Hybrids-Chapter XXXX

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"So....I'm here" Isaac says, approaching his old friend. She's been waiting since about 15 minutes in the huge forest. Like always it's dark out there. Light it there is only made for the prisoners or guests. Isaac and Everfall used to meet inside the forest by a tree with a red X. "Where were you?" Isaac asks. "Seto teleported me,y/n, Skybrine, Enderlox, WitherMU and all heroes to another world. That was all caused by y/n. She hoped she could move again as a normal person. She actually made it. The real world is beautiful. It isn't made out of blocks....there are circles and other forms. It has much more stuff. But we all lost our memories except Seto. Then there's a game called Minecraft. Notch lives in the real world and is the creator of the game. The heroes and the trio made videos filming themselves playing it. I and y/n were the fans. Literally I was crazy about them and I still am. Someday Seto found me and used me as test subject to teleport to the real world. It went correctly. I didn't have my old minecraft memories anymore. Herobrine found me and quickly recognized me. Soon Seto and all the others got here. Believe it or not Skybrine, Enderlox's brother and WitherMU can be the nicest people. Y/n too. I haven't spoke much to her also if I should've. We tried to stop Herobrine. I failed, we failed. Their friend became the mastermind and their creation their friend. I'm not even worthy. I have no humor at all and I betrayed them. Why... Just why did I have to go through all this. I just want to sit back in my bed and fangirl about every single wink Mitch makes" Everfall explains. (I'm feeling it ;-;) "...oh..." Is all Isaac can say. "At least you could experience an adventure. All I could do was hurt people every day every hour. I bet thousands of people would love to have their revenge on me. You still have the best job of all. Keep it" Isaac says. She mumbles something before walking back to the mansion.
Seto's POV.:
I glance around. Everybody is either sleeping for just sitting there. No one is talking after the incident of yesterday. It was horrible. Maybe I could only escape if I get that dude to stop injecting me that weird stuff. Whatever it is, it's made against me. It's weakening me to the max. If I could only manage to do a spell. Silently I stare at all my friends leaving their cells one by one to face whatever new torture they found out. I should be the next in a few minutes. Great. I wonder what they even want to do with me. I'm already a good sorcerer. What do I need more?
Everfall hasn't showed up today. She usually just sits there hoping that I would say something...
No one's POV.:
"Miss Ashley. Welcome. My name is complicated so just call me whatever you like. So you're having your first experiment then huh?" The guy in a black coat says with his hood pulled up, looking at her documents. "Not much of a talker like your friend Ant.." He sighs. He pulls his hood off, showing his completely half broken face. He's half machine and his face is halfway broken. Ashley takes a step back scared. "Hmmm...Nothing exact is written in here....What are you going to be? A mob? Something else?" He mutters, circling her. No response. "You're still scared." He notices. "You actually should be" the stranger grins. "You look pretty. Just like a doll. That'd be a great idea!" He smiles. Wow creative people in there. "And you're quiet. Perfect" he adds. He walks over to his table, writing a new entry to her documents. He let's them there and faces her again. "Let's get started then! Dolls don't speak. Let's change something about that." He chuckles. "By the way! I like creepy stuff" he smirks.

"Mr. Jordan. Welcome!" The stranger greets. "Uh....hello?" Jordan mumbles. "May you have heard from Ashley what's going to happen" he jokes. Jordan looks away from the monster. What a freak. "Yeah. I guess she's silent now. What should I do with you. Like by all of you jerks no information is included. Only thing written down is: Keep it simple." He mutters. Y/n. "Awww...I'd like to see you have a different personalities. One of my favorite. Splitted personalities. One of you friend is probably going to get that. Unfortunately I'm not responsible for that." The maniac chuckles. "I'll make this a bit special. What do you want to be?" He asks. "I prefer nothing" Jordan snarls. "Choose one or I'll choose" He shrugs. "I could make you a pig hybrid" he taunts. Jordan still doesn't replies. "Fine. You'll be a bear" He finally says. "No.." Jordan whines. "Yes. A nice fluffy teddy bear!" He giggles. "What should we do first?" He wonders. "They have sharp teeth. Jordan, are you afraid of dentists? If not, now you will" He laughs. *insert evil laugh* Hjuck hjuck xD omfg
"Mitch! Welcome back!" He greets his new patient. "Hello Metalhead" Mitch says annoyed. "What did we do?" Metalhead mutters, searching for information in his documents. "Aha. So you were that one that was so quickly aggressive. Where did your wings go?" Metalhead notices. "Oh those annoying things? I took it away" Mitch he replies. "You shouldn't have" He growls. "Then let's start on the very beginning"
"Mr. Suuuuubbbzero!" He greets. Sub just writes a text with 'Sup?'. "You're the one who can't speak. Great" He grins. 'What's your name?' Sub asks. "Call me whatever you want" He replies. 'Hello Junk! :3' Sub replies happily. "Vveerry funny" Junk replies annoyed. 'Yes'
Seems like a few do keep their humor. "You need a weapon...hmmm...Did you ever thought of having knifes as fingers?" Junk wonders. 'No?'.
