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"No! Don't you dare!" You yell. What if the experiment would go wrong.... And she'd die? "Too late" Enderlox grins. He gets replaced by Everfall, who collapses immediately. "He left...completely" Everfall notices, standing back up again. "Oh....Kay" you mumble. The door swings open and Herobrine enters. "Would you like to stay?" He asks with his usual calm voice. "Yes" you insist. Everfall shoots a nervous glance to you. >.< (I feel very weird writing this so I'll change the actual plot) Instead of doing exactly what you thought he would, he walks over to over to a shelf, picking up a syringe. Inside is a glowing white liquid. Everfall sits down on a bloody bed nervously. Herobrine approaches her, quickly injecting the weird liquid. The moment it meets her blood, her eyes snap wide open. "She see's it...." Herobrine smirks. "Memories?" You guess. "Yup" Herobrime confirms. Everfall falls back down, terrified by whatever she saw. After a few minutes, that seemed like hours, she stands back up. Her face is surprisingly empty. No emotion is really going on. "Uhm...are you okay?" You ask. She doesn't respond. Instead she just stares at you silently. "....uh hello?" You ask once again, swiping your hand in front of her. In the short second her eye color flickers gold. "I never thought you could be a Mary sue" she finally gasps. "And. You look a lot different. God. Luckily your bitchy manners didn't last" Everfall smiles weak. "'s weird. In a way I really want you as my master to come back but on at the same time if you come back, you'll probably destroy everything.....I actually wouldn't have minded. This is so......weird." She whines. "On which side are you?" You quietly ask. "I don't know. This is my home and I'll give my life protecting it....but I really want the youtubers to finally like me. I don't know...I really don't. Both sides are good." She moans. This could be a problem. "Now she's gonna be worse then before. Think about it. If y/ns back, she'll control you again. If you choose the other side, you'll be hated here. Before she's back you can at least leave a good memory for us" Enderlox says, standing at the door. "You have no choice" Enderlox shortens. "No!" You snap. "What if I just avoid getting my memories back? I could just escape and ask Seto for help." You protest. "As if you could escape" Enderlox laughs. "I can" Everfall smirks. "You won't" Enderlox chuckles. "Why not? What's on stake? My life?" Everfall grins. "If you hurt me, all of you know It'll be better to get out." Everfall says. She glances over to you, shooting you the 'I've got this' look. Did she pick a side? "why again did we bring her memories back?" Enderlox moans. "She's only more resistant and stronger." Enderlox sighs. "We didn't even know it would work. By the way, I thought she'd pick this side, since she has no choice" Herobrine mutters. "If you like, go run off. Just hope till then we'll not have changed y/n back. A game? This will be fun. Try getting your pathetic Seto to fix this" Enderlox challanges. "Fine. Where's Mystic now?" She questions. "I'm not stupid y'know. I took her" Enderlox smirks. Everfall facepalms in respond. "....I could just get beat up by them....why didn't I think of that before. I'm like....THE HULK!" She grins happily. "The hulk?" Herobrine questions. "Oh it's a green huge comic figure." You mutter. "One of those superheroes Ty used to warn me about if I ever wanted to go to the human world. Yeah...he said I would also need to challenge some alien human in a lousy blue skintight suit with red underpants? Why were you guys living in such a crazy world?" Enderlox wonders. "Cya!" She waves before leaving the room. Herobrine nears you, smiling creepily. "She won't make it...not even close" Herobrine smirks.
Obviously we cannot write in your POV.
Seto's POV.
(Meh gtg to violin class -_-)
(Back! >.
'How long has it been? 10 hours ago Enderlox flew away with y/n. Great just great. Including Everfall. Why? I'm still walking a few blocks in front of the others. Everfall... My mind drifts off in all the last memories I had with her before the real world. I didn't have enough time to actually figure out if she could use our powers. I only had about a year to train her basic stuff. Then well....Skybrine that jerk just takes her. Who knows what has happened in that creepy mansion. All I know is that she's not the only one that's been and is there. Thousands or even more are slowly drowning in despair inside there. I suddenly jump back when I see another creepy hallucination in front of me. It's a face I've never seen before. It's a girl. She has deathly pale skin with incredibly long hair. She's smiling like a maniac with a tiara placed on her head. She seems familiar. We've been here forever. The forest surrounding herobrine's mansion is way too hard. What if we don't make it? What if Herobrine succeeds to bring y/n's memories back? Well one is sure, we'll die and probably have the most horrible death. I spin around to see if the others are still there. Yup, still close behind me. When I look back forwards I see another tree. Not like that's not normal, but this one isn't. I remember seeing one like this with a red x on top. It's the same I've saw a couple of hours ago. Really?! We're at the start...again. I've actually done that cross, when I came here the first time, before the earth. Good times...good times. I've tried a couple of times to save the prisoners, without success. The only time I've saw this, was when I was too small to understand what evil Herobrine does. I do carry a lot of dark secrets. It's not like the others don't. When I decide to turn left to try a new way, I see another hallucination. Or is it real? I can't even tell anymore. It's Everfall, standing a few blocks away, searching for something on the floor. It can't be real, or can it? "Do you see her?" I ask Jerome, when he arrives. "....yeah" He replies. I'm just not sure if I can really trust her. Who knows what Herobrine could've already done? Get her memories back? Probably. "Guys. This seems endless, Seto are you sure we can get through here?" Ashley behind me moans. Suddenly Everfall shoots up and stares over to us. "Ohmahgah!" She chrips. I back away slowly. "It's okay. I'm here to help. I tried fining you guys. If we are too late, y/n's gonna get her memories back" She assures. "How do you even know how to get through here?" I question to confirm my theory. "I've got all of my memories back." She smirks. Great. Perfect. "How can I be sure you won't butcher us?" Sky asks. "You can't to be honest." She agrees. "We have no time to chit-chat. I made a deal with them so yeah. C'mon" she says, motioning me to follow her. In about 20 minutes we finally arrive at the huge mansion. Yup, she knows the way. "Enderlox's gonna be sooooo mad" she giggles. I don't even bother to reply. She kicks the door open. "GUYS! EVERFALL IS BACK! I'VE GOT SOME GUESTS!" She yells into the house. She has become way louder. In response all guards glare at me, raising their swords threatening. "I'm so dead" she sing quietly. Finally a well known face approaches me. Enderlox. "You actually did it. Guess what" he taunts. "I'm to late aren't I?" Everfall smiles. "Yup. May I present you........" Enderlox sidesteps to make space for another person. The same girl I've sawn in the forest approaches us. "Y/n?" We all gasp.
Me: CLIFFHANGER!!!! I'm so happey! You've probably noticed that already....but rly I'm happy cuz it's.... SPRINGBREAK!!! I've actually got a lot done in this story. We are now skydiving to the end. Maybe about 5-10 chapters more and I'll be done. Believe me, this will be a series. I'm already planning a lot for the sequel. I'll also be doing a extras book that will feature secrets and bonus stories. There are secrets in this, believe it or not. Maybe you've found one out till now. AND there'll be a prequel book. All of you know that there's a lot of background story for all of you. This will be fun!!!! SPRINGBREAK!
Ty: *shows up in a black bikini* SPRINGBREAK
Me: SPRINGBREAK...Well the weather is horrible thought. Yesterday there was a lot of wind, rain, snow, sun and....what do you call it in English? Those icy things falling from the sky. There was a part that was literally sunny...warm
Welcome to Switzerland. Best-land-eva
Whatever me and Ty will talk for a while...cya

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