Chapter 49: Father of the Year

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There weren't many things in JJ's life that he feared

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There weren't many things in JJ's life that he feared. He didn't fear death, for if death were to come he would thank the angels for getting him out of earth's hell. He didn't fear the dark, for he believed his heart was dark as is. He didn't fear many things.

However he did fear his father. His father was like a dictator to his family. One ruler, and everyone else followed. That happened with his mother. He ruled and created fear to the point where she left... Left without taken her son with her. Left JJ to defend himself with the king of fear himself, his father.

He remembers many things his father has hit him for. Some he believes he deserved. Like the time he scratched his car. Other times however he believed he was hit just for the pure pleasure of it. Like the time he was thirteen and left his 89% test on the table.

JJ remembers the first time he was hit, something he truly believes he will never forget and forever be engraved in his brain.



J was six years old, running in the yard with a blanket used as a cape around his neck. He giggled as his imaginary friend chased him, putting his arms out to show that he was gliding through the air, at least that's what JJ pictured.

"Dad look! Look dad!" JJ yells excitingly, continuing to run through the yard, the blanket catching wind behind him.

He looks over to his dad and frowns when he sees that he isn't outside working on the bike like he was a minute ago, and slowly comes to a stop. The excitement no longer with him as he goes back into reality and wasn't flying.

He brought his blanket around him, wrapping himself in it as he climbed the back porch steps and entered the house.

He quietly walks to the living room and smiles when he sees that his father is talking to someone at the door and smiles even more when his father let the stranger in. He loved company.

JJ was quick to run into the kitchen and climb the counter, grabbing two cups before getting back down. Soon filling them with beer like his father always asked.

When JJ walks back into the living room he silently walks over to his father and the stranger, handing a cup to both of them, smiling slightly when he looks up at the older man he doesn't know.

"Hello." JJ says, waving when both adults take the drinks.

The stranger says nothing, causing JJ to frown and look at his father for help.
Luke just grunts and then has a face turn to anger when he sees something in the corner.

JJ whines when he feels his father tug at the blanket connected to his neck and grabs a stuffed animal that was on a seat in another hand, dragging JJ to the back porch.

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