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Dream took me to his room once we got back, I was tired so I didn't try to leave, and he bring in a doctor to look at my ankle and sent for some people to go out looking for Tawny.

"It is only a small sprain. You just have to be careful on it okay?"
The doctor told me and I just nod my head sheepishly, my eyes fluttered shut.

The door closed and I felt weight above me and then it moved to my right side, then the warmth of Dream wrapped about me, I felt a smile tug at my lips even though I wanted to growl and tell him to get off..

Stupid mate bond..

His warm embrace against my back was very relaxing and I felt myself falling asleep easily because he was there with me like the mate bond intended..

I slept long and well..and the whole time Dream was there with me. Not trying anything or making stupid remarks..

A part of me wanted to get used to this, to settle down with Dream and get comfortable.. The other part of me was against this, making me want to run away, but that part wasn't strong enough..and I laid in Dreams arms even as I was awake. The sun just coming up.

We hadn't shut the blinds before falling asleep and Dream groaned as some light fell upon his closed eyes.

"If you let go of me I will shut the blinds for you."
I whisper.

"No..then you will leave me."
He burrowed his face in my neck, I groan a bit, my heart speeding up.

"Please stop.."
I try and push him off of me but he doesn't budge, though I don't think I was trying very hard.

"George just this once please be even the smallest bit affectionate. You even lost my horse.."

I growl.
"You big baby.."

I gave in, running my fingers through his dirty blonde hair, he hugged me tighter, my heart beating out of my chest, and I felt his beating strongly too.

"Calm down.."
I tease.

"I could tell you the same."
He looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes that just so happened to be yellow to me due to being colour blind..but I knew the true colour well.

I spoke softly.

He kissed my jawline, then his lips trailed down my neck, and at the collar of the hoodie he gave me-and then he stopped, and just laid his head on my chest.

I whine, closing my eyes trying not to remember the feeling of his lips on my neck just now.

"And I'll do it again."
A purred in his deep tired voice.



Dream finally got off of me around 9am, the race was postponed till tomorrow and so he had to finish preparing for the new version of the race he was holding.

I was trying to pretend I hadn't had a moment with Dream this morning, but it was hard to forget because of the way he went about it.

"Such a tease..stupid prick."
I grumble out loud.

"Hmm? Damn George you have Dream's scent all over you! Had a fun night huh~?"
Nick cooed at me as he met me back at the lodge.

"Shut up! We didn't do anything of the sort! I would never..not with him! Ever!"

"Y'all are mates~"

"Stop! That doesn't mean we have to be with each other! He just saved me from the woods! That is all!"

"Dream has taken a liking to you though George. If you keep acting all uptight and distant you will really hurt the guy. He has been through a lot you know."

"He is just an Alpha with anger issues."

"There is more to him then that. Do you even know how he became Alpha so early? It is the same situation as me, but he saw them get killed. The rumors of him being terrible are only from those who didn't succeed in killing him while they had the chance. He isn't a tzar, he is the rightful heir."

"That doesn't make him any less of an asshole."
I cross my arms over my chest.

"George, I think you are that asshole. You instigate. That is your flaw, and I suggest you fix that before it bites you in the ass."
Nick changed his tone, sounding more serious and making me think a little.
"Just think, you could actually be so happy with Dream if you just give the guy a chance!"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore.."
I turn back towards the door, taking the knob into my hand.
"Did you know? Like..have a feeling Dream and I would-?"

"Mhm. Yeah, I did actually. And you may not have known this, you were really young anyway, but you two met at a race as children."

"And what happened."

"You two instantly clicked, and were inseparable the whole race. My dad has a picture of us three and you two were holding hands."

"Why didn't you tell me?"
I frown.

"Because that was when you two were younger. Not even Dream knows."

I leave the room, my mind running in circles. He knew? We were friends? Holding hands? Mates..?

"Georgie can you stay with me again tonight? I promise to behave." Dream texts me, snapping me out of thought.




"George it is either you come to my room willing or I hunt you down and take you myself <3"

I grumble.
"I'll be there at 8pm.."


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