Catching the first 'pokemon'-Chapter X

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Your eyes snap open. Yawning and stretching you rise from your bed. Jordan is still sleeping so goes for all the others. Like always. Curiously you sneak downstairs to check on Bodil. Still alseep. You check his pulse. Finally a faint slow heartbeat sounds. Yesterday he had no pulse at all. Somehow this awkwardly remind you of the 'sleeping beauty' fairytale, causing you to back away. You swirl around and face the door. Maybe it would bs best to get some food. You actually never thought about what time it is. You never saw a clock recently. You take your bag and attach your diamond sword on you waist. You have a soldiers belt on. You at least have 10 emeralds and 100 coins in the bag. You open the door and close it after you're outside. A solo quest. Smiling you head to the center of the village. You start to memorize the village's streets and alleys. At the center you walk into a small store. You buy eggs, bacon and all ingredients for pancakes. You thank the villager and head back. You'll make the best breakfast they've ever tasted before. At home you run to the never used kitchen and you start to make scrambled eggs with bacon. 5 seconds after you hear footsteps running down from the attic. Jerome in the lead and the others behind him. You always thought about how Ashley felt like hanging around with boys. Here's your answer. The only girl in the group. "Good morning!" Jordan yawns and streetches his arms towards the ceiling. "Chefcook y/n made breakfast!" You grin and present the food you just made. Everyones eyes widen. "Thank you!" They all cheer. You bow and server everyone a plate. You also take a seat and eat a extra plate for you. "Question. Can we come with you? It would be boring sitting here forever" Ssundee asks. "Sure why not?" You mumble. "Great. Let's pack our stuff and go" Quentin smiles. "What about him?" Jordan asks and points at Bodil. "Bodil? Oh I found the perfect thing. A guard gave me yesterday a little present. It's from the Kanto region. Yes, that means that there are pokemon somewhere. I just don't know where." Seto says and takes a pokeball out of his pocket. "AWESOME!" Sky screams. (I hope you all know pokemon..) "So that means we are going to catch Bodil.." Jerome asks. "YES" Sky giggles. "So who wants the honor to catch him?" Jordan asks. "I'll do it if noone wants to." Sky casually says trying to make a streight face. "Ugh whatever take it." Seto mutters throwing the ball to Sky. Sky catches it an faces Bodil. "GO POKEBALL!" Sky yells and throws the pokeball at Bodil. Because of the capsule system Bodil gets sucked in the pokeball. Who knows how it looks like in it. "Hah that's so cool." Sky chuckles and picks up the pokeball. At least you got a good way to take with Bodil. "Where do we even start?" You ask. "We find the king." Seto replies. "You mean an actual king. There is a king here?" Mitch asks. "Yup. You bet." Seto says. "How do you know all this?" You ask. "Let's just say I'm way too curious" Seto chuckles. "Let's go then!" You smile and sling your bag across your sholder. You equip a bow and a quiver full of arrows. And of course you take a diamond sword with. "Everyone ready?" You yell. "Yup. Even got medical supplies!" Quentin yells back. He has a backpack on his back. He prefers to carry an iron sword instead of diamond. You head out the doors as soon as everyone left. Jordan is the only one with nothing except a iron sword you gave him. Seto picks out a map from his backpack. "So we are here." Seto says and points at a small village. You can even spot the house you currently live in. "Good. So we should take the train to here" Seto explains and points at 20x as big City. This is Querlin City. (Don't ask me what that means, I totally made that up) "I've heard that that is the most modern city in this world. It has computers and stuff." Ian adds. "I guess that we will need half of a day till we get there with the train. It's actually really far." Seto adds. "The nearest train station is in the town next to us." Seto also adds. He puts the map away again and starts heading east. You past a few villagers waving and saying goodbyes.
^_^ time skip ^_^
Finally you reach the next town. You've never been in here before. It's nicely decorated then the village you lived in. "...OMG..." A random girl just stops and stares at your group. "I knew you would come back!!!!" The girl screetches. "Uh..." Mitch just mutters. Soon other people start crowding. They start to push you and Jordan away to stare at the heroes. If they knew.. Sighing you leave the others. "So..great fans or friends. I don't even know. What do we do?" Jordan sighs. "Let's just hope they get out of that mess. C'mon Let's explore!" You giggle and look around. The beginning of the town is just an endless road. On both sides are many stores. Some stores are surely very luxurous. The designs of them are way better than those from your village. Passing a few stores you finally stop. Your nose catches a wonderful sent. Pizza. You glance to your side to stare into a beautiful delicious italian restaurant. How much you miss italian food! (I hope you would.) You grab Jordans hand and drag him into the pizzaria. You sit down at a table. A waiter suddenly appears. "Good afternoon. Please order one of our delicious pizzas." A woman greets. She hands you a card with all pizzas listed ontop. It doesn't take long till you decide to take your favorite pizza. The waiter passes again and lists your wishes on a note. Jordan obviously also ordered one. After a few minutes your desired pizza arrives. Right when you take your first bite the door burst open. Sky bursts in and sits next to you. He isn't smiling like usual. "It's so god damn hard to pass a few angry people. Everyone remembers me as a monster. It's so unfair." He moans. "True." You mutter. "But I'm sure we'll fix this." You add. "I hope so.." Sky mumbles.

~time skip~

(I'm so boring to write filler chapters)

When you finally finish your pizza and wait till Sky finishes his he ordered, you leave the restaurant and head to a hotel. It's getting dark and you're tired from the walk so you would like to rest. "Hey! Wait up!" Persons behind you yell. All the rest of the youtubers run up to you, Sky and Jordan. "Damn.." Seto pants. "We should really get disguises" Quentin adds. "Agreed" Sky agrees. "Let's stay for a night." You announce. Everyone nods and walks in. At the reception a middle aged guy greets you. Unlike others he doesn't over react. He just awkwardly stares at everyone. You all rent bedrooms for two people. You are the only one with a single room. Everyone is sleeping in pairs. Sky mentions that he thinks you should watch for Bodil so he hands you the pokeball. With a key in the hand you take a lift to the 2nd floor of the building. You unlock room 214 and enter it. Sky and Quentin are in a room next to you and Mitch and Jerome are in a room next to you. Mitch and Jerome reminds you of Merome. Merome. One of the most popular ships of youtube. You dump your bag, the pokeball and the key on your table. You drop on your bed, curl up in the bedcover and quickly drift off in a sleep.
Me: Done
Sky: Yesssss...
Me: I'm filming with my phone, so if you break it, the story is gone.
Sky: Genius -_-#
Me: Hey guys...just want to drop off a stupid authors note. In a while I've been uninspired to do this. Especially since my wattpad friends all left and that the former team crafted videos are pretty....bad.
They aren't like earlier. Just gone.
Mitch: I feel offended
Me: You should. Everyone's gone now making me wanting to quit. It would be like throwing my life out of the window but there isn't a world anymore I can protect. I always had the feeling I should start up a youtube channel to continue this awesome community. I'm just too young and too late.
Sky: ...
Me: Don't even..shut up.
I hope you guys understand...I'm sorry...this time for real. I'll continue this but yeah..uninspired.

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