Everything starts with a voice-Chapter XVII

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"Calm down! God! I can explain!" Seto yells. The moment you freaked out all the youtubers started crowding the place. Everfall literally spawned. "You gotta have a good explanation for that. Think about what she did to Mitch!" You growl. Everfall is unconscious but she's here and if someone would set her free who knows what she would do. After what she did to the youtubers, you highly doubt you can forgive her. (C:) "I know her that's why. She's nice. I knew her before returning into minecraft. I tested if she would make it into minecraft. Soon after, I sent all of you here. Who knows what sick stuff Herobrine could've done to her?! Maybe she also has one of those item things! Have some god damn mercy!" Seto cries. "Oh." You mumble. He does have a point. You don't really trust him that much but it sounds legit. "Now please let me." Seto growls. You and the other youtubers take a step back, but don't let Seto out of your sight. Seto steps towards the spawning machine. He presses the red button. Like by Ty the green liquid goes to nowhere aswell as the glass. Unlike Deadlox she doesn't wake up. She just slumps down on the ground. "Wh-what?" Seto stutters and catches her. "I guess I'll have to wait." Seto sighs. "Seto no. What if she wakes up and has the same problem. It's dangerous." Sky claims. "It's not like we have no security here. There is a whole prison here. It's apart from this island." Seto informs. "Oh..kay.." you mumble. "And I have magic. I'll make sure that she won't go anywhere if so." Seto says. He raises a hand to the sky. Without a word a purple spark shoots up to the sky. Like a firework it explodes in all directions. "It's a protection spell. No one can get in or out. It's kind of a force field." Seto says. He picks up Everfall the best he can and carries her away. "May I?" He asks before passing the youtubers. "Great. Whatver. Ty you have a lot to catch up with." Sky smirks. You all walk down into the living room. You pick your favorite soda from a cooler. Awesome. Minecraft have sodas too. You slump down next to Mitch on the couch. "So? What do I need to know? I also have stuff you need to hear." Ty says. "I don't know how or why but someone else took control of me. I just could watch...it's awful. But at least I know all of his plans. (Listening to french songs xD) But he has no idea about Earth. He thinks you are the ones from here. But he kept talking about something so powerful. He disliked it. He wants to steal it's powers. I really think it's stronger than him. He sent out his army to search for it. I think that's what we should aim for." Deadlox explains. "Okay...we also heard from Demon Bodil something like 'find the girl rule the world' maybe it has something to do with that. Maybe it's the same thing! Oh by the way. Jordan and Bodil have no idea who the heck they are. They just know their names." You continue. "Yeah probably. So there should be a girl, more powerful than anyone else. Wow. But how do we find her?" Deadlox asks. "Don't ask me. Not even I know that. But...maybe Notch does since he's the creator." Seto rejoins. "I don't know who she is but that was the main thing we were fighting for. Herorbrine isn't even that much of a threat. We just kept him away from finding the girl. " Seto adds. "Oh..kay..since when do you know such stuff?" Deadlox asks. "Oh well you know. He's just that one that brought us here." You growl. "Hey! We can get out anytime. It just won't help this land. We're lucky Herobrine didn't find her in all those years." Seto growls. "Then let us out! Minecraft is a game! I have family and friends in the real world! By the way it isn't the coolest thing to be hated by everyone!" Sky yells. Everyone goes silent. "I'm disappointed. I guess Skybrine had more guts than you." Seto hisses and leaves the room. "Think twice. If you made up your mind call me." Seto adds before leaving your sight. "Great..why did I come here. Now I can see what jerks you. This land is in danger! And all you care about is to return to your normal lifes. People would kill to have such an adventure. Think about what benefits minecraft has!" You growl and leave the room aswell. You are furious about how they are acting. Peolle will die if they don't help. They're selfish. All your imaginations of how the youtubers are, are crushed. But at the same time you feel bad for shouting at them. You've always wanted to meet them but now...it's a mess. Maybe you should just turn around and apologize to them. At the moment you turn around again you feel a hand on your shoulder. Sky is staring at you. Well you can't really know since his eyes are covered by sunglasses. "Hey..I just want to say sorry. That was really selfish of me. It would be horrible to just let Herorbine kill dozens of people. I'm ready to help." Sky sighs. You form a smile. Good. At least something. (What does dozens even mean? I just know how to use it...) Sky turns away again and starts to search for Seto. After exhaling loudly you turn to face your own discovery of the islands. You walk out of the house. You take a turn to your right. By the way you pick up a golden apple. You just really need to know how it tastes like. Maybe it could also heal up all of your scars from who knows where. On the way you take a big bite of the apple. The taste is mysterious. After a second it tastes like your favorite candy. Quickly without thinking twice, you take another bite. Ah. Tastes so good. Smiling you cross a bridge. You stop to look down. Scared about the hight you walk further. So what's on this island? "A hospital?" You gasp. You just wonder how these islands were made. Curiously you open the door. It seems empty and creepy. Unlike the other buildings, this one just seems lonely. It must have not been used for a looooong time. You enter a room. A white bed is placed in the top right corner. Many weird and unknown mashines take place. They are on. Weird. You notice a quiet beeping sound. One is showing a heartbeat. It's beating....how? You starts to shake. This place is haunted. "Hey." You hear from behind. It was a clear whisper. You don't know if it's real or not. Either way it's extremly creepy. Short after you hear a scream. It sounds ar away. Your turn around to leave. Quickly you rush out. You cross the bridge again to the main island. You enter the living room, to drop exhausted on a couch. Still shaking a bit you curl up in a ball in the corner. "Uh? You okay?" Mitch asks worried. "No." You whine. "What's the matter then?" Jerome questions. "There's a hospital. The mashines are on and I hear stuff. I don't know if they are real, but they are creepy!" You cry. "I-I heard a scream. Whispers. Who knows what they are!" You yell. You don't feel safe. It doesn't seem safe on this island. It's lonely and far away from any communities. Not something for you. "Let's check it out." Mitch suggests to Jerome. "Yeah sure." Jerome replies and stands up. "See you later y/n." Mitch smiles and leaves the room. Now you're all alone again. Great. "I'm waiting." A voice whispers. "STOP IT!" You scream and cover your ears. It's a girls voice. Extremely familiar. No it's not Everfall haunting your mind. It's awfuly familiar. Then the answer appears in your mind. "It's mine." You chocke.
Me: yay another chapter also if I said tomorrow! Whatever I'm extremly curious myself! Yes. I had to bring myself up again. I play a important role to you in the book. Something about emotion. Whateverrrr.
Sky: Stop saying spoilers my god!
Me: I'm just too excited!!!!!! *squeals* I have nothing further to say. Bybye. Gotta eat dinner ;)

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