𝐀 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Truly something felt wrong.

George hadn't been gone for long, but I felt this intense desire to find him,

He told me an hour ago he was going to go back to Technoblade's, he had more information, so I let him go..

But this feeling I am receiving..

"Where are you?" I text him.

If only I could mind link him right now it would be faster and more accurate..

No answer..

I'll call him..

Straight to static..

He was out of range..

I shift, I would get to him faster and followed his scent though it was dull I still could track it quite well, he was my mate after all..

Come on George..how far did you go?

Another male's scent..and another..three...

With George..



"Let me go!"
I scream, kicking and thrashing, a collar around my neck was preventing me from shifting though it really wouldn't do me much good.

"Oh shut up and stop squirming already runt!"
The big man who had a hold of me growled and I felt my body go limp in submission.

Dammit! This bastard used word binding..

"Good boy."

I started to smell a familiar scent as we approached an abandoned building somewhere in the East.

"So we meet again my dearest friend George."


I was thrown to the ground in front of my old friend, he looked down at me and I shook, he was so..different.

"You guessed correctly. How are you doing pup?"
He crouched in front of me.
"How is your alpha?"

"I...what is this?"
I snap.

"George I am trying to be nice and ask how you have been..but I guess you just want to skip the formalities Hmm? Fine."
He stood up, pressing his foot on my shoulder,
"I want you to meet my mate. Karl."

He waved over a cute beta boy, he waved down at me.

"Nick why are you being so rough with him? I thought you two were friends?"

"We used to be.."


"Have you and Dream mated before?"
He cut me off.


"What do you mean?"

"I fainted.."

"So..your mind linking doesn't work? This is just too easy~"

I shivered.
"What do you want from us Nick? I thought we were packmates! We grew up together! You and Dream were friends!"

"Karl's brothers told me the truth of Dream and his wicked family..and so I assumed you knew the truth too. You two are allied with Technoblade as well, plotting to take over the East and South!"

"No we aren't!"

He kicked me, flinging me against my back, the back of my head hit the ground hard and a high pitched frequency came through my ears, the world spun, my body cold.

"Well I will stop you both before you could ever put my pack as well as my mates pack in danger!"

"Nick please listen-!"

And I saw another foot in front of my face,

Then everything was black..and cold..


They are close..

I kept low and behind the bushes as I approached the area George and the other wolves scent was strongest..

And I saw my mate there on the ground, bloody and white..

Nick hovered over him, a smirk on his face as he laughed with-


I felt enraged. How dare they hurt George? I will make sure to tear Nick's mate Karl into pieces!

I felt numb, lowering my body to the ground, getting ready to latch onto Karl and kill him quickly..

I could do it before anyone could shift too..

But..George is still alive..so if I kill Karl right here and now..Nick might finish George off..

"Grab him and lock him in the crate. We will use him to lure Dream from his territory."
Nick gave commands to Schlatt who followed suite.

As soon as he picks George up I'm going to aim for Karl..and take him a bit away..

He takes George into his arms..


I launch at Karl, taking his wrist in my teeth and dragging him off into the forest before anyone could react-

"Dream give him back!"
I hear Nick scream..

"Let me go! Please!"
Karl begs as I drag him,

Not until after you are on your last life and Nick gives my Georgie back!

I got pretty far away before digging my fangs into his neck, he started to scream.

Then I shifted back into a human, covering myself in a few random articles of clothing and looking at the bleeding beta.

"Mind link Nick right now and tell him to bring George here right now completely free of any new damage to him..or your being put down."
I demand him and he quickly got to mind linking his mate.
"Good boy."


"Me? A monster? No, currently you are speaking to the Devil himself. And if I don't get what I want from him then I guess I will have to finish you and go get my mate back myself with a trail of blood behind me."
I crouch next to the boy,
"And if they try anything funny your sleeping extra long. You may not even be reborn with how deep of a shut down I'll put you through. You and your family~"

Karl looked horrified as he just nods to me, he was the only beta in his family of alphas, and even so they didn't breed a very strong line of them. Schlatt was pretty tough, but he was an alcoholic so he wasn't much help.

Nick's voice was approaching.
"I have George and you have Karl.."

"Indeed we do. And call off your little playmates before I crush your mates skull with my foot."
I growl.

"Don't! I'll let you and George go if you just..don't hurt him.."

"Give me George first and I'll walk away from Karl as soon as George is in my arms."

"I don't trust you.."

"And neither I to you Nicholas. By the way..you better act fast..Karl is losing lots of blood~"
I narrow my eyes at him and he froze in place.
"Give. Me. My. Mate!"
I command him, and he quickly walks to me, pushing George in my arms,
"Good, now let me walk away and we won't have your mate six feet under."

I take large steps backwards, and once I am out of range, I start to run back into my own pack's territory..


𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now