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Your eyes flutter open. Your clothes are surprisinlgy dry. You notice that Mitch next to you has fallen asleep. You don't dare to move or it'll cause Mitch to wake up. You look to your left to Sub. You can't decide if he's awake or not. Well you think so at least. Tyler is sitting by another tree awake. "Tyler." You yell/whisper. Mitch next to you groans and his head falls limp on your shoulder. Great. Tyler quickly reacts and glances over to you. "Good morning" he chuckles. "Let them sleep they've been awake for so long." Tyler informs. "Don't you want to sleep?" You ask. "Nah. I can't. I just need to keep questioning myself who I am. It's weird. I know nothing. My mind is wipped clean. It's frustrating." Tyler whines. "Believe me I know. I shouldn't even exist here." You sigh. "Yeah it's horrible" Tyler agrees. You and Tyler sit there for a while, talking about theories in minecraft. You even partly explain him who he is. Suddenly you notice Mitch waking up. To help you shake him slightly. Suddenly he jumps, crawling away from you. "Holy shit." He gasps. ???. You stare at him with a puzzled look. "Uh........weird dreams." Mitch moans. "Okay?" You raise a eyebrow smirking. Suddenly a message appears infront of you. 'Goooood morning :3' is written. "Good morning Sub." You grin.  When all of you finally get ready to go further, you craft a crafting table and a stick. Since you've got 2 diamonds, why not make a diamond sword? You notice that you've never used one before. You lay the two diamonds and the stick on the 3 by 3 pattern. Out of nowhere they fuse together, making a diamond sword. "Cool" you smile, picking up the sword. You give the iron sword to Mitch, since he has nothing. Oh and by the way, Tyler is decked out in a iron chestplate while Sub is wearing a full chain armor. Only you and Mitch have nothing. Through the whole morning you don't spot any evil youtuber. You do find a pond so that you and the others can finally wash off the stinking blood and partly mud. You don't even care if it's wet. In the pond you spot a buried chest. You open it to find golden leggings. Mitch takes it greateful while you take the helmet. On the way to nowhere you find more armor and a bow for your arrows. You've got a whole quiver full of arrows. About 64. At the end of the day you finally have a golden helmet, iron chestplate, chain leggings and diamond boots. Good enough. The others also completed their set of armor. Cupquake, Dan, Everfall, Jerome, Enderlox, Skybrine and WitherMU are remaining. So many....Suddenly you notice something on the floor. It's a cupcake? You pick it up. It looks exactly like that one in five night's at freddy's. "Do you think this is edible?" You question. "I wouldn't risk it." Mitch says. Behind you hear a gurgle. Terrified you turn around. You catch Tiffany slit the throat of Sub. "SUB NO DAMMIT!" You scream. Tiffany chuckles victoriously. When you lounch yourself at her with your diamond sword she vanishes, letting you fall on the ground. Growling you stand back up and look around only to get kicked back on the ground. Mitch rushes to help you. He tackles Cupquake to the ground. You stand back up, walking over to Tiffany. Her teeth are incredibly sharp. Before her death she just starts laughing. Before shoving a knife a knife into her chest, Mitch stares at her with a puzzled face. "Ever you left me hanging. Are to scared to hurt them? Stop thinking about yo-" Cupquake stops when Mitch just silences her by killing her. You twitch.'s not great killing someone. Everfall is here? You actually may be able to take her on. You look around, seeing noone. When you gaze over to a high tree, you see her sitting on the tree. "Everfall?!" You yell up. Surprised by you she nearly falls off. Against all evil persons, she's terrified. She has a bow with arrows, pointed at you. "I swear I'm gonna kill you. Just move along. I'm waiting for the deathmatch." She hisses. Deathmatch. Crap. No you gotta get her out before that. But how? You glance over to Mitch. In response he nods. You give your bow and arrows to Mitch since he can shoot way better than you. "Rly?!" Everfall shrieks. Quickly she climbs down, dropping at the last 5 blocks. With incredible speed you sprint over to her tackling her to the ground. "You're asking for it" She growls. She pushes you away, equipping her enchanted golden axe. You shoot a quick glance to Mitch and Tyler. Everfall uses that temporary distraction to run. Within seconds you're not even able to spot her. "Should we follow her?" You ask when the others arrive. "No. She's unimportant. We've gotta find Jerome." Mitch says. "True. He could be a big threat" you agree. "Tiffany had a compass. It'll lead to another player." Tyler informs. You snap the compass away. Not mather what you do, it wont show anything. "How does it work?" You ask. "Say the person's name I guess." Mitch replies shrugging. "Lead me to JeromeASF" you tell the compass. Instantly, the pointer spins around before pointing to your left. "Let's go then!" You giggle.
