𝐔𝐩 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡

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George wasn't really one to follow orders. He enjoyed his freedom, and refused to be restricted by anyone, especially from those who were of higher rank, an Alpha.

He got away with not listening to the Alpha of his pack though, only because they were raised together and he just happened to be the previous Alpha's son.

His name was Nicolas, but George had special permission to call him Nick when they weren't in social situations.

"George are you competing this year? Please! You are such a good runner! You would win first place for sure!"
Nick had draped an arm around George's narrow shoulders, leaning into him a bit with a smirk.
"You participated when you were younger."

"That was before I fronted as an Omega. Besides, the race is only for Alpha's and Betas."
George grumbled, biting into a protein bar.

"Well I can bring you as my plus one, then fake an injury and command you to run in my place~"
Nick giggled a bit,
"What? Are you scared?"

"I'm not scared!"
George barked.

He wasn't scared at all, rather self-conscious of his status, and if he lost in front of so many viewers..

"You are doing it."
Nick stood up first, offering George a hand.
"You have to, you might even find your mate there. You can't stay cooped up in our pack's borders forever. Where did that adventurous pup I once knew go?"

"I'm not a pup anymore.."
George took Nick's hand and stood up from the bench.
"And I could care less about finding my mate, but if you really want me there, I will go with you."

"Good. Now we leave for the Northern pack's lodging tomorrow night so sleep well and pack for about a two week time period."
Nick had escaped George after stating that so George couldn't protest the short notice.

The brunette stood there for a bit, looking around at the nature his pack held, the pine trees and the clear river, this pack was truly all he knew.

George had raced before, but only at the ones held in his pack due to his parents being afraid of traveling outside the boarders. The North was especially dangerous but they still held the races up there, very often actually.

"George it's getting cold come back home." George's mother had texted him, he just sighed and turned his phone off.

"I'm not a child.."
George fumed.

The thing that pissed George off at his parents was that they knew all along he was going to front as an Omega but always told him he was going to be an Alpha. He hated how they played with his mind.

"George. Home. Now." His mother texted again.

"Fine." He texted back.

Tucking his phone in his pocket, he began to slowly trudge back to his small home where he, his mother, sister, and father lived.

"George you have some nerve staying out so late. You know it is dangerous for-"

"Omega's like me. Yeah I hear this talk everyday of my life. I'm 18 mother, I can do as I wish."
George was on his way up to his room, but his father took a hold of his jacket sleeve.

"Your mother is just trying to protect you son, treat her with more respect."
His time was strict and low.

"I'm leaving for the race with Nick tomorrow night. I'll be gone for two weeks. You two can't stop me."
George avoided the subject, pulling his jacket from his father's grasp and walking swiftly up the steps, he could hear his mother start to yell but tried to tune it out.

"George. You are not going to that race! It is up North! And it is for Alphas and Betas!" His mother texts-
"You could get harassed or hurt! And what about your heat?!"

"I'm going."
George simply replied, tossing his phone off the bed and closing his eyes.

His mother yelled on the other side of the door.

He just ignored her, covering his head with his pillows and shutting his eyes, hoping not to wake up to hell.


Nick's scent woke George up, and he quickly got out of bed and dressed quickly, throwing a bunch of random clothing in a bag.

"George your parents said that as long as I keep you safe you can go with me~ thank me later shorty."
Nick winked at the tired boy who stood there grumpy and a bit aggrieved at his parents quick change of attitude.

"So you listen to Nick but not your own son?"
George rolled his eyes.

"He is the leader of the pack and you are both our son and an Omega."
His mother spat.
"George you need to lose your attitude or you will never be accepted by your future mate."

"I don't even want a mate. They will just be more controlling then you."

Nick tisked.
"We should get going. I'll return your son in one piece!"

Nick quickly whisked George away and pushed him into the passenger seat of his car.
"George you need to watch your mouth.."

"I'm going to jump out of this vehicle if you are contemplating scolding me the whole way up to the race."
George retaliated.

"Fine. But when we get to the lodges, please be more careful with your words."

And there was no more conversation the rest of the way up.

𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now