We've all got a meaning

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After hearing Herobrine's fake sadness, you rush out of the room. The others follow your lead. You run past multiple rooms to finally find the nurse. Smiling she approaches you. "I'm sorry but you can't be around h-" you interrupt her. "Where's Mitch!" You growl. Suddenly her eyes change completely black and her smile fades away. "Like I said, you're not allowed to be here!" She hisses. You back away a bit startled. Seto skids in front of you and raises his hand. "Do it or I'll blow your head off" Seto threatens. "Oh stop it." A voice snaps. Herobrine walks over to you, grinning like always. Seto backs away annoyed. "I'll take you to your friend." Herobrine says. Surprised you follow Herobrine down the hallway. He stops at a room. Silently you enter it. Like he said Mitch is in it. Suddenly the door, behind you, swings shut, followed by a locking sound. You're not fully alone. You notice a figure, hanging from the ceiling. Like a bat. It's Enderlox, sleeping and hanging just by his tail. In a chair is Skybrine or Sky also sleeping. Then there's Jason. Surprisingly he's normal and is laying on a couch. You glance at Mitch. You walk over to him. Lightly you shake him. A stirrs. Suddenly his eyes open. "Mitch!" You yell/ whisper. He stares at you for a while. "Was I dreaming all of that?" He mutters. "The death match...well...yes" you sigh. "Y/n. I remember everything." He says. "What?" You say with your eyes widening. "My past. I don't know how or why, but I do. All those times in the hunger games. Herobrine's torture I went through. Taming Jerome when I was little. My abusive mother. The death of my father. My childhood was awful" He whines and burries his head in the pillow. Stunned you stand there. He remembers as much as Seto. How? Suddenly something heavy behind you hits the ground. Enderlox creeps up at you. "Hello y/n" he grins. You take a step back to notice that all of those evil things have woken up. "Here have him for a while" Enderlox says. Suddenly his eyes flicker to Deadlox's normal color. All the enderdragon features vanishes. Deadlox looses his balance, nearly collapsing. "Ty?" You ask, with your voice full of hope. "Y-yeah I guess.." He gasps. "I can't do that" Sky groans, if he could, he would've rolled his eyes. "...wtf happened?" Jason groans, looking around and inspecting Sky and Deadlox. "How much do you remember?" You question. "Uhm...being brought to herobrine's mansion..." He frowns. "...omg..he doesn't know shit" You moan. "Great.." Ty sighs. After explaining most of what happened, he just nods. "Weird. So I was a wither?...waow" he gasps. "We need to get out of here" Mitch says. His tone is deadly serious. If voices could kill...."And if you hurt anyone of them I'll personally rip you to pieces" Mitch growls, facing Skybrine. Skybrine just smirks in return. You hope his memories didn't change his personality. You face the door, slamming your fist on it. "Hellooo?!" You yell. "You can't get to them. Neither get out. Everyone goes home, except us" Skybrine chuckles. "What?! The deal was that the winner gets all!" You protest. "No one said we couldn't lie." Skybrine smirks. You would just like to punch that annoying smirk off him. "Why me?! I'm not even special!" You growl. "True. Why are you here again?" Skybrine wonders. "What about Mitch?" You ask. "He remembers, that makes him dangerous." Skybrine simply replies. "And he's strong. Aggresive, easily corrupted. Remember?" Skybrine bursts out laughing. Quickly after Mitch hits him with full force. "Shut up" Mitch hisses. You must admit, Mitch is slowly starting to scare you. Shortly after Skybrine uses telekinesis, pinning him to the wall. "You betrayed both sides. Accept it. You have no home" Skybrine growls. "Oh yeah he does! Maybe not on this world but he has millions of fans including me! He IS appreciated!" You yell. "And you're just a poor bastard, following someone's orders to take over the world! GUESS WHAT HAPPENS TO BAD GUYS LIKE YOU! They always loose! Against you, Sky is a caring and loving person. And you're not Sky neither, SO LEAVE HIM ALONE!" You scream. "What do you even know about me? I'm Skybrine. Sky's past. I'm the one who remembers everything. This amulet gives me my memories. I'm not like Enderlox. I am Sky" Skybrine yells back. That gets you speechless. "Without the amulet I don't remember. That's what Seto did to me. He took my memories. " Sky finishes. Is Sky really like this? "Why are you like this then?" You squeak. "I've been raised like this. Besides it's my only home. I am appreciated and one of the best soldiers. I enjoy every little scream I hear." Sky replies. The door suddenly swings open. "Sky stop. Enderlox go back. Herobrine needs us. We need to trigger y/n's memories to come back" Everfall peeks in. "WHY YOU?!" You cry. She winces. "I'd like to trigger your memories first" Mitch hisses at her. "Why mine? I'm not slightly special." She asks confused. "You are. Well...were.." Mitch says. He quickly gets silenced by Skybrine. "Shut up!" Sky hisses. "...I'm sure there is a reason not to know.." She sighs. Deadlox turns back to Enderlox. They Enderlox drags you, while Everfall takes care of Jason. Sky obviously drags Mitch with, who is trying so hard to say something. When you reach a large room they stop. They shut the door behind you. Enderlox drops you harshly on the floor. The room is big but dark. You can barely see something. Herobrine approaches you. "Y/n."But before he can say something an explosion rings. "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU EVIL EVIL CREATURE!" Seto's voice booms. A smile forms on your face. Skybrine and Enderlox quickly prepare to fight. "Hah. Leave them get them. They'll do the job for us." Herobrine laughs. Herobrine is accepting defeat? "Huh?" You mutter, feeling Seto grab your arm and pulling you out of the room. When Mitch is freed, he runs over to Everfall and drags her with as well. Also if she tries freeing herself from Mitch's iron grip, he mercilessly drags her with. You glance back to notice that they just stand there. Herobrine grinning like a maniac. What if rescuing you isn't good?
