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My parents arrived in a day, Dream made sure to dress well and brush his hair for once, as well as to make sure he behaved his very best.

"Do I look alright?"
Dream turned his head down to me, frowning as he played with his tie.

"Of course you look good, you always do."
Giving him a smile, I took his right hand and led the way to the dining room where my parents sat.

They looked Dream up and down, judgement in their eyes as they watched him pull a chair out to seat me, and then sat next to me across from them.

He cleared his throat.
"It is nice to formally meet you, I am Dream, your son's mate."
Bowing his head, he didn't look back up until one of them started to speak.

"I was surprised my darling boy would be assigned such a..abhorred male."
My mother narrowed her eyes into Dream's as he looked up at her.
"You haven't tainted him have you?"

My eyes open in shock.
"You are being rude! Where are your manners?"

My father said my name once and I quickly shut up, tears stung my eyes, I felt terrible for putting Dream in this situation.

"No ma'am."
He answered.

"Have you ever hurt him physically? Have you made him cry? Have you threatened-"

I scream, standing up and slamming my hands on the table.

"George I don't like him!"
She screamed back.

"Well you aren't even trying to like him! You are just trying to accuse him of shit! I thought you were better than this!"
I shook, Dream hesitated to lay a hand on mine.
"You are such a prude as well!"

Dream strummed a thumb over the back of my hand.
"Calm down baby.."

I slowly sunk back in my chair, taking in a deep breath. Everyone was silent, so I spoke up, calmly this time.
"I just wanted you two to come here with an open mind and give Dream a chance like I did..and if you guys truly care for me then you would at least try to like him, because you can't change fate."

My parents were firm believers that your mate would be in your pack, they didn't like the thought of inter-pack mating because of all the tension lately..so this was a shock that I had ended up finding my mate in the North to them.

"I'm sorry George..but I can't accept this."
My mother's words hurt me, but what was I expected? Her to say yes?"

"I knew this was a mistake."
I stood up in disappointment-walking off with my head hung.

The courtyard was a beautiful place, and so I ended up there, sitting alone at a table and hugging my knees into my chest.

Everyone seemed so happy, not influenced by anyone else around them, not needing assurances from others..

I envied them.


"They left. I convinced them to let you stay with me for the time being, but they really don't like me.."
When I returned back to the dining room, Dream was bleeding from his head and on his side, and the table and chairs and everything else in the room was trashed.

"Dream what the fuck did they do to you?!"
I ran to him, pressing my head into his chest.

"They challenged me, and I beat them both. Obviously I didn't go all out or I wouldn't have gotten any scratches."
Dream stroked my back,
"Im okay Georgie.."
He kissed my head.

"This is all my fault.."
I whimper.
"I'm sorry they are so terrible."

"They are your parents, you are their baby, of course they wouldn't want to just hand you to someone."

I just nod, slowly moving out of his arms and pointing to the hall.
"You should take a bath..so your wounds don't get infected. And when you are done I'll bandage them."

"Alright Georgie."
Dream smiled his usual smile and I gave him a smile back as he left the room.

He is too good for me..

I never thought I would say it.

He has done so much for me and I had done so little in return. He was so loyal and sweet and protective-

"Your wounds healed on their own?"
I tilt my head to the side.

"I'm quite strong."
He smirked.

"Whatever..I wanted to be handy.."
He ruffled my hair as I pouted.

"You could help me get dressed~"

I flush red and cover my face.

"I was kidding."
He cooed.
"Though if you suddenly feel like accepting, the bathroom door is unlocked."
He winked, walking back into the bathroom and closing the door, I just stood there looking at the door.

Why was I nervous?

𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now