𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬

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There was a sudden change in plans, rather than running, we were racing horses!

"What?! Why?! Why did you change the event? What are you planning? Yes I like horses, and if you are doing this for me you are an idiot Dream!" I texted Dream out of anger.

"You're participating. I have a horse all prepared for you, meet me down at the stable so I can show you the corse and you can meet your horse."

"Dream what are you planning?"

"Nothing. Come. Now."

I throw my phone across the room and grunt as I sit up. I hadn't seen Nick since we first got here. Maybe he found his mate?

I got dressed in a blue shirt and some dark blue jeans, then I took my phone from the floor and tucked it in my pocket as I walked out of the lodge.

"It's cold outside Brat."
Dream took off his black hoodie and tossed it at me, I caught it and stuck out my tongue.
"Put it on."

I pulled the large warm hoodie over my head and looked down at it, it was huge on me.

Dream smiled.

"Shut up Prick.."
I walk the rest of the way towards him, standing in front of a black mare.
"She is pretty."
I instantly forgot what I was annoyed with Dream about as he took my left hand and laid it on the mare's muzzle.

"Her name is Tawny. She is a great show horse, very agile and easy to connect with."
Dream enthused.

I couldn't help but look up at him as he explained. He really cares for this horse huh?

Our eyes met and he smiled a bit, causing my cheeks to grow a slight pink.

"Stop staring at me idiot.."
I was the first to look away back to Tawny, I ran a hand down her chest of silky black fur.

"You are cute when you are quiet and sweet."
Dream chuckled.

"And you're cute when you talk about things you're passionate about-"
I cover my mouth.

We fall into silence.

"You mean that?"
Dream blushed a bit, not looking at me.



"Oh. Well this is your horse..that you will ride today. I'll show you the corse after breakfast.."

My chest squeezed as I watched his head hang a bit. He walked away without looking back at me, maybe I am being too harsh?

Tawny whinnied and I perk back up, looking at her,

I hadn't ridden a horse in a year, so this would be an experience.

I took her out of the stall and dressed her accordingly, taking the reins and leading her out into the field before mounting her,

I forgot to ask what commands to use for her..

I frown when she didn't move, and gently clicked a heal on her right side, she began to trot and I smile as we went around the field.

I decided to click my heal twice, making her speed up to a canter. I lead her onto a trail opening I saw in the woods and followed the path strictly until the path vanished and I started to freak out.

"Wait stop! Woah! Tawny!"
I tried to stop her with words, but I couldn't, and I pulled the reigns a bit but couldn't stop her that way either.

Something was wrong-

"Tawny wai-"
She raised her forelegs and bucked me off,
I tried to get up and snag her reins before she took off, but it was too late, and she left me in the dust.

Dream was going to kill me..

I lost his horse..

"Where are you?" There was the text-

"Tawny and I went on a ride and she bucked me off an ran away.." I decided to be honest.

"Are you okay? You took the trail in the woods right? I'll be there soon."

He didn't care about the horse, just me at the moment..

Despite me being terrible to him, I was his mate in his mind..so he wanted to take care of me and protect me...

"He isn't that bad.."
I admit out loud amidst my loneliness in a woods I didn't know.

My phone started ringing and I look down to see it was Dream calling.

"You okay? I've caught onto your scent, it is down the hill you didn't break any bones right?"

"No im okay..but Tawny-"

"I don't care about the horse right now George, I care about you. Now stay out and stay on the phone with me."

"Why do you care so much about me? I'm so terrible to you."

"You are my mate George."

"So you are saying that it is our mate bond that actually makes you want to care for me-"

I heard his voice right in front of me, and I look up.

Dream hung up the phone call and tucked his phone in his pocket. Offering me a hand.

I took his hand and as I stood up I hissed in pain,

Maybe I did break something..

"Your ankle.."
Dream frowned, picking me up into a cradle and despite me wanting to struggle and protest, I had caused him enough trouble..
"Are you cold?"

"No..Your hoodie is warm..and you."
I blush.
"Don't think anything of what I just said..I still don't like you.."

I felt Dream's heart race against my head as he got us situated on the white horse he had rode out to get to me.
"I'll make you want me..as I do you."

I glance up at him, and he was looking down at me, once again I couldn't figure out his thoughts from his expression..

I retort.

"So you say."

And that was the end of our discussion.

𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now