Five night's at Freddy's-Chapter XXXXII

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"Everyone! Wake up! It's game day!" A voice shouts. Everyone awakens to find themselves in a totally different place. It looks like a restaurant. Only dim light is on. A window shows total darkness outside. "Where are we?"a few prisoners ask confused. "At Freddy fazbears pizzeria. We're playing five nights at Freddy's." Herobrine replies to all questions. "Who came up with that brilliant idea?" Mitch groans, sitting up from the cold hard ground. "Y/n. She said it'd be a fun horror game to play" Herobrine grins. Mitch just facepalms in response. "In server 1 Jerome & Ian will be the security guards. In server 2 Ant & Okward. In server 3 Mystic & Willowdove. The rest are animatronics." Herobrine explains. Everyone, exept the former team crafted members and Ashley, have puzzled faces. "Whatever. Everything else is self explaining" Herobrine chuckles. With the flick of his wrist they faint.
---------Server 1---------
"Hello?! Hello Hello! Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy fazbears pizzeria. Your job is actually quite easy. You're just the security guard. Only rarely something happens. That means that you only need to check the camera to see if any of the animatronics left their place. Due high prices you have a limited battery amount. If you use the camera, door or flashlight, you loose energy. Anyway! Good night and good luck!" The phone guy's voice instructs. Ian who's still half asleep listens to it carefully. He look over to the chair next to him to find Jerome. He's still asleep or unconscious. He doesn't even knows. He shakes him slightly. It takes a while till he wakes up. Annoyed by the fan, Ian switches it off. I inspects his desk. There is a tablet, a creepy cupcake and a digital clock on it. Okay there's also other stuff there, but they're not important. He picks up the tablet/pad and switches it on. (Omfg my mom is listening to 1D and singing to it) A tiny map is on the bottom right. When he taps on one, the desired room appears. He checks the stage to see 3 animatronics sitting there. One is a bear, the other is a blue bunny and the last one is probably female and is a chicken or duck. Nothing special. He switches to the pirate cove. 'out of order' is written on a sign in front of red curtains. Nothing special too. He returns to the stage. "One is gone" Jerome mutters, staring into the screen. The blue bunny is gone. "I wonder who it is" Ian mumbles and switches to multiple other rooms, to find the bunny in the backstage. (I think it's called like that. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm too lazy to search that on the internet)
Bonnie's POV.:
I look straight into the camera to make find something out. I need to somehow tell them that I'm Tyler. Is there so paper? Maybe in that party room I saw before? I'll go search there. Okay surprisingly there is one. I think I even saw a pen in the backstage. I return to it and quickly write something down. "Wait...I wanted to write I'm Tyler" I groan and quickly scribble over 'it's me'. I try it about 10 times to figure out that I would only write it's me. Stupid paper. I squish it into a paper ball and throw it at the camera. For some reason I feel terribly comfortable in this suit, also if I shouldn't. There are wires poking out everywhere in it, hurting me when I walk. I'm in the blue bunny suit. I think he was called Bonnie. What do I do? I don't intend to stuff them brutally in a suit. Maybe I can go ask the others for help. I walk back to the stage to only find Freddy in there. That's Jordan. "Hey. Dude. What do we do?" I quietly ask. "I don't know. Is something wrong? Did it even start yet?" Jordan responds. "I dunno let's check the office. Who's chica?" I suggest. "Chica? I think that's Cupquake." He replies and stands up. We both walk to where we guess the office is. On the way we find Chica searching for something in the kitchen. "Uhm. What are you doing?" I ask. "Oh...I think I lost thr cupcake in here... I saw it. It jumped in here. It looked so scared." She replies. "Let's go check the office. Something may be wrong. What's the point of this?" Jordan whines already going heading to the office. When we come closer to it, we hear voices. It's Jerome and Ian. "What if they'll attack us? I mean like in the game?!" Ian shouts. The more he yells at Jerome, the number I feel. Quickly I become entirely numb and somehow stunned. What is this? "They're right in front of the door!" Jerome squeals. A new feeling rises. Suddenly haunting brutal images appear in my mind. What weird fantasy....All confusion in me gets replaced bu hate and lust to murder. Whatever it takes, I'm going to make them suffer.
