𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞

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I woke up to the sun shining through the window as per usual, Dream was next to me though, reading??

"Dream? What are you still doing here? Don't you have work to-"

"You weren't ready you idiot you passed out right on entry!"
He grumbled, closing the book irritated.

"Huh? Not ready? For what? Entry?"
I truly couldn't remember-

"You..you forgot?"
Dream paused.
"We were going to mate last night and you totally passed out!"

I scream.
"I thought that was just a dream!"

"No it was real and you left me so uncomfortable!"
Dream whined, covering his red face.
"How do you even pass out at the best part.."

"T-This is embarrassing.."
I cover my burning face too,
"Dream I'm sorry I was just so excited and scared and..so I just passed out.."

"Dammit Georgie.."
He sighed.
"Well..I guess we could always try again another time. Though next time I won't be delaying for so long."



"Nurse I fainted!"

"Hmm? You seem perfectly fine? Just before now?"
She looked at me making sure I hadn't hurt myself.

I got a bit flustered that she didn't get what I was trying to point her towards.

"N-No..it was last night.."

"And you waited until morning to tell me? We're you dehydrated?"

"No..it was during sex-"


I looked down at my feet.
"I was just so overwhelmed with all these emotions and feelings I couldn't even last a second.."

She coughed, trying to calm herself down.

Evil woman..

"I'm sure next time you will take the D like a pro~ heck I could even show you some porn star level tricks-!"

"No thank you!"

She started to laugh again.

Always toying with me..

"You aren't the comforting type are you..?"
I frown.

"No not at all, you should know this by now, what I made you go through when you were in heat and even now~ at least your heat won't be as bad now that you know how he feels~"

"I don't remember that..all I know is pain."
I shudder.

She didn't look as excited as before and patted my shoulder.
"Well y'all have plenty of time to make love so-"

"Never say "make love" ever again please.."

She is going to kill me one of these days...


"Since we are friends now, I want you to know some information I have found out."

I was back at Technoblade's home in the middle of the woods, Phil sat to his right and the two young Beta boys-Tommy and Tubbo; sat to his left.

"An Alpha of the South went to find their mate in the East a few weeks back and it was successful, the mate turning out to be one of the current alpha's brothers. The mate's name is Karl. A beta."

"So he did find a mate..there of all places..."

"Considering you were from the south, mated into the North, and the East is now to be mated into the South, things may become quite dangerous for you and your mate if you don't get along with your old pack."
Technoblade continued.
"What is your current standing with your pack?"

"Bad..my parents and the Alpha are both quite upset with me."
The truth..
"I'm just putting Dream and his clan in danger..maybe I shouldn't mate with him after all.."

"It doesn't matter if you two are mates or not, you still made enemies."
Technoblade interrupted my thoughts aloud.
"I recommend you stay with Dream, as much as we don't get along, I still wish for him to be happy."

Maybe one day they could rekindle their friendship..


"What if I travel to the South and try talking to my family and Nick!"

"No. That's too dangerous. Just leave it up to Dream. I am relying on you to give him this information and I will continue to ensure you two's safety..but don't get me wrong, I'm only doing this because I benefit from you two and the North to thrive."

I just nod to him, he and Phil walked me to the door.
"Phil, take him back please."

"Of course."
He nods, and we begin to make our way back to the Northern pack.


"That's what he told me."
I finished telling Dream about what Techno found out.
"Should I message Nick?"

"No, he may feel provoked providing he doesn't know where we are receiving this information from. Our best bet is to just be alert and to prepare for the worst."

"And what's the worst?"
I tilt my head.

"A war."


Going to war with my pack of birth? Going against my parents..and my ex best friend?

My chest squeezed.

"Don't think about it too much George, I'll try to negotiate with them before anything happens okay? Though if we can't remain peaceful..I may have no choice but to initiate battle."

I nod though my heart and mind were against it.

Sure my parents are controlling.

Sure I was abused by an alpha there for two years of my life-

Sure..Nick cut ties with me just because of his mate..

But still those are just a few people out of so many that could be put in danger due to this threat of war..

What would happen to the rogues like Techno, Phil, Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur who live in the center between our two packs?

Dream has the power of only one pack while Nick can control two..

I felt dizzy, and overwhelmed..


And it was black..

And quiet.....

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