Sending hope-Chapter XXXXI

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"Vipera!" A voice booms. "...yes?" The snake hybrid squeaks. "I said 'keep it simple'! Mitch could change! What I wanted was just a simple switch! That's all! Necromancy isn't simple at all! And now Okward! He will definitely change!" Y/n yells, walking nervously in circles. "But miss y/n. I'm sure nothings going to happen to Mitch...well yes Okward could suffer a bit, but just a little bit" Vipera whines. "I hope so. Now get down there and bring me a new update" Y/n orders a d slumps back down on her black throne. Vipera bows slightly before descending to a lower level, the prisons.
Mitch finally awakens, shooting up like a rocket. He inspects his hand for a while, to notice nothing changed on the outside. But there's that aching emptiness in his chest. It's gone. That thing he relied on for years, is gone. Now he's literally immortal, if Okward doesn't die. Okward! Mitch glances around in his cell helplessly. It's too dark. He can't see anything. Instead of saying something, he touches his environment, to find Okward. Nothing. He only finds something jellylike on the floor. He gives up quickly. Maybe he should just sleep.
..."Mitch?" Vipera whispers walking the hallway up and down. She doesn't even know in which cell he is. He already fell asleep. She's too late. Cursing she leaves the room again.
"Hey! Ian!" Seto yell/whispers through the crack. On the palm of his hand is a dancing fire. He woke up by Vipera a while ago and her trying to wake up his sleeping friend. If Seto's right, and not still badly affected by the thing, Mitch's chestnis rising and sinking...that means he's breathing. How can people breathe with no heart? Unsolved mysteries of minecraft~
"Iannnnn" Seto groans. "What? Can't you let a tired slime sleep?" Ian whines. "Mitch's alive. Wake up!" Seto hisses. "What? Oh....Mitch?" Ian mumbles, shaking Mitch's shoulder a bit. Mitch let's out a soft groan before his eyes open. "........who are you?" Is the first thing Mitch says. "Omg....we thought you were dead! What happened!" Ian demands. Next to him Okward awakens. "Yeah. I'd like to know why the heck I need to carry your heart" Okward growls. "" Seto gasps. "Wait Seto's here?" Mitch asks happily, spying through the window. "Yes." Seto responds. "That's great. And you are Ian then?" Mitch asks, poking the slime. "Yeah. And you may leave the slime alone" Ian hisses, jumping away. "So...what happened?" Seto asks. "Uhm...I'm kind of dead right now. Vipera really wanted me to be some stupid necromancer, so she actually made me die for a moment. Too make it seem like I'm still alive, she gave Okward my heart. He lives too. But with my feelings and personalities. Now you can say I'm immortal" Mitch explains. "I never thought that would work. But if I would kill Okward...would you die too?" Ian asks. "I guess" Mitch mutters. They all become silent for a moment. "Good morning! Wake up!" The guards yells, banging on the doors with his metal fists. "It's friday! That means training!" He yells, throwing everyone a piece of bread. "Mitch?" A few YouTubers asks, staring at Mitch. "What happened?!" Many ask. After explaining it a couple of times they become silent again. Suddenly 20 persons enter the hallway. Under the hybrids are Skybrine, Enderlox, WitherMU and Everfall. "It's training day. Your trainers are going to get you now" Skybrine instructs. Everyone except the YouTubers get dragged out. "It's your lucky day! Guess who came down just to teach some loosers how to use their powers!" Enderlox smirks. "Who's lucky day?" Mitch groans. "Shut up." WitherMU hisses. " talk?" Seto gasps. He never saw WitherMU speak before. "He does. He only doesn't like to. Whatever. You're going to be in bigger groups for once." Skybrine says. "6 in each group. One in two groups included." Enderlox instructs. "So. Ant, Ashley, Bashur, Okward, Jerome and Ian. Follow me" Skybrine picks. He goes into cells, taking