Everfall passes all cells staring at everyone who got new stuff. The plan is like this:
Monday: Mental stuff
Tuesday: Doctors who work on how you look like from outside...
Wednesday: Serving
Thursday: Skills & powers
Friday: Training
Weekend: Games
OK Games sound like fun, but they aren't. It's similar to training but by training you work either alone or in small groups. Games are with everyone. Sometimes they play spleef, hunger games or other random stuff. Every week Tuesday switches. Sometimes some get horrible personalities.
What everyone got in the first week:
Ant:  annoying glowing red eyes
Ashley: Silence= mouth sewed shut+ vocal thingies broken
Bashur: -
Bodil: -
Cupquake: Cat ears
Dan: Rotting flesh= someday skeleton
Derp Ssundee:-
Ian: some virus that will slowly turn him to slime
Jerome: -
Jordan: sharpend teeth
Mitch: skeleton wings
Okward: creeper skin (partly)
Quentin: -
Ryan: Baattmaen= white eyes :P
Seto: -
Subzero: knives on his right hand
Tyler: Cat ears (grumpy cat xD)
Everyone who hasn't got anything, have been visiting the personality doctor already. They will be more focused on personality.
Everyone is just in a corner looking terrified. Especially those who visited the personality doctor look like they've seen a ghost. Jordan keeps touching his teeth. Jeez, it sure hurts. Everfall experienced that same shit. They literally just take sandpaper and scrub half of your teeth away. Anyway, it's only the 3rd day. Everyone should have their hopes up. The virus they got on the first day works like this:
Like many say, if you loose all hope you're done. That means that your body will kind of reset. For a short moment your body/soul will be able to corrupt. You can set any thoughts in it's head. You can even make it hate it's best friend. Or you can make a full kind girl turn into a killing machine. That's what it does. But it takes time till that point comes.
Mystic is still fighting through it. She even detaches all the new stuff she gets, like wings, tails etc. She's a strong fighter. Not bad...not bad at all. Everfall sits down in the same place. The only reason none of them can faint is because of the adrenaline. Wonderful. Suddenly a new person joins Everfall. It's y/n. She seems more confident than yesterday. "What do you think? Will it work?" Y/n asks her. "To be honest. Yes." Everfall sighs. "What are you even doing here?" She adds. "I don't know actually." She mutters. "Anyway. Dinner's ready" she smiles and stands up. "Fine" Everfall moans, following her out.
Still no one's POV.:
The first one to wake up is Jerome. Finally those who haven't slept yesterday were able to today. After about 2 hours everyone fell asleep. Some even missed dinner. Jerome doesn't even want to interrupt the silence. Sleep is the best they can get here. Today's Wednesday. He heard from Everfall that today's serving day. That means that we actually are allowed to get out of here, to help the army. She mentioned that this is the most calming day of the week. Whatever. Most people will already get their job, they'll have later on.
"Goooooddd morning!" A new person enters. Instead of Jay, a new person comes. It's a girl. She looks normal. "Today's the best day of the week. Snatch your bread and go to your post. The newcomers must wait." She says. More guards enter the room. Everyone gets let out except the YouTubers. They all snatch a piece of bread, before following their leader.
"So you're the new ones heh? I can't believe we finally got you. It is great that we have a few stronger people here. Some have a big mouth without much. Whatever. You are allowed to meet y/n. She'll give you your job" The normal girl says. More hybrids enter the room to get each YouTuber out. Some get only out with a lot of help. They lead them through all the hallways to the throne room. There they drop them again.
Y/n stands up from her black throne, approaching them. She looks like she's wearing mask. An emotionless one. Everfall is also in there, talking with Herobrine. "Where can I put you..." She groans. "Seto can't do much....Whatever.
