashley. She's awake with her eyes snapped open in fright. For some reason a pink band is wrapped around her like as if she is a present. A letter is attached to the big bow where the two pink bands cross. 'For all the youtubers and my master. ^-^ Here is a youtuber I found stealing a bread. You youtubers surely do not have any talent in stealing -.-#. Ashley. With the mind wiped clean! She was tuff to bring to herobrine. Did it anyway. Aww you needed to hear her scream. Anyway. I don't think she'll like you. Did you know shapeshifters excisted?

Au revoir


"No way!" You yelp, realizing exactly what Everfall did. You kneel down to face Ashley. "Look Ashley. Whatever those bastards did to you, it wasn't us. We swear!" You try only to make her squeal. "What do we do? Herobrine made some people shapeshift in us. They made her scared of us!" You explain. "Great" Mitch groans. (WHO CARES I SHIP IT ASHLEY X MITCH I don't think it will feature in this book :/) "Ashley remembers nothing. She just knows to fear us." Seto agrees. "Now it's really time to get your memories back" Seto glances at Bodil and Jordan. "You need to know what happened on earth aswell" Seto sighs. "And how?" You ask. "I wanted to do it earlier, but for that I need more sorcerers. Since none of you are, nor know how to cast spells makes it hard." Seto continues. "With 3 sorcerers I can send their earth version of theirselves here. When we find it we can fuse them together. With that we can even get your old memories back. Maybe we can even find out who you were y/n."
Me: YESH Happy Everfall! I already knew I would use this spell since the beginning of this book! If you don't understand it, please ask. I gotta go sleep or my mom is gonna kill meh. BYEE

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