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"Seto. Could you bring our memories back?" Jordan asks. "Uhm. I'll see. I need a specific item from you then." Seto replies eating up his breakfast. They've been for about 2 hours on the ship. In another 2 hours they should arrive. "I don't even know what it is." Jordan sighs. "You'll find out." Seto insists. You quietly stand up to leave. You're not too hungry. You exit the enormous dining room to go to the deck. You lean on the wall to stare at the ocean. Sometimes the ship got attacked by various hostile water mobs. "Oh my god!" You hear someone inside yell. Quickly someone leaves the deck and jumps into the water. Wtf is going on? You stare into the sea to spot someone sitting on a floating wooden block. "...I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" The person yells. You can't even make out who it is. Not even the voice rings a bell. "..who's that?" Willow gasps. Everyone crowds the deck to see what's going on. Even on the other ship filled with knights. "Can someone tell me how I got here cuz I have no idea. Who am I? And why would I want to...whatever!" The person shouts. It's female. Finally Seto looks down. "Wtf?! What's going on?" He asks glancing down. "You know what?! I'm going! I have no need for people who are going to kill me! Fine! I'm gone!" She screams, swimmin away while dragging the block of wooden plank with her. Apparently she's a good swimmer. "No! Wait! You're going to drown!" You warn her. "Nope I'm gone!" She snarls. "Really?! Now?!" You cry. You quickly react by possessing her. "Oh my god! How did you do that?!" She screams in your mind giving you a headache. "Shut up. Who are you?" You ask, inspecting the pixels on her body. "I don't know! Like I said!" She wails. "Just. Easy. I'm not going to harm you." You inform. "Great. You could've said that by not possessing me." She growls. Finally that voice rings a bell in you. "Everfall?!" You gasp. "And now who's that?" She says with a mocking voice. "We need to get on the ship." You insist. The youtubers build a ladder to the ship. You climb it up with Everfall's voice still annoying you. "LET ME GO!" She yells right after you leave her. All YouTubers stare at Everfall sitting in the middle of the deck. "Please. I fan. I mean no harm. I'm a fragile creature. I came from planet I don't know where and my name is I don't know. And who you are doesn't ring a bell in my mind. You guys do kinda look cute so I'm going to shut up now." She blurts. They all stare at her with shocked faces. "Dude. She's freaking loud when she wants to." Jordan gasps. "...what the hell?" Mitch mutters. Everfall has changed style. Her hair didn't change. Instead of a hoodie she's wearing a grey shirt under a red plaid open shirt. She has light grey shorts on with bunny slippers as shoes. Under her eyes is a bandit mask that's covering her mouth area. Her eyes are glowing gold. To speak clearer she takes her mask off. "So. Does someone of you cutie-patooties know who I am?" She squeaks. Seto just facepalms at that remark. "Wow. This ship is amazing." Everfall gasps. She still stays sitting also if she's terrorized by all the stares. "Dayum. Can you guys talk?" She asks. She now has a mocking voice that just wants to make you kick the shit out of her. "So ladies. Anyone?" She asks glancing over to you. "Uhm. A long story. How do I say this?" You mumble. "Let's just say you're a wicked killer wolf who actually murdered a lot of people. You died." Willow says. "Wait. Omg. I love Wolfes. They're so...fluffy. So I was a wolf. Explains that I really want to kill all of you. Anyway. You seem to know my name. Is someone of you my owner or what?" She questions. "...to be honest me." You mutter. "Beautiful. May I know your names?" She asks. One after another you introduce everyone. "It's crazy but by some of you I know an attaching word. What's Mianite? Man. Excitement hurts." She remarks. "So no one of you know why I am human?" She asks. "We do know but...it's a too long story." You whine. "Okay fine. I'll get my desired information an other way." She grunts. "Is there no way we can just give her the memories back?" You ask Seto. "I don't think so. Notch really made one very weird heart." Seto sighs. "Whatever. I really want to just jump into that crystal clear water...What are