Ant & Ashley: Armoury (is that correct? Me don't speak anglais) Bashur & Bodil: Weaponry (?)
Cupquake & Dan: Melon farm
Derp Ssundee & Ian: Cake factory
Jerome & Jordan: Potato farm
Mitch & Okward: Bread factory
Preston & Quentin: Hunt
Ryan & Seto: Wheat farm
Subzero & Tyler: mining
Any remaining questions?" Y/n says. They all shake their heads. "No? Okay. Your leader will show you where that is" She points at the guards (I'm just going to call all hybrids and stuff, guards) standing by the door.
+-+-+-+-Big time skip-+-+-+-+
Exhausted from their boring but hard jobs, they all drop down in their cells. They've been working from 6 am till 9 pm. For once lunch was included. At least the day wasn't full of torture. Well yeah, most of them had a really annoying leader, but it was better than everything since yet in the week. Tomorrow is skills and powers. That means that everyone will get new powers, like shooting electricity out of your hand.
._._._._._.Next day ._._._._._.Like always, the YouTubers wake up again. It's their 4th day. Mitch's the first one to shoot up from a bad dream. Most of them are getting haunted by dreams now, causing them to be even more tired. Mitch swings around his annoying skeleton wings, wishing they weren't there to disturb his sleep. He can't even fully use it now. Only when the virus starts, all attaching limbs will work, because when the body resets for a temporary time, they can make you think that that limb belongs to you. Only then it will fuse together. (I know I suck at explanations ,_,) He glances over to Okward, who's twitching from whatever nightmare he has.
At this point of the week, Mitch was able to escape. He was incredibly lucky that the guard got beat up by some freak. The new guard passes by every cell, banging it's steel hand on the iron bars. "Wake up! New day!" The guard yells repeatedly. Okward shoots up with a terrified face. "Good morning" Mitch mutters. Okward mumbles something he can't understand correctly. Not to be rasist, but Okward's skin color looks badass. Quickly after metal hand, another guard passes. Breakfast. He throws in a bread loaf for everyone. At least they are fresh. Right after most are done, Ant is taken out for his treatment. It takes about an hour till he's back. On parts of him black smoke swirls around him or are parts of him. He's halfheartedly limping to his cell with a bit help of the blaze, who keeps failing to grab him, since parts of him is smoke. As soon as Ant is locked up safely, the blaze takes out Ashley, who unfortunately can't speak anymore. She squeals and trashes around, to maybe get put of his iron grip. In response he burns her badly. She finally gives up, letting him drag her away. Another long hour passes till she comes back. She doesn't seem much different. She does seem a bit pale and terrified thought. Whatever he did to her, isn't visable on the outside. That means nothing. It can even means that she has it worse. Hours pass but the terrified screams of Mitch's friends won't stop. Here you can make a collection of all different kinds of screams. After Jordan comes back, who's twitching badly, Mitch knows it's his turn. The blaze walks over to him. He seems already tired from dragging multiple prisoners around. Instead of letting the Blaze drag Mitch, Mitch stands up and willingly follows him. It's not like he can do anything else. No chance of escape is visible.Mitch follows the hybrid into a new room, ignoring the searing pain in his back. "Welcome Mitch! I've been waiting for this moment! Isn't it beautiful?! Having all of the heroes gathered up in our cages? Let me introduce myself. I'm Vipera (Latin :P thx Google translate)" The lady introduces. For once it's a woman. She's half snake. Her skin is leathery and green, her eyes are red and her pupils are in slits. "So what awesome feature do I get now?" Mitch asks, clearly annoyed by all those cliché villains. "Hmm...let me see" She mumbles, staring into his documents. "So. This is going to be a rather big end project. A necromancer." She finally replies after searching for a quite long while. "So I'll be able to raise the dead?" Mitch repeats. "Yes. Stay right where you are. I may still have the right thing for it...." She mutters and turns around to face her huge shelf full of potions. She searches through every single one, reading their labels. "Aha! This should be the right one. You may be dead for a couple of hours after the process. To be a raiser of dead, you must experience real death first. that stupid heart is in the way...." She mutters. "Yes. That must be completely gone." She confirms herself. "How? If that thing is gone, I'm dead" Mitch protests. "How do you think Herobrine is living? Here's a little history class. Long long time ago the first humans didn't own a heart, they were immortal, then for some reason Notch decided that people should be able to die or respawn sooooo.....he added hearts to minecraft. There is still a hack you can do, to make someone immortal. Unfortunately there are side effects that people could become heartless. Badum tsch! No...seriously, some may fail and end up having missing emotions or none at all. Believe me, I'm a professional. After all I'm immortal too. I'm a goddess. A goddess snake." She explains. "If I transplant your heart to another person, Notch will think you're still alive. Magic." She chuckles. "What's with the other person?" Mitch asks feeling unsure for once. "Uhm.  