𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤: 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐭?

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Dream's body fell before me..

I watched as some of my pack members scattered into the woods to track down Techno and Phil..

Was it worth it..?


"You didn't have to do all of what you did.."

"Oh shut up Karl! You told me what the North did-"

"And I also told you that it was in the past so don't start trouble! And now see what you have done! You fell right into Schlatt's trap.."

Karl slowly stood up from our bed, he wrapped his small arms around my torso from behind as I looked blankly into the mirror at myself..

I went crazy..so new to feeling a mate bond...hearing his string of the past-

I changed for the worse..

"I called off the troops..we will not be taking over Dream's territory, rather..Phil and Techno are taking it..George and Dream's bodies are being prepared for a funeral..they will be buried where they met."
I watched as a tear fell down my cheek, I wiped it away swiftly.

I didn't want to cry over this..I was just reaping what I've sown..

"It's okay to cry."

"I know..but it's something I should cry over, things could have been different if I didn't..."
I trailed off, not really knowing what I wanted to say.

"Nick! Good job brother-in-law~"
Schlatt came through the door in his usual drunkin state.

"Piss off Schlatt.."
I growl.

"Go away please."
Karl spoke politely.

"Huh? Why are you so angry Nicholas? Karl ain't give you none dat asss~"
His words slurred into a messy sentence as he leaned on the doorframe for stability.

"Fuck. Off. Schlatt."
I give him one last warning before I lose my cool.

"Nick you could..just pin him-"

"Schlatt it isn't about Karl! This is about what you gaslighted me into doing to my best fucking friend and his fucking mate I really had no damn problem with!"

"Wow..someone's really horny~ Fucking..Fuck...Fuck~"
He was wasted..

"Leave Schlatt!"
Karl raised his voice.

"What..this isn't a free porno-"

I lost it-

I took up Karl's glass bottle of perfume from his vanity and threw it right at Schlatt's head, knocking him out instantly, the glass shattered as it collided with him.


"Karl..I had no choice. It was either I knock him out with something..or I lose a grip of what little sanity I have left and murder him. Be glad I chose the first option and stop being so damn soft."
I push Karl away from me a bit, walking to Schlatt on the floor and shoving his body out of the room so I could shut and lock the door.

Karl quietly cleaned up the perfume and glass shards, I dragged my feet over to sit at the vanity, staring at myself again..

I used to be amazing..

I had patience..I was happy and loving..

Then the race came and George found he was mates with Dream..that's when George started to annoy me..

He was just so judgy..but I guess Dream wasn't perfect either..

Seeing them made me envy not having a mate of my own so of course I went to the one place I never checked..who just happened to be enemies with the North..

George was a bit at fault..but it was definitely me for the majority..

I was so blinded by my connection with Karl..I lost sight of who was most close and important to me..

George was my family just about..

And I..I torture him...and put him through so much pain as I just took out all my anger and frustration..that was just fed to me by Karl's family...

Schlatt tricked me..

Karl..didn't stop me....

But that was because he was afraid of me..

My reflection..

I'm scared of me..

"Was it worth it?"
The me in the mirror spoke..

It was just my mind talking to me..but it felt so real.

"No..it wasn't.."

"Why? You avenged your Mate's ancestors.."

"At the expense of my best friend's life and happiness.."
I hung my head..

"Didn't George..look forward to a family of his own one day..? Remember that text he sent..that you never responded to? You asshole."

"I know.."
And I shook..

"Remember him chasing after you when you were kids, he looked up to you.."

"I know."
The tears fell..

"Remember..when your family died....and George was the only one there for you..your only reason to live?"

"I know!"

"Well he is dead now. So does that mean..."


"You have no reason to live anymore..?"

I will leave that last part to y'all's imagination~
Idk if y'all will be mad or sad-

Maybe both?

Sngshskskdb sorryyyyyy love yallllll byeeee

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