The abandoned house-Chapter II

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You wake up by the noise of someone removing blocks. Actually you think the night was quite peaceful except the monster noices and a bit of Ty's loud music. Sky broke the blocks and now stacks them to go on roof. "Burn! Burn you pathetic monsters!" You hear him scream from upstairs. You have still a stack of dirt blocks so you decide to follow what Sky did. "Morning" you grumble at Sky. "Good Morning y/n. Look at this great sight!" You can tell that he is staring at a skeleton burning on a spiders back.

You giggle when you see villagers still running for their lives, they probably didn't reach their house because they are stuck in a field with fences around. 'wait a minute villagers' you literally scream in your head. 'When there is villagers there is a village!' "SKY SKY!" you scream at the person in grey and black next to you. "OMG LOOK AT THAT ZOMBIE! HES BEEING SO BEAT UP BY AN IRON GOLEM!" Sky yells. He probably didn't hear you scream. "Sky" you try again to get his attention. "That smexy irony butt..." Sky mumbles. (if you didn't see him try the virtual gaming device head over to it quick, it was hilarious) "SKY" you shout a bit louder. "What?!" he says a bit annoyed. "Didn't you realize that there should be a village here when there's iron golems and villagers?"

"...yeeessss??" Sky says. "yes" you answer. Sky digs the block away under his feet and falls through. You hear a loud thud then you walk to the stack you built and you break them again. You walk around the house and every second block you see you break it so that sunlight shines in. You peek in one of the windows and see that Sky fell on Ty. You hear Ty groan. "Rise an shine!" Mitch yells shaking Jerome to wake up. Jason stands up behind Ssundee who is still sleeping tightly. Sky crawls off of Ty and pulls him up. "Thank you Sky. "Deadlox growls. "Sorry Ty but I and (insert a nickname you hate when someone tells you) found out a village is nearby. "Don't you dare call me that again!" You yell at him. "What ya gonna do about it? Huh? What ya gonna do?" Sky snickers. You punch him in his right arm. "Like I said don't call me that again!" you grin. "Ouch" Sky mumbles that you could barely hear him. "So like Sky said, there should be a village nearby. Should we go now?" you continue you realize that Ian is also awake because hes standing next to Jason. "Yes" Ty speaks up. Your group turns and walk through the entrance into the warm sun. Jason flies up then comes down telling us that he sees a village right behind a mountain. You walk again behind. By half of the way you rip a flower out of the ground and inspect it. A rose it is pixelated but still you can tell it is a rose with those little block thorns. Sky in the front stops, causing you to bump into Mitch. "Sorry" you whisper. As you can see, you've reached the village. It isn't that big but it has like 20 houses. You walk to a sign and read it. "Welcome to Sunnyvale!" you read aloud. (there is going to be other villages so does anyone know names for snowy villages or other type of villages. Just write name and for what) Jason flies into the village and starts talking with a villager pointing at us. "long time no see" you can hear the villager say. Jason flies back to your group and explains "Xaler over there allowes us to stay in the empty house over there" he points at a cute big enough stone house. (read xaler backwards XD theres a chair next to me with relaxsit written ontop XD I am very bad at names) "That will surely do" Jerome says allready running to it and smashing the door open with Mitch. Jason facepalms and flys to them with keys in his hands. You and the rest also walk or run down and step in the house. Inside is a big couch a big table with 8 different coloured chairs. Yellow, green, dark blue, purple, brown, red and black checkered and one completely black. You look what's on the table. There is a map of Minecraftia a huge book and a few pencils. You swirl around to see the confusion on their faces. "Uh this is kind of creepy" you admit. You realized that each colour belongs to a person, it can't be different. You pick up the book while the other looks

in shelves and other stuff. 'page 1' you read in your thoughts 'After the big...' you cann't read further because the page changed into letters you can't understand. You let the book fall on the ground because it started burning your hands and fingers. "Wtf?!" you yell in pain from the burned fingers. The others seem to notice and a few of them run over to you. "What happened?!" Seto exclaims. "I really dont know, look for yourself" you point at the book. Mitch walks over to it and picks it up, but he instantly drops it again."Ouch that burns" "Wait give it to me" Ty walks over to it and picks it up with no problem but he looks blankly at the pages not able to read it. "How can you pick that up and Mitch and I couldn"t?!" you ask him suprised. "I really don't know.." he walks to the table and puts it softly on the table closed. You look up and find folded stairs.

