#Zombiesky-Chapter IV

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"Wait what?" Seto asks the doctor. "Not now. Now I need to look at yout friend here" the doctor examines Sky. "Im not going to watch this" the Mudkip groans and pulls the stairs down again to go up. "We neither" Mitch and Jerome turn around and walk up. Now there is just you because Ian also decided to go up. (a/n okay its up to you now if you want to look or not. A is to go up but option B is to stay there. Just skip part B if you thake A.

OPTION A: " I rather dont look at this..tell me when your finish" you tell the doctor allready heading up.

"By the way my name is Rekro"

he says.

OPTION B: (skip if you don't like Sky getting teared up) "I will stay here." you say brave. "Fine but I need to concentrate please don't desturb me" he tells thaking a scalpell out of his luggage. "One last question. What's your name?" you ask. "Thank you for asking! My name is Rekro but the most just tell me doc" He replies. You lean back in your chair resting your eyes on Sky. (I'm not good at gory writting)

The doctor holds a torch in his hand and inspects the injuries on Sky. "He should have been dead by now" he mumbles. He picks up the scalpel and starts cutting out all of the bite injuries. You think that is all blood that he could bleed but no he bleeds more! Dark red blood flows down. The doctor cuts his clothes open to correctly cut them out.

(O.o Nope hes not going to strip him nope nope nope hes a doctor)

You look away a little disgusted about all that blood. After Rekro finishes he look over to his luggage and thake out two bottles and a syringe. One of the bottles has thick yellow glowing liquid in it, the other one is pitch black. "Sorry to interrupt but what is that?" you ask Rekro confused. "Believe me you don't want to know but it's the only thing created extra for Sky to keep him alive." Rekro replies. He thake the syringe and fills it up half with the golden and half of the black liquid. 'Okay' you think 'this IS akward' you think. You remember what the villagers said and promise yourself to ask the doctor later what happened. Rekro raises the syringe the stabs it into Sky's chest where the heart is supposed to be.

He presses the button down then thakes it out looking pleased what he has done. The doctor opens the luggage and thakes a roll of bandage out. He cleans and secures everything so that it doesn't bleed all over. You watch as the black and golden liquid spreads around. You can see it because it gets pumped through his veins.

Rekro looks up at you and smiles "This should do. He should wake up late tomorrow. If not search for me. Please makes shure he doesn't walks or moves around. " he packs all his stuff in. Your group , exept Ty and Jason, run down noticing that Rekro is finished. "Thank you Rekro for your help" you thank him. "It's my duty" he replies waving while walking out.

A: After waiting a long time and exaiming the beds closer with Seto you hear that Rekro finish. You jump down the stairs and say your thank you and your goodbyes.

A and B meet:

You hover over Sky inspecting him closer. You watch the golden and black liquid run throught him (again if not A). "And this should work?" Mitch sighs. "Let's hope" Ian replies. Ty jumps down the stairs and Jason follows. Ty runs over to Sky and hugs him. "Ty you better not touch him" you declare Ty. "Ok" Ty drops Sky softly on the table again. "What do we do?" Quentin asks. "We sleep" Jerome yawns. "We've been up all night" you agree. "Um but I have no bed" you notice. "Thake Sky's while we put him on the couch" Jason responds. "Kay" you lift up Sky and drop him on the couch putting a pillow behind his head. You jog up and jump in Sky's bed, covering yourself with a butter blanket. You look up and see a clock on the wall, the arrow just above the sunrise. "Night" you say pulling a lever to switch off the light. (its about 11:00)

You fall asleep quickly.

~time skip 5 hours~

Your eyes opens when you hear a loud creak. Eveyone is still sleeping. Quietly you remove the bed sheat and jump off your bed. The whole room is dark. You look around noticing a purple light next to you. You jump back tripping over Ty's bed. Ty groans but still sleeps. 'Good now I have time to deal with this alone' you think. You bet the person can't see you because of the darkness. Silently you watch the purple glow gets nearer following with loud limping footsteps. "Sky?" you ask a bit shaky. No response. You really didn't want to wake the others by turning on the bright light so you ask again "Sky is that you?"

You see the purple glow shake up and down. 'Okay it has to be Sky' "How the heck did you get up here" you yell/whisper at him. "Follow me im y/n if you didn't realise" you whisper. "If you need to you can hold on me that you don't fall" you add. You feel two arms on each of your shoulders. You grin. (I just realized: if I would ship myself with Sky it would by Skyfall XD) You take a step down and look if Sky follows. He does. Now you go all the steps down. When you reach the bottom Sky let's go. You turn around to see him in pain. "You shouldn't have done that" you tell him. (anyone got that reference?)

He limps to the couch and drops on it. "How do you feel?" you try to ask him. "Well theres just pain, pain and more pain what the heck happened yesterday? My mind is just blank" he sighs. "You somehow disapeared. We went searching for you, when we found you, you was being beaten up by zombies. When we came back I asked for a doctor but the strange thing is that noone volunteered to help you they would rather having you killing them mindlessly as zombiesky. As Mitch and the others, exept Ty and Jason, said that the doctor should show up they did but not really happy about it. I didn't took Jason and Ty with me for a reason, I have a feeling something bad is about to happen to you three." you explain. Sky shrugs "Yeah everythings quite messed up now." You hear footsteps from upstairs, the others are awake you guess. You see Mitch climbing down the stairs with Jerome following him. "Sup Sky?" Jason asks. Now all are down exept Ty. "Wheres Ty?" Sky asks. "Hes having some weird nightmare upstairs" Seto shrugs. "Why didn't you wake him up?" You ask them. "There is no way without the secret weapon...WATERBUCKET!" Jerome and Mitch scream running to the kitchen to fill a bucket with water. You think about when you tripped over Ty, now he has nightmares...'Okaayyy...' Jerome climbs up the stairs with the waterbucket hanging out of his mouth. Jerome is literally carrying it around like a dog would do in it's mouth. Behind him is Mitch, giggling. Soon you hear a loud splash and a very furios Ty. You would love to know how Jerome and Mitch get beaten up. You look at the stairs. Ty stomps down totally soaking wet. You laugh quietly. "Hey Sky" Ty smiles as he sees that his friend is awake. "Should we check out the village a bit more?" Mitch and Jerome come down groaning. "Yes, I really need to know whats behind me being a sorcerer" Seto says. "Wait, Seto is a sorcerer?" Sky asks suprised. "Well the doctor said so" Seto responds. "Sky are you ok with being alone?" you ask. "Sure its not likely that the villagers would sneak up to me to kill me" Sky grins. "Okay just don't walk around." you add. "But this time we are coming with" Ty says looking at Jason. "Okay" Ian agrees.

Me: Haiii! Thank you for reading if you've enjoyed please make sure to kiss that vote button. XD Luv you too vote button! Or maybe even follow? Sky: Ugh..BUT LEAVE A COMMENT THIS TIME

Ty: Make sure to follow her book about us!

Mitch: Smack that like..uh wrong...vote button with your forehead!

Me: *facepalms* ignore them..

Jerome: *whines* But its funny

Jason: Olga go to the little boys corner! *swings Baton*

Me: We are not at club ice! At least not yet hint hint

Ian: But but the technooooo

Me: NO *rips baton away* NOW YOU ALL GO TO THE SHOWERS!

Everyone: *walks there*

Jerome: *swims up*

Augustus (Sky): Olga stop climbing the toilets with your hairrr

Svenz (Ian): Uuuuu *dances in the shower*

Me: *turns camers to me* Well I better turn this off before the boys to anything naughty! Ciao!

*screen turns black*

A/N edited: well this isn't edited too since there is no reason to.

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