Klüb ice

702 21 13

No one's POV.:
"....oh-my-god" Everfall moans kneeling down. The girl who was a normal girl before, smiles, looking down at Everfall. Y/n is hard to recognize. Her hair has become black and curly, her skin is white and she's wearing a black and white dress and a tiara on her head. She could've stepped out of a black an white film if her eyes weren't glowing red. "Stand up. I won't dismiss you yet." Y/n assures. Immediately Everfall stands up and walks over to Enderlox. "So we finally meet in person" she starts, nearing the startled youtubers. "It's a shame I've actually liked you. Even someone as strong as me, couldn't hold back a pathetic forgetting spell." She says, glancing at Seto. "....what now?" Seto sighs, staring at her hopelessly. "I don't know. I won't kill you. Also if I may be different now, I still like you guys. If I wouldn't have spended months with you, I would've butchered you on sight. But what's with the others? Oh Deadlox! Prince of the end. Your brother has been missing you." She grins. "I'd like to play a game...but which one?" She thinks. "So...you won't kill us?" Seto asks surprised. "No! Of course not!" She snaps. "What a waste that would be too! I'm the puppet master. I can build up my army. Everyone will bow down to me. I don't have such useless powers as shooting fire or making ice. That's plain useless." She says. "I do not like the way Mr. Herobrine does that. I'm a kind hostess. People will learn to love me again! Not like they've done long time ago.." She trails off. "What happened?" Bashur suddenly asks. She glares at the melon in respond. "Don't remember me." She hisses. "I-i'm so sorry" Bashur stutters, trying to save his life. "What do people this days like to play?" She wonders. "Hah. I keep remembering stuff from earth, like klub ice." She snickers. "K-klub...ice?" Sky repeats. "Oh my god! Augustus!" Jerome yelps, being the only one that sees something bright in this dark situation. Ian also twitches a bit. "Would you like to play that?" Y/n smiles. ".....uhm...no" sky mutters. "YES!" Jerome yells. If looks could kill..."That's fine with me. I'm truly sorry Bruno but I will take the post as the leader. Enderlox and Herobrine will you play with?" Y/n questions. "N-no." They reply with shocked faces. "Don't be shy. Let's have some fun!" Y/n giggles. "Herobrine, would you please?" Y/n asks. He nods. With the flick of his wrist, they all get teleported to a different place.
When they arrive, they all collapse to the ground. "Wow. It's been a long time since I've teleported!" Y/n giggles, clapping. All of the youtubers look around dreamy. Some of them lay down relieved from the stress. It's like all of their worries drifted away. Who cares that y/n may rule the world? "Now may you all be nice and put on your uniform? Katherine (me), (ummm...) Raven and Annika (Cupquake), please follow me. (Did I forget a female youtuber? ^-^')" Y/n smiles and leads the females into another room. "I hope all of you know where the uniforms are. They're in your cells" y/n adds. Everyone doesn't even care that they're being called a different name.
Here's a list:
Sky: Augustus (if I got it wrong pls tell meh)
Jason: Bruno (mars xD no)
Ty: Rick
Preston: Blaze
Jerome: Olga
Ian: Gvens (?)
Seto: Karl
Derp ssundee: Derp Gvens (:P)
Bashur: Zach
Dan: Xavier
Mitch: Bounty
Ashley: Raven
Cupquake: Annika
Everfall: Katherine (my middle name)
Herobrine: Peter
Enderlox: John
Jordan: Pedro
Bodil: Jonathan
Okward: Jeremias
Antvenom: Richard
Tyler: Olaf
Ryan: Jeremy
Subzero: Dylan
Quentin: Drake
(Wow this actually took me surprisingly long)
(I think that's all)
Y/n rushes over to the girls with a stack of clothes. They are dresses. White and pink. It's just a girl version of the uniforms. (Picture above) Katherine or Everfall takes one, inspecting it. She is still deciding whether she likes or not. She vanishes in her cell, putting it on quickly. Y/n who also dressed herself, walks over to the cells. Respectively not peeking in any of them. Some walk out grining madly. Every single guy eyes down each of the girls. Who said minecraft can't be hot? (I'm laughing so badly now. Why am I doing this?! XD) "Velcome to klüb ice!" Y/n greets. "Parteys will be announced. Till then you vill have Fri tiame!" Y/n smiles. (Wow autokorrekt...rly?) "I'll go make the pretty music!" Bruno cheers, walking over to his disired place. "Katherine! You need to help with da drinks!" Y/n orders. Katherine nods, vanishing in the kitchen. Most off them tumble to the dance floor, talking about stuff they wouldn't dare to say. Y/n with a smile plastered on her face, walks off to the platform. She has got what she wants. Well not everything. She'll get that too. Klüb ice is the best distraction, because no one can leave this place. They'll be safe here. Katherine shortly brings a plate full of different drinks. The rest of the day is normal. There has been one or two parties....In the night there even was a ladies night.
Mitch's pov.:
