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It was my turn to prepare, my mate and I would finally seal our bond tonight and I wanted to make sure he felt comfortable.


"Nurse how do I make it not hurt him?!"
I whined as I slammed my head against the desk.

"There is no preventing the pain of first entering Dream, and even after that it will be rough for him, just lather your magic wand in lu-"

"You always make things so unnecessary uncomfortable!"
I cover my face in embarrassment.
"How do I make him comfortable?"

"Say sweet things in a soft deep voice and he will melt like butter."

"That is the first thing you have said that hasn't made me uncomfortable."



She died laughing, falling off of her chair, coughing.
"You and George are so alike!"

"George comes to you too?"
I tilt my head, my cheeks a light pink.

"Of course he does! He gets all his advice on how to handle you from me because I have practically raised you! Andddd I'm very experienced in the art of bind-"

"That's enough.."

This woman..

"Well, Dream I know you want to make this night special and something to remember, so make sure to just be slow, kiss a bit, talk to him, make sure he absolutely wants to do this because he is very stressed right now.."

"I know..I will."
I nod, getting up and walking towards the door.
"Thank you."

"Of course. Oh do you know about how to prep his-"

I scream, running out the door.


George wasn't home all day, I texted him and he told me he went out with Wilbur and his mate Niki for the day so I could prepare for him.

The silk red sheets George had bought previously I had washed and redressed our bed in, the lights I turned red though he was color blind, he knew what color they were intended to be.

I set a few candles about the room, spraying a bit of my cologne on the pillows and comforter.

My scent would calm him, making things easier for both of us.

I know the things I would need to prep him, it was a bit embarrassing but had to be done..I wouldn't want him in too much pain, though if I could choose, I wouldn't put him through any pain at all.

"Dream..? Are you in there..?"
George knocked on the door.

He was back slightly earlier than I would have expected, and my heart starts to thud loudly in my chest.

"Come in Georgie.."
I spoke softly, not making my voice too deep, I didn't want to alarm him.

The door opened slowly and he poked his head in, his face red, I could sense how nervous he was.

"Come here baby.."
I open my arms to him,

He slipped in and closed the door, making sure it was locked before walking into my arms.

"Are you sure you are ready for this..? I don't want to rush you. I just want you to be comfortable."

"I'm ready..and very comfortable.."
His voice was muffled into my chest.

I kissed the top of his head and he nods,

I slowly guide him to sit on the edge of the bed, he looked away from my eyes as he trembled a bit as I rubbed his thighs gently,

"Baby..at any point of this you want me to stop..I'll stop."

"N-No..I won't say stop..because I know you will be gentle.."
His voice broke a bit,

I nod.

[smut scene has been removed because-that was TORTURE-like I didn't know how to write smut back then lmao and I just EW what]

he fainted..

I growled.

So much for a memorable first time..


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