♡♥♡♥ time skip ♥♡♥♡
A long time later you still hVe found any trace of Jerome. Suddenly it stops and starts spinning wild again. "This thing is stupid" you moan and toss it to the side. "Oh really?" A well known voice chuckles darkly. From above Jerome jumps down, burrying his diamond axe into your chest. When it's deep enough he pulls it out to chase after Mitch. You collapse on the ground. Now you're sure..your dead. You black out, falling to the side. The only last thing you hear is a cannon going off.
Your eyes flutter open. Silently you gaze around. You are on a white bed in a white room. It's a hospital's room. Suddenly a loud alarm goes off. Quickly a nurse bursts into your room. "Oh. Miss L/n (last name) you're awake!" The nurse smiles. Memories start to flood into you. "MITCH!" You yelp. "Oh he's still there..." the nurse sighs. "May I lead you to the others?" The nurse asks. "Uhm yes...miss.." you glance at her name tag "miss pleyer." You smile. When you stand up, nausea kicks in. The nurse rushes over to you, supporting you. "Call me when you've changed." The nurse says before leaving again. You spot your normal clothes on the end of the bed. Not thinking twice, you quickly change. After you peak out of the door. The nurse rushes to your side, leading you to a room. Yells and laughter are coming from the inside. "Okay. If you don't need my help, I will inform my master that you're awake" she says. You nod. Exhaling loudly, you enter the room. All of the dead people are there. "Uhm..hey guys." You mutter. Seto is the first to react. He turns around to greet you. "Welcome back!" He smiles. Shortly after Quentin comes too. Everyone smiling. "So what's the deal here?" You ask, inspecting the room. Large computers are on the walls, showing different places in the hunger games. "Y/n. After you and Tyler died, Mitch went freaking insane." Seto starts. "Insane?" You repeat. "Literally. He butchered Everfall, Dan and Jerome easily. I don't know what has gotten into him, but he can't stop killing..." Ian gasps. You notice Everfall, curled in a ball, in the corner. Her head is burried in her knees, while she's twitching and trembling. You don't even want to ask what's with her. Instead, you find Mitch in a screen. It's nighttime. On Mitch's face is a devilish grin. His whole body is covered in crimson blood from his victims. His walking through a thunder storm, back to the center. "Is there going to be a deathmatch?" You question. "Yeah. That's where he's going. I just don't know why so early." Seto replies. On an other screen are Enderlox, Skybrine and WitherMU. Like always they are so confident. Like Mitch, they are heading to the center. They haven't heard of the recent deaths. Or at least who died. While they all march to their deaths, you glance around to also find the evil youtubers in here. Preston is hanging out with Jerome, that shortly arrived. But unlike in the games, his eyes are normal. Does that mean he's normal? What about Preston? You take the risk and walk over to Jerome. "J-jerome?" You ask. "OMG! Y/n! I'm so sorry about the games!" He whines. Yup normal. "It's okay. But what about you Preston?" You ask the lava creeper. "Yeah..I guess. I would just like to know who I am now.." He says, nervously rubbing the back of his head. "Woo! Since all of the remaining tributes arrived at the cornucopia, we'll be having a deathmatch!" Herobrine's voice sounds. "Hopefully his insanity will last longer, just then we'll have a chance." Seto sighs. "Is tbere a reason he's like this? I mean from his past?" You ask. "Everyone's emotions are triggered by their past. Mitch did have one of the worst pasts. While the other heroes had their perfect childhood. Because of that, Mitch went insane. Extremely homicidal. Jerome would have mostly calmed him down. Now that he's meet the 3 destroyers of his past, he'll love to torture them." Seto explains. You stare at Mitch once again, repeating Seto's words. This can't be good. In the nightime with a thunderstorm, hostile mobs start to spawn. Zombies, spiders, skeletons and more, start to crowd the center. Mitch glances around, grinning even more when he sees the zombies. He's up to something. "Mitch? Just you? Wow. Any last words?" Sky snickers but he's clearly impressed. "Yeah. Won't zombies turn people to their own kind?" Mitch asks. "Sure." Enderlox replies