those he needs. "Bodil, Dan, Quentin, Derp Ssundee, Ryan and Tyler" WitherMU chooses and leads them out. "Te rest are mine then? Great. We've got the sorcerer" Enderlox frowns. He lets the remaining YouTubers leave their cell. "Seto, Subzero, Mitch, Jordan, Cupquake and Preston." Enderlox counts. "It's correct. Let's go." Everfall says, leading the group out of the darkness. For the first time they are able to see their friends correctly in the light. They all look like they've been stuffed in a bag and then used as a football. Most of them are paler than usual because of the lack of sunlight. They don't even want to speak of Mitch, who look like he legitimate died. They exit the mansion and walk into the woods. Escaping wouldn't help. They would only be stuck in a forest forever. Everfall walks behind the group, with the same nagging feeling that she betrayed her friends. "We're here!" Enderlox chuckles, stopping in the middle of tree free place. "You can all tell me what you've got. I'm to lazy to read and I want every single one of you remember what we've done to you" Enderlox snickers. "Since yet I've got nothing but useless torture. Well I can see the future when I sleep. Anyway my power was more sleeping than torture. I've had a rather great time since yet" Seto grins. "Yeah besides that you're suffering from the thing." Enderlox chuckles. '*sigh* I've got knifes as fingers. Powers? To find out if someone's lying or not.' subzero types. "Mitch?" Enderlox asks, now hovering in the air. "What? You know exactly what. I've got freaking skeleton wings I can't even flt with. I'm immortal thought. So I could beat the crap out of you" Mitch replies. "I could just murder Okward then. Teddy bear?" Enderlox asks ending up laughing. "Shut up. All I've got is sharp teeth and speed" He snarls. "Enderlox. We're really wasting our time. If y/n wants us to change them, this is not the way" Everfall sighs rolling her eyes annoyed. "Why did you even come with?" Enderlox hisses. "Oh. I'm just here to look out after you. Y/n's orders." She smirks. "No one needs to look after me." Enderlox growls. "Like I said. If we want to change them, then we need to get them on their max. How they look like is stage 0." She says. "Fine. What do we start with? Sword fight? You like sword training don't you Mitch?" Enderlox chuckles. "Fine. I'll go get some stupid swords" Enderlox sighs. He flies back into the mansion. "Why are you helping them?" Jordan asks Everfall, who's laying on a tree log. "I've been through this crap. My mind thinks that I need to obey y/n. There's your answer." She replies annoyed. "When do you think we'll be through?" Cupquake asks. "That doesn't sound like hope. If you're already asking those questions now, that means in like 3 weeks." She replies. Suddenly Enderlox lands safely and throws the pile of weapons on the ground. Bows, swords,arrows, throwing knifes and shields are dropped in a pile. "Seto do you even now know how to fight with a sword?" Enderlox asks. "No" He replies. "This will take more than I thought. No you're not going to use any magic. Take a sword" Enderlox says. "You too Mitch" Enderlox growls when he notices Mitch picking up a bow. The rest chooses their desired weapon. Sub just stays with his knife hand. "What game?" Everfall asks. "....I don't know. Normal battle." Enderlox replies. "Fine with me" She mutters and picks an axe as weapon. "We need to part in two groups. Mitch, Subzero and Cupquake follow me" Enderlox says and drags the members of his group to the left side of the field. Everfall takes the remaining youtubers to the other side. "It's simple. Kill the other person. Well...Mitch...just stop sometime" Enderlox instructs. "You all are on respawn. So if you die, you'll spawn right here." Everfall says. "Everyone has 3 chances. Now go!" Enderlox yells. "Should we play with?" Everfall asks. "Nah. That'd be mean" Enderlox snickers. "Fine" she mutters and walks over to him. The YouTubers don't even move. "Really? Just