Doesn't die. It will only suffer from your personalities and feelings. So if you are angry, it will be angry too. You won't feel a thing thought." She explains, smiling. "Do I even have a choice?" Mitch sighs. "No. You are only allowed to choose your victim" She replies. "I don't want to choose" Mitch snaps. "Then I'll. Okward will be here shortly after. So shall we begin?" She grins. "No?" Mitch sighs. "Take this. I don't want you squirming around." She instructs, handing Mitch a potions. He shakes it a bit, causing the white liquid to follow the move. "Oh whatever. I'm dead anyway" Mitch groans. He pulls the cork out of the bottle and quickly pours it into his mouth. He gags a bit at the disgusting taste before collapsing to the ground. Vipera carries Mitch, who's half awake, to another bloody table. Vipera quickly picks up a scalpell, digging her way to his heart. (...that did sound quite romantic for a moment) She grips it and pulls it out harshly, knowing well that all of Mitch's senses are still working correctly. The only thing that Mitch sees before he dies, is Okwards terrified face.
"Mitch....god...Mitch!" A voice yells. A person is looming over Mitch's lifeless corpse. (I really do like the word 'lifeless' what overused crap) It's Ian. He managed to beat a guard to help his friend. Another guard quickly noticed Ian's actions. He just laughed at him and let him see his dead friend. He's now locked up in Mitch's cell and suffering from a minor dose from the thing. (I'll just call the calming thing= the thing) "Is he dead?" Ian hears some of the YouTubers ask quietly. "I don't know...I actually think so..."Ian whines. "Already?" Bashur gasps. "What if this is temporary?" Quentin tries. "No. If he has no heart he's surely dead." Seto groans. He's having a slightly minor dose now. He's only able to make a little fire and break a little window to Mitch's cell. Suddenly the blaze enters the room, carrying Okwards unconscious body with him. He opens Mitch's cell, dropping him in it. "What did she do?" Ian asks the blaze. "I'm sorry but I don't get any information. The only thing I heard was that Okward needed to go as quickly as possible after Mitch. I have to go. Uhmm..Preston? Am I right?" The blaze shortly explains before dragging the lava creeper hybrid with him, trying his best not to burn himself. Even if he would touch Preston, it wouldn't be as bad as normal. He too is suffering from THE THING. "...she did something to Okward's heart too.." Seto notices, holding the flame on the palm of his hand near Okward. "What if Mitch and Okward had something together?" Ian wonders, inspecting Okwards stitched up chest. (3165 words longest chap since yet)  "maybe" Bashur mutters. "...Ian is that you?" Seto gasps, finally able to see Ian in the dark. "Yes" Ian sighs. (Autokorrekt won't accept the word Ian. Sry if I may type In instead of Ian) Seto inspects the puddle of green slime on the ground. It has black sunglasses on. "So you're half slime?" Seto asks. "Yeah.." Ian confirms. "...I wonder what the other look like now...I only could stare at Batman while working." Seto mumbles. "I'm so tired...I'm going to sleep. I can't... Sorry" Seto yawns and extinguishes his flame. He crawls up into his corner. "It's fine. Good night also if it's probably just 5pm. I'll be glad to have your dinner" Ian chuckles, licking his lips. It's good to joke around and forget what's really going on.
Me: Jeez. This is one hell of a chapter. I can't write further on this chapter since my phone is complaining that I wrote too much. It's lagging like crazy. I hope you've all enjoyed this chap. I will probably write the remaining chapters of the YouTubers in prison this long. I actually didn't plan this to be this big...
Sky: *whispers* that's what she said.
Me: I swear to god...I hate when people say that...
Sky: *covers Everfall's call* *imitates a girls voice* Anyways! Enough for today. If you liked this chap, please make sure to comment or vote. Yeah...bya

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