you guys even? Pirates?! Do I get to walk over a plank or something?!" She yells excitement creeping in her voice. "No." Bashur replies. "So what then? The heroes? Like people who kill pirates? So I'm a serial killer wolf....am I a prisoner or something?" She giggles like a kid who gets a gameboy at it's birthday. "Yeah I'm the superhero and you'll get stuck back into your prison if you dont-just-SHUT UP!" Ian yells clearly annoyed. Everfall just smiles and makes a 'zipping your mouth shut' gesture. She stands up and heads to the front of the deck. You must admit. This is crazy. She seems so much happier. Why give her the memories back? (I don't care at the moment if you guys aren't enjoying this. I'm enjoying it wayyy to much) When Seto plans to tell her the truth, you stop him. Questioning he looks at you. "Let's just leave her. I mean. She seems happy? Why ruin that?" You say. "...okay.." He mumbles and turns around to leave. Star gives an okay sign to the knight's ship. Before following him into the ship you glance back at Everfall. She's starting to build something on the deck. "Wait! Stop!" You yell as she puts an iron block on the ground. "What?! What's a ship without it's cannons?" She grins. You just facepalm. As long as she doesn't destroy anything it'll be fine.
~~~~time skip~~~~
When you arrive back at the deck you notice what Everfall has built. The ship has a sombrero hat and everything looks colorful. Cannons are built on the sides. All YouTubers stare at the ship shocked. "Aaaannnddd?" She giggles. No one replies. "You guys are sure stubborn" she pouts. You ignore her and look for the real reason you've been sent out. In about 5 minutes you should arrive. Finally. Everyone makes ready to enter Querlin city's deck. A few person stare at your now colorful mexico ship. A lot of persons are here to celebrate your victory. There you say your goodbyes to all knights. All YouTubers head straight for their flying base.
"Waow. It's nice and all but...how do you get up?" Everfall questions. "Magic!" Ian chuckles. "...you gotta be kidding me....you guys have multitasking." She chuckles. Mitch and Jerome activate the stairs again for everyone. "What now? Go home? What's with you guys?" You ask and point at the three girls that don't even belong here. They exchange some nervous glances. "He he...we kind of wanted to ask to go to the real world with you guys." Willow starts. "What's the real world?" Everfall asks. "I can't believe someone like you is asking that. But whatever..." You moan. "Why u hef be mad..." Everfall whines. "....I don't think that would be a good idea." Seto claims. "Why? What could be so bad about it?" Mystic questions. "You die. Like. Eternally. And no one knows if there if heaven or a god. Soo...it's way more dangerous and complicated. They have circles." Sky tries. They still don't seem convinced. "You know what? Fine." Seto sighs. Everyone stares at him shocked. "Well...why not?" Seto protests. "I can see it already. This will be a disaster." Jerome whines. "Oh and by the way guys. There's someone that looks just like me and may be me, that's still waiting for her memories." Everfall says not convinced that she was a wolf. Now it's your time to glance over to Seto. "I don't think you want them." Mitch says. "Aha. So I was human wasn't I? Checked. Is that with the killer still correct?" She questions. "Yeah.." You confirm. "Okay check." She grins. "I don't know why you are hiding it from me but I'll find out. Be aware of that." She smirks and leaves to explore the island.
"Jesus! I'm one sick person!" Bashur yells when he fully receives his memories. "Wow. Mianite does exist? ...Is Tom, Sonja and Tucker (is that his name cuz I'm not sure) also here? We didn't find him.." Jordan notices. "Mianite? Really? I haven't been there yet." Seto says. "We need to get them! I'm not leaving!" Jordan says. "Fine. I can do a location spell." Seto sighs. Seto brought everyone's memories back. Okay, except Everfall who's playing sherlock Holmes to annoy everyone with her stupid uesyions . Jordan and Seto walk over to a table with a map spread on top of it. Seto just mutters a few words and instantly 3 red dots appear on the map. "I'll be right back then.." Jordan mutters. "Just make sure you don't come late since we're going today." Seto advices before he leaves.