Ian & Jerome's POV.: (3rd person)
"Oh god! They're moving again. I hear him! Close the door!" Ian yells at Jerome. Jerome quickly pushes the red button to close the door on both sides. It's only 3 am. Time seems to go way faster than normal. A loud banging noise sounds on their left door. "Just in time" Ian sighs I'm relief. Bonnie back away from the door a bit stunned. He seems somehow to be surprised. "'s... Me" Bonnie stutters like if he would be forced. Ian recognizes the voice quickly. It's Tyler's. "What's with Tyler? Why is he doing this?" Jerome wonders, opening the doors again as soon as he left. On their right Chica appears when they turn on the light. Jerome quickly closes the door without thinking much. 40% power left at 4pm. Maybe, just maybe they can do this. As soon as she leaves they open the door again. Bonnie/Tyler is now back in the backstage and Chica in the bathroom. Freddy's in the party room. When they lay down the camera to save some power they notice Chica hanging out by the window again. Jerome quickly closes the door. Suddenly Bonnie appears too, peaking into the office. They close the door of course too. Too much power is bring wasted. 5 am. "Please just please..." Jerome begs, picking up the digital clock. When the time switches to 6am Jerome shoots up from his chair, dancing a small victory dance. Ian would love to too, but his slime body won't exactly let him. He's just some stupid cube of slime. The doors open, signaling that everything is over. All animatronics enter it. "'s six am. Back off" Jerome stutters. "...It's m-fine. I'm only i-Jordan" Freddy mumbles, taking off his huge helmet. Bonnie and Chica do the same. "Tyler and Cupcake...what happened?" Jerome asks. "ANYWAYS! NEXT ROUND!" Herobrine' s fake phone guy voice yells. They all black out once again.
----Server 2 round two----
"Hello?! Hello hello! W-" the whole phone guy intro starts once again. "Blah blah. Can we just get on with it?" Bashur whines, being the first to wake up. He wakes up Ashley. She can't speak unfortunately. Her mouth is sewn shut and her vocal cords are broken.Bashur notices that this is the second game. Server two=second game. Server 3=3rd game. He picks up the Freddy mask. For both of them is a mask. Bashur has Freddy's, Ashley has Chica's.
Toy Bonnie's POV.:
So this is five night's at Freddy's 2? I've actually had a bit time to play that game. I shake Freddy next to me slightly. "H...hello?" I ask. "What...oh. We're in the game." Toy Freddy replies. It's Mitch. "Seto?" Mitch asks. I nod. "Who's Chicago?"(omg stop it wattpad. It's Chica not Chicago) I ask. "Quentin" Toy Chica replies. "....wait. You're in a girl's suit?" We both laugh. "Yeah..." Quentin sighs. "Whatever. What do we do?" Mitch asks standing up. "Go to the security guard? I don't know. What's the point of this anyway? We don't even want to hurt our friends" Quentin notices. "I'll go find everyone. Maybe I'll check the office after" I say and walk off of the stage. I go to the price corner to find the puppet. Mangle is there too. "Hey guys!"I greet. "Seto?!" They both shriek. "So this is Bodil the puppet and Ryan...the mangled?" I ask. They both nod. Suddenly the sound of someone rewinding a music box sounds. "What are we even doing here?" Ryan asks. "I don't even know. This is so weird. Normally we should be trying to murder the security guards. What's wrong?" I wonder. "Anyway. I'll go see the rest." I mutter and walk out again. On the way to the next room I meet Balloon boy. "Who are you?" He asks me, blocking my way. I can't recognize his voice. "Do I know you? I'm Seto" I introduce. "Oh yeah...I'm not from your heroes group. I'm Joebuzz." He says. "I'm that chicken hybrid" he adds. "Oh..Kay...see you around" I mumble. I sure did hear that name before. I walk into the backstage. 3 corrupted suits are laying on the ground. Suddenly one becomes active and sits up. "Uhm. Who are you?" I ask. 'Sub' he writes into the air. He's stuck in withered Bonnie's suit. I notice that green slime is oozing out of Chica. "Ian?" I guess. "Yeah" He mutters, sitting up. "I feel stuffed in here" He mumbles. 'What's with withered Freddy?' Sub asks. I walk up to it, shaking it slightly. "...don't mind me. I'm codymaverick by the way..." Freddy mumbles. " you mean the crazy craft creator? Atlantic craft?" Ian wonders. "Crazy what? You may have mistaken me for someone. I'm just some stupid penguin hybrid." He replies. "How many YouTubers are stuck here?" Ian groans. "He doesn't even remember" I mutter. (*reads coma abridged* I'm so done. I'm not funny in any way. *dies of jealousy.) "Do you know Joebuzz?" Ian asks. "Oh that weirdo? Not much. We would end up arguing anyway" Cody responds. "And they're supposed to be friends" Ian mumbles. "Anyway! Who's up to meet the security guards?!" I grin. "Let's go and scare the shit out of Ashley and Bashur!" Ian shouts, walking/jumping out. "And this should be bad?" I mumble, following slime Chica. On the way we find Toy Chica following us. We stop by the vents. "I'll take this one. First ova delete fait a all" (thx autokorrect. If anyone gets the sentence right gets a cookie Cx) I chuckle and stuff myself into the vents. I can already hear Bashur's hectic voice. "HE'S IN THE VENTS!" Bashur cries. Luckily I'm not claustrophobic so I easily crawl out of the other side. "Rawr :3" I laugh. They're hiding under their masks. "Back away bunny!" Bashur shouts flailing his flashlight around, threatening to hit me with it. In the other vent Withered Chicago enters the room. "Buah! Be scared of scarecrow Chica!" Ian laughs, swinging his annoying arms around. How did he even bring that through the vents? " this a joke?" Bashur's stuttering voice asks. He takes off his mask slowly. "Y-" before I can even say something, everything becomes numb. I'm stunned. How, why? A new feeling pops up. Hate and lust to murder. Everything vanishes. "No" I hiss. I jumpscare him by screaming into his face. I've never had such a voice before. Suddenly everything turns black and I faint.