You unfold it and test it to be sure it holdsthe weight of you and the others. "Well it is a bit old but we should be able to climb up. Can someone hand me a torch? It is quite dark up here." You ask. Sky also ccomes over and hands you a torch he found somewhere that isn't that important to have two torches there. You climb up the noisy stairs and look around. "Beds!" you yell down.

'Beds are good now we can sleep through the night!" You hold the torch closer to the beds and inspect the different designs. You step back from a golden bed with butter ontop. 'No way' you loom at the bed side to find something carved in. "Sky" you whisper. The rest that was carved in you can't read, but you can make out that there are 5 more letters. "Guys you need to see this" you stutter. Ty is the first to come in, his eyes widen when he sees the beds. "No way" Sky laughs when he sees his butter bed. He jumps ontop and covers himself in the bed sheats. "We should ask the villagers for information" Jason announces while looking at the carvings with an eyebrow raised. "Something is definitely wrong" Ty says noticing his carving. "I only have Lox while Jason has only Mu what happened to our names? Dead is not spelled with 5 letters and the first letter isn't E" Ty shakes his head. "y/n, Sky, jerome and me will go ask the villagers. The others look further okay?" Mitch asks. "Okay" you agree. The 4 of you gently climb the stairs down and go out of the door. You see a villager running past you to a crowd of villagers and normal people (normal people=like other acc people with skins). "Hey whats up here" Mitch asks one of the normal kids. "The last one is here! Oh my god allmighty bajancanadian!" it screams at him with it's eyes widened "We are so lucky your in our village" Mitch wants to ask him further but the kid runs over to his mother calling him. "This is so messed up" Jerome announces. You walk to the crowd and peek through of them. It was water not a sea but a pond. Someone in a black suit and a blue, white and yellow head is floating in it. Sky seems to notice correctly who it is so he jumps through the crowd into the water to pick up the person. "Hey how dare you just pick up our hero like..." one of the villagers turn around and stops himself "Uh sorry I didn't mean to say that.." the villager says a little scared. Sky raises an eyebrow "Its not like im going to hurt you" One of the kids curls into his mother arms trembling. "What is wrong with Sky he's nice he's not going to eat you" You walk to the scared persons hoping they would realize that he isn't a monster. "Well everyone knows that Skybri.." he get's stopped when someone coughs. It is Quentin. One of the villagers run to him and pushes Sky away. A few of the villagers shout to him that he shouldn't have done that. Sky seems to be annoyed and he stomps back to the house. "Phew" one of the mother says. "Bacca?" Quentin blinks his eyes seeing Jerome hovering over him. "Yes bacca is here" Jerome picks up Quentin bridal style and drags him into the house. Still a little confused you claim to the villagers everything is allright and if you dare announce that someone of your group is evil, Sky will haunt them. That seems to work because the most of the villagers tremble and nod. Pleased with what you've said you join the others in the house.

Thats it for now. I will probably do a next chapter later today or now. Spoilers: Noticed the "Skybri" from the villagers? Yes you did!

Hope you've enjoyed

*Uses Jackfrosts (mcpe youtuber) voice* This was Everfall and I hope you've enjoyed

*uses tdm's (the diamond minecart) voice* Good byeeeeee!

A/N of the 21th December: Bonjour! New edited chapter for ya! Hope it's okay cuz I didn't need to change much except a few grammar stuff ~.~

Ciao :P

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