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"How could I be so stupid!"
I punched the wall hard, my fist going right through it,
"He was fucking abused before and you grab him and yell in his face Dream?!"

I crouch on the ground, gripping my messy hair and growling.

I'm so stupid..

"He won't respond to my texts..he could be hurt or lost and I couldn't use telepathy with him because he didn't mark me back yet!"

It was the nurse's voice-
"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine..I just screwed up..."
I stood to my feet and opened the door for her, she gave me a tray of food, enough for George and I..but he wasn't here.

"Where is the Luna?"

"He ran away..because I'm an idiot.."
Offering her a frown, she shook her head and smiled instead.

"He will come back. Tomorrow I'm sure. Though, work on your temper with him, he needs to make friends so he isn't lonely when you aren't around, and if you get angry by someone's scent on him and he is completely fine then you shouldn't blow your lid at the poor guy. He is trying his best, and so should you."

"You sound just like my mother.."
I roll my eyes.

"I did grow up with her."
She pet my head then dismissed herself, the door slowly closed behind her..and I was alone again.

I didn't eat, I just sat there in my office chair and tried to text him and call him more..

Finally he responds-

"I'm safe. Stop worrying."

"Are you still upset? I'm so sorry George.."

"I'm recovering."

"Will you come back..?"


He was being blunt, but responding, so I didn't care too much of it.

"I love you." I hesitate to send it-

Is it too soon?

We are mates after all..our bond is strong enough that even if we hadn't been together for years, it feels like it..

I sent it..

"I love you too." He responded.

My heart fluttered.

He loves me back?


George came back the next day in the afternoon, he smelt like three betas and two alphas but I just ignored it and hugged him tight, stepping back to speak.

"I'll never pull that shit again! I was in the wrong and should've stayed in my lane and-"

"I forgive you Dream."

I paused-

"That easy?"


"You must be joking."
I look him up and down.
"This..isn't a joke?"


We locked eyes and I closed the distance between him and I, our faces close, I narrow my eyes into his.

"You hate me."

"No I don't. This is just going to start another argument so I suggest you just leave it and we can move on from yesterday's fight."

George crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I can't just let it fester. I just want an answer. Did you do something with someone else-"

"Dream shut up or I'm going to leave for good. That if your fucking problem you prick. You can't take no for an answer."

I take in a deep breath to calm down, glancing away from George's cold eyes..


I've never looked away from anyone except for George.

The power this boy has over me is scary.

He kissed me, then turned to leave.
"I'm going to go explore our pack a bit more. I'll be back before dinner."


"I love you."
He glanced back at me, a small smile on his lips, his cheeks a gentle pink.

"I love you too.."
I melt, and when he left I covered my mouth, my heart raced and my stomach tossed and fluttered.

This is what it feels like to be in love..


George came back smelling like Techno and the two betas again, I was curious on who the two betas were, they seemed to be young,

Now don't sound upset..calmly ask and look curious..

"So George, you made two beta friends?"
I look at him quite indirectly.

"I guess you could say that. They are staying with Techno and Phil, they were thrown out of their pack."

"Phil too huh..?"
I felt my heart squeeze a bit.
"Phil is a real nice guy..maybe a bit too nice for his own good.."

"So, are you actually friends with Technoblade or-"

"Used to..though back then he wasn't as loyal as he is rumored to be now. I kicked him from the pack when I assumed power..because he refused to help me and my family...Phil just left with him to ensure he lived."

George rubbed my back,
"I'm sure he will forgive you-"

"No..he probably wants me dead, so..please just be careful around him."

"I will."
He agreed, leaning into my right cheek and pressing his soft pink lips against it.
"You should get some sleep."

"You too."
I gave him a smirk and pulled his body into my chest as I fell backwards on the large bed.
"I'm sorry I'm such an idiot."

"Well you're my idiot so.."
He yawned.
"Don't worry about it.."


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