Finally you've arrived at the mysterious island again. Better known as the heroes hideout. Only Seto, Jerome, Quentin, Bashur and Jordan decided to come. The rest stayed there. Everfall gets dropped harshly. Some of the new youtubers start yelling and insulting her for being on the bad side. "STOP! ALL OF YOU!" Mitch yells, being the loudest of all. Everyone turns silent. Seto glances over to Mitch, giving him the 'are you sure?' Look. Because only they know about what have happened in the past, means that something's up with her. "Why didn't you tell her earlier?" Mitch hisses at Seto. "It won't change a thing. Maybe she would've found out how to use it.." Seto replies. "Everfall. What do you know about your past exactly?" Mitch asks with a soft voice, crouching down to face her. ".....I probably sound stupid but y/n's apparently my master...why? I do not know. But somehow I don't have to follow them...she seems unfamiliar. I'm sure she was on Herobrine's side. But I think that she isn't like before, that's why I can't follow any orders." She replies. "Anything else?" Mitch asks. "Nope. Empty" she responds. "Why are you on their side, when Seto was your friend?" He asks. In response she blushes in many shades of red. "I'm not the most social person in the world....On earth I have found joy in watching you videos. I'm a big fan of you guys...I just...dunno..I know you must hate me by now...I was scared to go to you, since I could've done something wrong...I know I'm weird! I have fun in torturing people, making them notice me for once. I just want someone to listen to me. I knew that y/n became a friend of yours, so I gave up all hope in making you like me. I made Jerome at least listen..." She bursts out crying. She's a fan? You can notice that she is extremely jealous of you. "And please don't say anything. I don't need anyone to make me remember that I suck." Everfall whines and curls up in a ball. "Why do you want me here? I don't deserve anyone of you." She sobs. Mitch stands back up, looking at Seto. "Let's just say that a little later. Everfall. I know your personality. I know you are a very caring person." Mitch pulls her up. They've probably known each other very good.(Sorry for what I'm doing but when I do it...I feel better.) Jason and the new ones are extremely confused by this but they respect it. You walk over to Seto. "So she has a purpose. She knew you guys?" You ask. "Well..yes. She changed. If I could just get my revenge on Herobrine, who made us like this." Seto hisses.
Seto and Mitch assured that they would say what was with Everfall after dinner. They wanted her to rest and not get even more shocked with her past. Seto has been stuck in the potion house for eternity, trying to find a way to make everyone remember. There is a way, but is hard. He can't fulfill the spell he did on Ashley to everyone. It could be dangerous. Besides you are 22 people here. So many. You've made groups on the island. Some that remember their true selves, are helping with the dinner. Another group is helping Mitch, build houses for everyone. You are alone and have to explain everyone who they were on earth. Everyone insisted you have to, since you know them best. Finally the last youtuber enters the living room. It's dantdm. The diamond minecart. His British accent isn't hard to miss. He sits down o a couch. "...uhm hi?" He kind of greets. "Hi!" You smile.
You sit down at one of the tables. You're sitting with those people you've been with the most. The former team crafted members. For a short time you think about the discontinued group. Oh well..they did what they thought was right. You grab your plate and walk over to the buffet. Spaghetti? Cool. You take a whole plate full of it and dump a pile of tomato sauce on it. When you get back to your table, you immediately start to eat. You haven't ate much for a long time. Maybe if you were in the real world you'd be as thinn as a stick. It takes a while till you and the others finish. You help a few people to clean the dishes and tables. When you're finished you exit the main house to the outside. You just notice that Everfall has not eaten anything, nor showed up anywhere. You notice the cool breeze outside. It's already dark and the moon is up and the stars are shining bright. You feel a hand on your shoulder. You turn around to see that it is Mitch. He looks tired like everyone else. "Uhm. Most of the others went to sleep. What about you?" He asks. "I dunno. I do really want to know what's with Everfall thought" you smile weakly. "Ok. Come with then" He shrugs. He turns around to leave. Seto, Quentin, Ian and Jerome are with him. You follow them across the island to another edge. Everfall is silently sitting there staring at the stars. "Bonsoir" she greets when she hears you. "You speak French?" Ian asks surprised. "Yup a bit. " she replies quietly. "Uhm...we just want to tell you about your past." Mitch says nervously. She flinches. You all sit down, forming a circle. She stares at everyone for a while. "You actually were pretty important. Everyone of us has their own parents here in minecraft and in the real world. Did you think about yours?" Mitch asks, fumbling with his fingers, clearly uncomfortable. "No?" She replies. "....you're kind of looking at them....." Seto finishes.
Me:...yeahhhh...weirdness intensifies. Well it's not as weird as you think it is. NO they're not gay or something like that. I'll explain it in the next chapter.....
Mitch: Gawd that was one of the weirdest parts there..my god
Set: yeah besides you turning into a zombie
Mitch: Shut-up -.-
Me: Whatever..I would appreciate a comment or at least a vote. I'll be working right now on the next and will post it quickly after. BELIEVE ME I'm not gonna make this weird. Trust me.

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