Find me-Chapter XVIII

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"Y/N! Y/N!" You hear faintly. You slowly open your eyes, revealing your e/c colored eyes. Above you Seto looms over you. Uncomfortably close. "Uh." You stutter. Seto takes a step back. "Are you okay? Mitch and Jerome told me you've been hearing unknown voices." Seto explains. "Y-yeah. But I guess they're gone. Something is with that hospital. I just don't know what." You mutter. You probably fell asleep. How you don't know, but you did. "'re sure you're fine?" Seto asks once again. You nod and stand up. "Hey. Dinner is going be done in 5 minutes!" A voice yells. Ssundee. So you've not been sleeping for a long time. Still a little drowsy you drag yourself into the kitchen. Everyone is already sitting by the the table. You sit down next to Bodil and Quentin.
~time skip cuz of lazy author~

You stand back up as soon as everyone finished. You haven't have that good food for a long time. You appreciate it. "Question. Where do I get to sleep?" You ask. "You can sleep in the prison, hospital or in one of the heroes mansion." Seto offers. You surely won't go to the hospital and neither in the prison with Everfall. You look at all the youtubers. "Seto can I sleep by you then?" You ask a bit uncomfortable. "Sure. There's a couch in my living room if you'd like that." Seto smiles. "Okay." You say before leaving the house. Actually you are interested how the prison looks like. Also if Everfall is in there. She can't do anything. Since yet she didn't use any unatural power. At least, you hope. You walk towards a bridge. 'The prison' is written on a sign. You walk over the bridge to the prison. It looks dark and boring. The lights inside are on thought. So if you're right they kept Herobrine's minions in there, to try to heal them. So they were normal citizens before. Cruel. You open the large doors to the inside. Bright light greets you. You pass empty cells. They are actually pretty large for a prison and they look beautiful. If they weren't behind bars you'd even sleep in there. You take a stairway to a higher level. When you reach the top you feel a tap on your back. Hoping it's one of the youtubers you look back. No one. Infront of me is a piece of paper. It wasn't there before. On the paper are two words. 'Find me'. From who is this? Shivering badly you look around. You visit all 5 levels to notice that Everfall isn't here. She wrote that note. So if she's free and conscious all of you are in danger. You race back to the main house with the note in your hands. All of the youtubers are hanging out in the living room. "HEY!" You yell to get their attention. Everyone shuts up and stares at you. "Note-From prison." You pant and hand it to Ssundee next to you. "Find me. From who is that?" He asks in response. "Seto where's Everfall?" You ask Seto. "I dropped her off in the hospital. I thought she was dead. She didn't woke up for some reason so I left her there." Seto says. "Great. Now we're all in danger." You groan. "Oh god no." Mitch moans. "Why find me thought? Why not rather some other weird shit?" You mutter. "What do we do?" Bodil asks worried. "Just watch out. I'll close off the weapon and potions island." Seto sighs. He stands up and leaves. When you decide to leave you notice another note. 'Behind you'. Startled you look back. Your face palens. "SETO!" You scream. The youtubers start crowding the hallway to see Seto's corpse on the ground. Another note is attached to his chest. "Don't worry. He'll respawn in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, boom" you read aloud. The moment you stare back at Seto, he's gone. He was stabbed. So Everfall already found the weapon island. "No.." you groan and head up for the roof. Like Everfall said, he respawned. She didn't want him dead. Why? You press the red button to free Seto. There is also a note on the tube. You pick it before the glass sinks into the platform. "Did you know invisibility potions are delicious?" You read aloud. You feel a sharp pain in your arm. You turn around to see nothing. She's invisible. Even better. Yelping up in pain you remove the pocket knife from your arm. You place a hand on your arm. "Y/N...what...Oh god." Seto notices. He helps you get down. You both run into the hospital. He cleans up your wound and stitches it up. For the finish he wraps a bandage around your arm. "Why would she do this?" You whine. "I don't know. She was someone from earth. She does know everything. I met her like 5 months ago. She actually volunteered to go here. Herobrine must've done something to her in that time. I don't know what but he did. And if there is a chance to bring her back to normal I'll take it." Seto says. "So are you okay?" He asks you. "Yeah. I think so." You mutter. You stand back up to leave. Maybe you'll just go to Seto's house and sleep. You just hope she won't attack you anymore. All the way to his house is carefree. His house looks awesome. It's mostly purple and black. A purple smoke swirls around it. It looks like a creepy old house. You just wonder how Seto can sleep in that. Longing for security, you enter it. The inside it lighted but not strong. You'll check it out in the morning. You walk into the right room, to slump on the couch. It doesn't take long till you fall asleep.


Your eyes flutter open. Thr night has been peacful. Nothing bothered you. It was...carefree. Not even a single weird nightmare came. (SHIIIT. I just noticed that I forgot Sub the entire time T.T I'm so sorry Sub) You feel a piece of paper sticked on your skin. "Seriously?" You moan. You picm it up from your forehead. 'Bonjour! I brought you a hot chocolate!' Is written on it. Confused you read it again. Wait what? You look at the table next to you. Like as she said a mug of hot chocolate is placed on the table. Another note is sticked on it. 'Careful. It's still hot. :P'. Wtf? You don't really trust it. Instead of drinking it you just leave it. Maybe it's even poisoned. Rolling your eyes, you stand up and leave the house. You cross the bridge to the main island. No one around as usually. You enter the big house. "Hi?" You ask. No response. You enter the living room to see everyone staring at you. "We've got her. She just snuck out of Seto's house." Mitch explains. They caught Everfall. Wow. Finally something that progressed. They tied her up to the chair. Her face emotionless. But you notice that she's staring at you. "What do we do with her? We can't just kill her nor send her out to Herobrine to tell him our hideout." Sky says. "I have an idea. Hey Everfall." Seto says. I stands infront of her with his fingers sniping. "What?" She sighs. "Don't you want to tell us what happened? Why did you become like this. I don't remember you like this." Seto asks. "I do not like to talk about it." She hisses. "So. Here we go. He did something!" Seto grins. "And what? We don't even know if we can heal it!" Mitch protests. "I know what. We need to find her weak spot to remind her who she is." Seto says. "Any idea?" Sky asks. "Well figure it someday out. We'll leave her in the prison. I'll do some research." Seto suggests. "Fine. We anyway need to find the girl still. Till then we are never safe." You sigh. Seto unties Everfall and controls her with telekinesis. His powers are actually really imprssive. They both walk out and leave you alone with the rest of the youtubers.
Me: ugh getting lazy to make filler chaps. But hey! I'm enjoying it. Now will be a long eteranl boring chapter till another thing about Everfall...yeah. Anything the youtubers need to say?
Mitch: Nah
Sky: I do. Let me break that camera.
Me: No. Cya guys! ^.^

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