confused. "I'll use that strategy then" Mitch grins. He sidesteps into the crowd of growling zombies. Immediately one of them take the chance to bite Mitch's arm. When 5 seconds pass, Mitch kills the zombie and returns to his previous place. "Oh my god.." Seto next to you moans. "Why did he do that?!" You ask clearly confused. "You can't die unless your brain get's smashed. That means he's nearly invincible. But it's big risk. You'll even get nausea." Seto replies. Right on the spot, Mitch collapses on the ground. The infecting bite colors his skin bit by bit into a sickening green. The 3 remaining evil youtubers just watch Mitch, throwing up stuff I don't even want to describe. (Eyyy don't judge I think stuff through) You look away disgusted. A little later you hear Mitch, standing wobbly up again. He grips Jerome's Betty tight. "What were you thinking?!" Skybrine bursts out laughing. "I even feel bad, defeating you like this. This isn't a match. I'm dissapointed in you." Enderlox joins in with Skybrine. For a moment you think Mitch's gonna collapse again, instead he steadies himself. "I'm ready whenever you are" Mitch growls. "Take the first strike" Skybrine says. "You're gonna regret that" Mitch mutters. Out of a pocket he takes out a flint and stone. The moment he makes a fire he sets the mysterious water on fire. For his luck, the evil youtubers are surrounded by water. Enderlox and  WitherMU quickly abandon Skybrine and shoot up into the air. Fortunately, Enderlox's wings catches on fire. He crash landes into the grass. Skybrine tries to escape the fire. Instead of success, Mitch rushes over to him, silencing him. One down, two to go. Also if Mitch's starts burning alive, he shrugs it off and heads over to Enderlox. Enderlox, who has nearly both of his wings burned off, stands up and raises his claws threatening. "Oohh...I'm solo scared" Mitch teases. "Oh that's nothing. I'll have them fixed anyway after I win the games" Enderlox grins, showing no sign of pain. "Too bad that that's not gonna happen today" Mitch smirks. Quickly he gets a instant exploding TNT and places it on the floor. Enderlox doesn't have a chance. They both get immediately blown away. Mitch quickly jumps up, with the half of his face blown off. (...imagine that O.o) He runs over to Enderlox, also murdering him. Right when he's done, a witherskull hits him. He gets blown away again, with wither stuck on him. Still not giving up, Mitch takes your bow and arrows. Time to show how good of an archer he is. After dodging another skull, he shoots an arrow up. Mitch dipped it on fire before, making a flame dance on the point. He let's it go, aiming at the wither. Direct hit. The wither let's out a weird screetch. Mitch tries again, but is this time too late. Another skull hits him. He gets 10 blocks blown away. This time he takes too long to stand back up. The wither shoots another, not missing. Mitch stands back up growling. He looks terrible. Most of his skin is roasted and parts of him are blown away. He would remind you of an animatronic from fnaf. He picks back up his bow, aiming at the wither. Everyone in the room where you are, is staring at the screen. Everyone is terrorized to see Mitch in such a condition. Mitch let's go of the arrow. It burries itself in the main head. Mitch quickly sends another, finally sending the Wither to crash on the floor. Mitch sprints over to it, killing it.
"H-he....he just won.." You gasp. "Holy shit..." Preston moans. Mitch look up to the screen, probably guessing where it is. He waves, smiling victoriously. Mitch picks up his axe, without a word, he smashes it into his head, killing himself. You look away in shock. You know he did the right think but...not like this...
Me: Mwah! What a great chapter. I've enjoyed it. It might've been gross actually...
Sky: No shit...I will never forget that...I even had the quickest death...*sighs*
Me: Well he was insane thought
Whatever guys don't forget to leave a
Sky: vote
Ian: follow
Derp ssundee: comment
Dan: New addition to your reading lists
Tiffany: And it would be helpful if you would show this your friends
Me: yeah that's right cupquake. I rly need more people reading and commenting on it. It gives me motivation. Cuz if I only stay with about 2 readers (I luv u guys!!!) I will be quickly uninspired..

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