Time to brighten up the day-Chapter XIX

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(Gawd sad music running in the background...GIVE ME INSPIRATION STUPID RADIO! *sends radio to space* HAH FIRST RADIO IN SPACE MWAHHAHAHA)

Your eyes flutter open. Blinking a few times you stand up sleepy. You got to stay with Seto again. You stretch your arms in all directions. You stare at the cup from yesterday that Everfall gave you. It's cold by now. Still not willing to take a sip you walk out. Out if the house, to the main island. So 2 days since yet. Groaning you step into the living room. You made a promise that everyone meets here as soon as you wake up. Noone is here. Just you. Sighing you turn around to leave. Maybe do something. The guys said it's safe to pay Everfall a visit. Why not? Maybe you can find out what's with the hot, no, cold chocolate. You cross the bridge to the prison. Your memories of before yesterday appear. With the note with Find me. Sighing you enter it. It's deadly quiet. A little too quiet. They guys said that she's on the 3rd floor, so you walk up the stairs. "Hello???" You whisper/yell. You don't get a response. You pass cells after cells to arrive at the last one. Everfall is curled up in a ball in the corner of her bed. "What do you want." She sighs still not looking at you. "Uh..." you just say. "Don't waste your time with me. Go have your pretty life with the youtubers. I'm not worth your time." She hisses. "I want to since they aren't awake...a question...why did you gave me that hot chocolate?" You question. "Oh that. Think about it. Can you just please leave." She replies. "Fine." You sigh and turn around to leave. Without looking back you walk back out. You just shake off that weird meeting. On the way you snatch a normal apple. You quietly nibble on it. When you enter the main house again you instantly notice the tention in the group. "Where's Sub?" You ask when you notice he's missing. "Uh he told...wrote..me that he went to the potion island. I tried to bring him out of there. He doesn't want to." Sky replies. "Weird. Whatever anyone up for breakfast?" You ask. The nod. After you finish your apple you sit back down at the table. The thought of Sub won't leave you? Why won't he leave? You just hope nothing bad happened. What if he took a bad potion? Questions haunt your mind until you can't take it anymore. You stand up and leave. The youtubers don't even bother to call you back. You walk to the potion island. For the first time you see the house. It's actually a smaller house. It's completely made out of wood. It looks like one of the basic houses. Before just bursting in you knock on the door. "Sub? It's me y/n! Can you please tell me why you are in there? We are worried about y-" You get cut off when the door swings open. The sight of Sub makes your face palens. 'I know! I took the wrong one!' Is written in the air. Before laughing out loud you place a hand infront of your mouth. 'Please don't tell them.....help me!' Sub writes hysterically. "Ok it's ok. I'll try to help. But Sub, you do know Seto would know best about this, don't you?" You say. She nods. So. Sub took a genderbend potion. Who would have thought? Instead of short brown hair, his or her hair reaches till her waist. You know. He has female features, also if it's hard to figure out in minecraft. "What potion did you take?" You ask, entering the room. She points at a bottle, shattered on the ground. "Why were you here anyway?" You question. 'I tried to find a potion that would make me talk again.' She writes back. "I don't know much about potions but how would you feel to prank them?" You ask, having a mishevious smile on your face. 'Depends' she replies. "I'll get another one of such a potion and mix it in their food. That way we can prank them and make them not laugh at you. Then you don't need to be ashamed about telling Seto that!" You smile. Well actually that sounds extremely stupid but your hunger to prank them is huge. "So?" You ask. She nods. "Which potion is it?" You ask. She points at a potion with pink liquid. Literally extremely pink. "Thanks! I'll be right back!" You grin and stuff the potion somewhere where the others can't see it. You walk out and close the door behind you. You gross the bridge, smiling like a maniac. You enter the main house. Everyone seems to be waiting for you. "And?" Everyone ask. "He'll come right away. In the time I'll make some pancakes!" You grin. "You seem awfully happy.." Mitch notices. "Why? Should I frown the entire time?" You giggle and enter the kitchen. It's huge. Cabinets fill the place beside cooking machines. You take all of the ingredients and stuff you need. Good think you know how to do it by heart.