-----Round 3 server 3-----
"Hello?! Hello hello! Welcome t-" the telephone guy starts. "SHUT UP! GOD $+@+#)2;2" Mitch yells, smashing the telephone. It dies with a quiet buzzing sound. "Wha-What?" Tyler next to him stutters. "Nothing. You're the security guard. Great" Mitch groans. He glances around, inspecting the room. He played this game a while a go with his friends. It sacred him so badly. He even jumps up slightly when he sees the empty animatronic in the doorway. "OK stay calm" he whispers to himself. He pick up one pad to see that the ventilation is already having an error. He clicks the reboot button. In a few seconds it reboots. He picks up another pad to check the camera. Springtrap is already on the move. Who's in it? He's the only animatronic. He checks another camera to see withererd balloon boy stare into it. The moment he drops the camera, balloon boy jumps into his face. "Wah!" Mitch yells. "What...what happened?!" Tyler yells at him, quickly rebooting the ventilation system again. "Hallucination." Mitch groans trying to calm himself. He picks up the pad again. He dropped it unfortunately. Springtrap is gone. "Where..where is he?!" Mitch shouts. Suddenly the vent sounds. "No you're not getting through there" Mitch snarls, closing the vent. Safe and sound. In seconds Springtrap returns to his starting point. " you see that?" Tyler asks, poking him. "See what?" Mitch asks putting the pad down. "In the mirror..Freddy" Tyler says terrified. "No. Don't look at it. It's a hallucination." Mich assures, staring into the pad again. Springtrap is gone again. "Is that real?" Tyler asks once again poking Mitch. "Probably" Mitch guesses, not looking away from the camera. "Mitch! Really it's of going away!" Tyler pleads, pulling on his shirt. Finally Mitch looks up to face a golden animatronic in the mirror. "Oh shit..." Mitch whines, hitting himself with the pad. "We're so dead" Mitch adds. "We could do a staring contest" Tyler suggests. (I think that was from Jordan if I'm correct.) "No" Mitch disagrees when the ventilation's error begins to alarm him. He open up the pad rebooting the ventilation. Springtrap rushes over to the corner. "5 am. Pleaseee..." Tyler pleads. Suddenly an error alarms them again. Once again Mitch fixes it. Now the animatronic is staring into the room. "Well game over" Mitch groans. Right when the red lights want to start blinking again the clock turns to 6am. "Yes!" Mitch yells and shoot up from his chair. "We did it!" Tyler cheers, high fiving Mitch. The anamtronic enters the room and takes off it's helm. It's Okward. "Heyyyy..." He mutters. Before he can respond Herobrine interferes. "Game day 1 is over. You're being teleported back" Herobrine says. A weird sensation forms in everyone, before they return to their usual boring cells. Till now this hasn't been too bad. Why is everyone making such a big out of it? Everfall is just resting in Seto's cell. She has awaken before, but she fell asleep again. Not to sound silly, but more brown hair is growing on her skin, making a nice warm coat of fur.
-----In another place-----
"So prince of the end. Here you go." A knight chuckles tossing Ty to the ground. It's dark in the small obsidian box. It a 4 by 4 box made out of obsidian. The female knight enter it to chain all of his limbs to an obsidian chain. " You can't be serious. No I swear! My name is Tyler! I'm a very peaceful guy!" Ty pleads. "See you in a week" they mutter, leaving him and closing it off. Darkness surrounds him. How long must he stay in there?
Me: another chap! Pling! I know this chap is kind of random and stupid but yeah...And yes I needed to add atlanticcraft. I've started watching them a while ago...Aswell as Markiplier more intensely. I don't know why, but some of your comments aren't showing up in my notifications. I'm so sorry if I can't see or reply to them T.T. I still love it to see you guys liking this book. I just wish I could have a better sense of humor -.-. And I can't find anything more to make the YouTubers torture time more dramatic. No ideas are in my head.I actually planned to make this so evil and bad. I just end up writing peaceful crap. If I want them to be on their end, this is not it. If some of you have any weird ideas (don't be ashamed of it. I have a weird taste) it could maybe end up in the book. Oh. And maybe the Mystic and Willowdove round will show up in my bonus book. May I ask for an oc willowdove? I just really like you both, since you've stocked with me the longest. (Not to leave out Star who's been here since last summer. Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much) Anyways....
Seto: Rawr :3
Me: That sounded too cute... /).(\
Seto: >.< that's what I do
Me: Sure.
Jerome: We're cute too! *makes puppy eyes*
Ian: *turns into a cube of slime* I guess slimes aren't too cute...
Me: No! God no! I actually live minecraft slimes! Whatever I'm not too inspired to write a funny nor long Authors note. Cya guts in the next chap.

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