go on and fight! Or do I need to make you?!" Enderlox snarls. "I'm not going to hurt my friend!" Preston protests. "Jeez. They really are stubborn" Everfall sighs. She look to her right to see Ty just standing there stunned. Preston twitches slightly. "What a jerk" Ty groans. "No shit" Everfall sighs. Preston charges Cupquake with a sword in his hand. "Ty. Run. Maybe you can save us all" Everfall suggests. "What? Me? He'll find me!" Ty protests. "You are the only one who can even stop him. Or at least get the army here." She tries. " can't be serious" he whines. "I am." She hisses pushing him away. "Out remember the way right?" She asks. "I hope so" Ty mutters. He glances over to Preston who's wrestling with Cupquake. He relies on his luck and heads into the woods. So one is sent. Maybe just maybe he can save them all. First she needs to bring all the YouTubers to fight. Or else she will fail her order. Whatever. She kind of did already. "Mitch. May you please go" She whines. "No!" He protests. "You know I'll make you" she threatens. "Then give it your best shot" he growls. Without further words, Everfall charges him with her axe. He has a small advantage since he knows how people fight with an axe. It doesn't take long until the rest join the fight to bring Enderlox/Preston and Everfall off of their friends. When Cupquake, Jordan and Subzero are murdered, Preston/Enderlox back a bit away. "Wait...where's Ty?" He hisses. "WHERE'S MY BROTHER?!" He screetches, pulling Everfall away from Mitch. "You sent Ty didn't you?" He hisses. The remaining YouTubers stand up to watch the fight. "Why?!" Enderlox yells. "You're scared" she notices. He doesn't respond. "Ty can bring you down. You know that" she reminds. "No. I'm stronger. When he's back I'll be ready. What have you done? You betrayed us" he hisses. "Like I didn't already" she rolls her eyes. Enderlox fully takes over Preston, using his wings to fly up. "We don't need any traitors here." He adds. "Fine. Can we just get this over with? Go on. Take your rage on me" she sighs. "I know about your wolf thing. I could make you shut up" he threatens. Finally she becomes a bit scared. "When you take to much damage our done for. Good that I'm way stronger than you" he laughs. He let's her drop down, about 50 blocks high. Wolfs can't fly...unfortunately. Screaming she hits the ground. It's minecraft luckily, so she just takes a lot of damage. (Yay time to shut myself up!) She stand shaky up, all wolf features materializing. Enderlox lands safely deciding what to do. "Now let's start with real training. Beat her." Enderlox chuckles. No one moves. "I knew it." He laughs. He frees Preston and already targets Seto. He succeeds. Seto still way to weak to fight against someone like Enderlox. He uses a spell yo influence everyone to attack. It works. (I'm just getting a bit lazy here) Everyone stomps towards Everfall unwillingly.
-----lazeyyyy so lazeyy-----
The rest of the training is just literally using Everfall as a puching bag. At the end she just collapses on the floor, beaten very badly. She would nearly die if Enderlox wouldn't be controlling Seto to use spells. This is her end. If any of you really read what I've written then you know what should happen. If a hybrid like her, gets affected by the virus too long, it won't stop till it's done. That means she'll become a full wolf someday. Finally Skybrine and WitherMU come to check on Enderlox's group when they noticed that they haven't come back yet. "Dude. What the hell were you thinking?!" They yell at Enderlox. "She sent Ty. He knows the way" Enderlox replies. "And that's why you had to do that? You just lost your job." Skybrine frowns. "Anyway. Time is already over. You've already took to long. Bring them back" WitherMU says. "Fine." Enderlox mutters. "C'mon idiots." He adds, commanding every youtuber to follow him back. Skybrine carries Everfall back since she can't do it herself. Letting her out there wouldn't be the best idea.
