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"Kill everyone but Karl. George's final request was for me to leave Karl be..so that is what I shall do.."
Techno and Phil nod.
"Also, I don't want you two do die, so if it gets rough, just leave me."

"Well I'll be honest Dream, that was the plan."
Techno spoke.

"I wasn't expecting anything other than that to come out of your smart mouth Blade."
I smirk.


I didn't bother shifting like Technoblade and Phil did, I just wanted to face Nick like a man,

Hopefully he would face me the same way.

"Well who do we have here? I heard your mate died. What a sha-"

"Shut it."
I took a hold of Nick's neck,
"I'm leaving Karl alive, but you, I would say I'm sending you to hell!"

Technoblade and Phil were buying me time by fighting off Nick's guards as I handled him.

"You are proud of killing your best friend because of some bullshit these Eastern fucks told you?! You could have taken it out on me! Shown George mercy! But instead you decided to treat him as if you two had no memories with him! Like he was nothing!"
I threw him to the ground, pressing my heel into his stomach.

He wasn't shifting-

"Was George nothing to you Nick?! Was he not your best friend?! Did you not grow up by his side?!"

"He was something-"

"Then why did you treat him like he was nothing?!?"

A tear fell down my cheek.

"Were you belittling him when you were hurting him?! Did you make sure he was dying slowly and painfully?! Because if George hadn't told me before he passed to leave Karl out of this then Karl would be here in your place and I would make you watch as I tore him apart!"

"He said that-?"

"Yes because George was the best! Despite him being a brat at times he always wanted to make sure the people around him were happy!"

"Dream I-"

"Don't say you are sorry because you aren't!"
I took my foot from his stomach and took a step back.
"I want you to die.."
Technoblade howled, signaling to me that Phil and him had to retreat.
"But I feel that living the rest of your life knowing you killed your best friend for nothing is punishment enough!"

A gunshot rang out.

And plunged from my back into my chest-

And it was white-

And warm..

I hope George felt comfortable when he passed..

A field of flowers.

A sky of grey...

A soft breeze..

A beautiful boy..

A blonde asleep..

In the field of flowers..

He kissed his cheek..

In the field of flowers...

They Rest In Peace..


"Oh Dream~"

"Oh George~"

At last...we are together again..


Thank y'all for reading! Sorry it got sad and short at the end but this book was fun to write and I hope y'all enjoyed!

Who should my next Omegaverse book be about? Please give me suggestions~

Love y'all byeeeee

Glad y'all were in love with the nurse XD

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