Jordan's POV.:
I jump off the island. I need to find them. I heard from Seto that they also are YouTubers. Literally everyone is. How many people got sent to the real world? Seto said that it was random. I head to Querlin city where I can get to the minecart train. After a long time I arrive there. The trains do look damn awesome. So. Next stop is in front of the Mianite server entrance. The servers work like this: There are different locations with the entrances. They are a whole new world. The normal world is just the most popular since Notch rules there.Luckily the Mianite entrance is the closest. It's just about 20 minutes away. When I arrive I instantly get crowded by people. Fans storm at me. I'm right in front of two large gates in front of a portal. "TEAM IANITE FOR LIFE!!!" Some fans yell. Then there are just the 3 remaining people. Exactly those I'm looking for. They seem a bit startled and confused. I can't blame them. I squish myself through the crowd to finally reach them. "IT'S ALL FOUR OF THEM!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!" A fangirl screams. Even worse than IRL. "Hey. Uhm. You probably don't remember anything but please follow me. Tom, Sonja and Tucker." I try. "Do you know how many of them tried to troll us. God no. We're not going into follow you to get blown up" Tucker growls. Great. How do I get their attention now? "OOOHHHH GET REKT!" A fan laughs. "TEAM DIANITE FOR LIFE RIGHT TOM?!" A few dianite followers yell. "Wait why are the gates closed?" I mutter. "Cuz you guys weren't here anymore. They closed it." A fan replies. "Oh..." I mutter. "Now we can cuz you guys are back!" Some cheer. How can I say no to my homeland. It's my world. Why would I care to go in the real world? No. I have to get back...but why? Curiosity killed many cats. It's not fair. I need to get their memories back anyway. But how do I get them to follow me. "Doesn't it seem kind of weird that I know that your memories are gone? I can get them back." I try again. "Sure" Sonja says in a sarcastic voice. "No seriously I know someone who can. Seto. He's a well known sorcerer." I say. Just on cue a sorcerer appears next to me. Rather a sorceress I shriek slightly. "Hey..I thought you needed help." Star smiles. "That'd be greatly appreciated." I mutter. "Heyo. See now there's two. I'm a sorceress. We need to you to follow us to bring you back where you belong." She says. All three seem to get slightly convinced. "Fine. What's there to loose?" Tom sighs. "Great. Follow me please." Star smiles. Impressed I follow her into a train. "No! Sparklypants! You can't just leave us..." A few pained fans say. I try to ignore them as hard as I can. I'll come back...I promise. "Sooo..you know us. Like legit?" Sonja asks. "Yeah. And believe me. I had the same problem. I didn't remember anything till today. I've just heard about the real world. Earth. They say we're so called YouTubers. Like TV stars." I explain. "Why don't we remember anything?" Tucker asks. "Spell went wrong" I guess. "Whatever. I just want to know who I am. I don't acre where I am."
"So this is it." Seto claims and lights up the last candle for his spell. "And you're sure we'll keep our memories?" You ask. "Yes. 100% sure." Seto insists. All YouTubers are sitting in a circle with the special guests Mystic and Willow. They're just waiting for Star, Jordan and probably the others. "And we'll get our memories back?" Dan questions. "Probably." Seto replies. "Me too?" Everfall pleads. "No." Seto says. "Whyyy do you all have to be so mean." She pouts. "Good reason. We don't want you to commit suicide." You growl. "Oh okay. I did that too." Everfall sighs. Finally the rest bursts in. "Sorry we're late." Jordan apologizes. "Oh wow. Do we get our memories now back?" Syndicate asks. "Yeah just sit down." Seto lies. Jordan shoots him a death state before sitting down. He promised them they would get their memories back. "Anyway. Everyone shut up." Seto instructs. When everyone is silent he begins to chant some spell. In about 2 minutes they all vanish. Gone. To home.

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