"And how was it by you guys?" Ian asks. He's back in his old cell again. Seto's group stays silent. "Hel-lo?" Ian begs. "Everfall is kind of dead...she sent Ty to find help..." Cupquake sighs. "Oh.." Ian falls silent. "She'll turn into a stupid wolf. I hope y/n throws Enderlox into an endless pit." Seto hisses. Suddenly the door swings open. "Hellllooo. Dinner" the guard grins. "Wow. You all seem a bit quiet today" he mutters, giving everyone a bowl of the usual soup. Some hybrids need to have extra stuff. Some are vampires. Yes vampires exist in minecraft. And yes, they can have a better love story than twilight. (X3) "We can only wait...let's just hope Ty gets back." Jordan mumbles when the guard is out. "Let's hope Enderlox won't find him. He's surely searching him." Bashur sighs. "Why is he always searching for Ty? Why can't he just take a normal person?" Ant asks. "Because it's his brother. They're twins. The princes of the end. Once upon a time Enderlox kicked him out of the end since he would always interfere with his plans to kill everyone. Ty could actually be as strong as Enderlox and rule the end.  We once tried that. We tried to beat Enderlox. We succeeded only to make him a spirit. He can posses everything. He chooses his brother since he could stop him entirely. The end." Mitch explains. "It seems like you guys had a huge adventure..." Cupquake notices, scratching the stitches by her white cat ears. "Yeah...yeah we did." Mitch smiles. "Hello people. Am I disturbing anyone right now" another selfish annoying voice joins. It's Skybrine's. "You guys got lucky. Everfall is not framed for anything. Enderlox neither. I came here to drop her off." Skybrine explains, dropping Everfall in one of the cells. In Seto's to be exact since he's chilling alone. "Cya" Skybrine winks, leaving. Everfall looks no better then most. Most wounds are stitched up and cleaned. "You guys have done a great job beating her up" Bashur notices."Why in here?" Dan wonders. "I don't know. Random I guess. Okay. She could be hunting down Enderlox if she awakens.." Bashur suggests. "How long does it takes till she's changed?" Preston asks. "Days. Hours. How should I know?" Seto sighs. "I'm tired. Good night" Seto mumbles and falls asleep.
++++++in another place+++++++
"I'm going to find you." The same usual voice whispers. "Shut up. Dammit!" Ty groans. It took him long enough to get out of the forest. He stole a kid's bike to get faster. Unfortunately the knights caught up with him and put him into prison. "You look familiar..." A drunk man's voice whispers. Ty glances over to his cellmate, lying in his bed. "Are you some TV star?" He asks. "No. No. No. Just shut up okay?!" Ty yells getting extremely annoyed. His cellmate called Pete can't stop asking him questions. Ty needs to get out and alert the army. If he doesn't get out quickly, he could be too late. He sometimes hears knights passing by talking about the missing heroes. They only see him as Enderlox. No. He didn't get in here because of the kid's bike. The knights have mistaken him as Enderlox. Suddenly voices near his cell. "Please...I've got to talk to the king just someone! If not the heroes are doomed!" Ty pleads when they pass. They stop for once. "Enderlox just shut up okay?! If not I'm going to dump you already into that place!" The female knight yells. "You don't understand! I'm not Enderlox! He's my stupid brother! I swear!" Ty pleads. "I'm sick of it. He's annoying all the prisoners. I'm going call backup to transfer him there already." The male knight finally says. He leaves the other knight to get backup. "Don't you dare move" she hisses. "Where is there?" Ty asks. "Somewhere you won't get out." She replies. "No one believes me. Great. He's going to get me and my friends are going to die. OK one thing. If you see the heroes killing people, I warned you. They are being held in Herobrine's mansion. They are being kept there for days till they can finally corrupt them. I just escaped that place! Someone died because of me. If I don't get the army to march in there we're lost." Ty groans. This time the knight seems to give a little in. Maybe just maybe Ty can someday convince her. Finally a hoard of knights arrive. "I hope I didn't wake up for nothing" some of them moan. They grab Ty and shove him onto a horse. Some cities still decide to do this the old fashioned way. Only a few cities use police and cars or guns.
Me: Another long chap with 3000 words. Yes. I've just removed me from the book. Not entirely. Whatever. Bya. I gtg now...oh and I actually forgot to sag happy easter...-.- I know this chap sucks. Don't forget to drop off a vote or comment. Cya in the next chap

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