Yesterday has been great! No worries at all. I mean, yeah there is crazy y/n dancing around, probably going to take over the world, but WHO CARES! Y/n has changed so much. Positive thought. We hung out yesterday a lot. I mean...really....She's soooo.....awesome. My mind drifts off in other thoughts until Sky makes me snap out of it. "Hellow Augustus!" I greet, still relaxing on my bed. "Nom nom is done in ten minutes. You don't want to miss it!" Sky chuckles. It's weird using such weird words and tone but...who cares. I jump off my bed and leave my cell. I follow him into the cafeteria. I sit down next to y/n. "Gud morning!" She smiles. Katherine walks up to us with plates of food. It seems like she's playing the waitress here. Sadly she doesn't have much spare time to shake off at the dancefloor. I've also heard that she wasn't allowed to join the ladies night normally. Peter has been hiding for most of the day. I wonder why. I snap out of my thought quickly, to enjoy the tasty eggs and bacon. Only Bruno avoids eating the bacon. He and his stupid Jeffrey religion. I roll my eyes annoyed. "And enjoying it here?" Y/n asks. "Sure! This place is amazing!" I compliment. She stares at me for while, before enjoying her food. When I finish, I stand back up and leave. What now? I don't know. I'll probably figure something out to do. How about going outside? It won't hurt. I walk along the hallways to search for a way out. Why are we actually staying in a prison? I pass something called 'the warden's office'. I've never been there before. Inside is a pressure plate behind a desk. Carefully i step on it. A loud click appears. So what? What did it do? Umm...I walk back out to find y/n standing in the doorframe. "You shouldn't be in here" she says with a serious tone. Why? I think about it for a moment. Finally the memory of me playing cops and robbers appear. Oh right. With this you can get out. "Oh, I'd just like to catch some fresh air" I excuse myself. "Sorry, but you can't at the moment. The exit broke unfortunately. Want to join me on the dancefloor?" She smirks. "Sure"I grin and follow her back. A few youtubers are already there, taking turns to be the dj. One time Pedro even manages to play his song take back the night. Bruno didn't really agree with that, so he turned it back to some weird electro music. Katherine always walks back and forth from the kitchen to the dancefloor with new drinks. When she passes I take one of them. It has the taste of strawberries. Sweet. I sit down next to Bruno to enjoy my drink. I stare down at the playlist of songs he's going to play. According to the list, next will be 'the bootymixer'. What a very weird name. (X'D I'm gonna cry) Bruno is obviously really focused on what he's doing. He doesn't even notice me. Who cares. Wow I've never thought Sky would have such a weird dancing style. Ian hopelessly tries to do a breakdance move to fail horribly. No one is exactly talented in dancing. Neither do I so whatever. Y/n is now hanging out with Seto in the corner of the dancefloor. I can't even hear what their saying. When Katherine passes again, I stop her. "Why don't you take a pause?" I question, making space for her to sit down. "....i can't. I need to follow orders." She sighs. "Orders? This place is so calm and nice? Who's then" I ask confused. "This is so crazy. None of you are thinking straight. At least I'm allowed to know what's going on. I need to get you out of here" she whines. "No. This is like a dream. So carefree" I mutter. "Can't Katherine take a break?" I finally shout at y/n. "Sure, why not?" She grins. Katherine backs away startled. "I...I'm not allowed to.." She trails off. She let's the empty plate fall. "Yeah...dis place is very bootyfull" she moans, now speaking in the same tone as everyone else. I smirk. At least she isn't weird anymore. She sits next to me, not caring about the fallen plate. We've not been so close since a long time. Well at least not since before the real world. It's calming thought. Soon Bruno leaves to join the others on the dancefloor. He left me the responsibility of the music. I put on the headset to meet the extremely loud music. Now double as loud. I look down at the screen to see the next music. 'Midnight madness'. When it starts, a rather creepy electric music sounds. I actually begin to like it. (Unfortunately this doesn't exist)
Seto's pov.:
I sit down at the side of the dancefloor on a chair, staring at everyone on the dancefloor. Some aren't even dancing, some are just laughing and talking with others. A thought always keeps distracting me. I push it aside, to try to avoid it. I somehow have nagging feeling to get out. I've never actually played klüb ice in real life before. I wasn't invited. I used to watch it's videos thought. Always about a magical place that will take your worries away and it traps you forever. Wait....What was I about to do before I came here. Something was about y/n. Somehow i have the feeling that I shouldn't trust her. Why thought? Because she changed. Because the world depends on me to save them? Nah. They can go do their job.
Me: Pling another chapter! This was actually hard to write, since I needed to find klüb ice names and draw the dress. The picture is realistic drawn thought. It's you if you didn't notice. Yeah...I feel so weird writing that, so I didn't go over the top like in their actual videos.....I'm so happy! So many readers are actually commenting! It's amazing! I luv you guys!
Mitch: <3
Bodil: Kawaii desu senpai chan <3
Me: Yeah we all know the reader is best...pscht......yup.xD What should i write....
Jordan: How about the other part?
Me: Gonna be probably in the bonus book. Now shut up. Whatever. If you actually like my drawing, pls check out my artbook ;) Btw I'll probably write another update later this afternoon just so you look after it...yeah. Again. Thx for so many votes and 8k views. This is mad. Cya
Bodil & rest: Bya!

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