~TIME SKIP...:)~

"So...when is Sub coming?" Sky asks you nervously. Through the whole breakfast he luckily didn't show up. Everything went smoothly. Before you gave the pancakes to them you made sure that they were tainted with the genderswap potion. Of course you took those ones without the potion. "I'll check on him again. Wait quick" you say. You just can't hold back a giggle completely. You've read many fanics. Now one comes true. Grining evily you head back to the potion house. Before entering you knock again. Sub is sitting on an armchair, his face like always emotionless. No face at all.'And?' She asks. Instead of saying words you just give a thumbs up. Suddenly the door breaks open. Seto bursts in panting heavily. "You've messed with the wrong sorcerer!" He yells. He looks like he's gonna faint any second. "Why?" He groans at you before passing out. Now you feel like you've been thrown out of a window. Well known guilt appears in your mind. "...what have I done..." you moan. You hieve up Seto and drag him to the armchair. You actually wonder why a genderswitch potion is in here. For what? "Look after him. I'll go look what's with the others." You sigh and head back out. As quick as you can you sprint into the house. You see all youtubers fallen on the ground. All passed out. You squat down by Bodil. "H-hey?" You ask and pinch him. You back away when you notice something weird. All female features begin to materialize on him. Also by the other. You try to drag them all to living room unsuccessfully. As soon as the first opens his eyes the chaos begins. Sky jumps up. Before yelling at you he curiously looks at his new body. "Wow. I look hot as a girl" he remarks. His voice also changed. His voice isn't that deep anymore. It's lighter and pitcher. "BUT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" He screams at you. Fliching you back away. "It's because of Sub. He accidentally took this potion and well" you break. You flush in 50 shades of red and pink. "I did want to play a prank on you" you end. Sky just rolles his eyes. "OMG Jeeeerrromme!" A familiar voice yells. Mitchell Hughes. You flip your side to see Mitch eyeing Jerome down. You actually need to chuckle at Jerome. A pinknribbon is stuck in his chocolate brown fur. Seeing Mitch with long hair will haunt you dreams. "What...omg no." Ssundee gasps now awake. Bodil and Jordan join quickly. After explaining what happened to everyone they all agree to visit Sub. You all march towards the potion house. You hear a loud sound of glass breaking. "I can't find the cure!" Seto's now pitch voice screams. You step in. Sub is just standing in the corner as if he'd be a scared dog. "I can't find the damn cure!" Seto sobs and crumbles to the ground. "I know I had one! Where is it!?" Seto whines. "Can't you just make a new one?" Sky suggests. "No. No I don't have the ingredients for that." Seto sobs. "Won't it wear off?" You ask. "I really don't know. Let's just hope so." Seto sighs and stands back up. "I still got a friend to help." Seto groans. He picks up a book. "Or a nemesis. Who cares." Seto says. "I found out more about Everfall. It's the Everfall. I should've known. She was one of those bad people. She helped Herobrine for her whole life. Enduring so many experiments." Seto cringes at the end. "But one could maybe do good for us. I found out that she's one of those I don't know how to say it...well..slaves. She is created to serve someone. With one item her personality can change. "It may be this. We can ask her who she actually serves." Seto explains. From a shelf he picks up a necklace. On the end of the metal chain two dogtags are attached. You snatch it to inspect it. On the first a few unimportant information about her. On the second...wait...You blink before really believing it. Like as the tag would belong to a dog, the owners name is written ontop. "Guys. I think I know now why I'm here." You gasp.
Me: PLING! New chapter! *sparkling dust rains from above* Gawd. A week! At least now I got my phone back! NEW update! *squeaks* ^-^ I was so worried sick that if I wouldn't update, people would stop reading mah story! T.T Now I'm back from 5 days of pure hell. Depression. Suicide and screaming...do not ask me what happened. It was awful. Anyway. DUDE! THIS BOOK IS MENT FOR GIRLS! I never saw a boy on wattpad! Sorry! But if someone sends in hate, that I think someone just did, I will ban this person imideatly! My life is already depressing enough! No one is reading this anyway...-.- Good night everyone!!! :*

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