𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤

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After Dream had marked me last night, I woke up and checked the mirror to see the mark myself.

It was a smile as Dream had told me when it first took shape, I smiled at it. It was so cute.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit. Did you want anything?"
I walked behind Dream at his desk and massaged his broad shoulders.

"Where are you going to?"
He tilted his head backwards to look up at me.

I cup his cheeks and kiss him like in that one spider man movie no one talks about anymore and smile.

"I'm gonna go explore. I promise to be back before night fall."

Dream examined me for a bit, slowly sitting up and turning his chair to face me,
He pays his lap,

I sit on his thighs, facing him and laid my arms on his shoulders.

"You don't know our pack very well, you will get lost Georgie."
He frowned.
"If you can wait, I'll take you out and about tomorrow."

"Tomorrow you have a meeting..Dream I won't go far, just to those food stalls. You can even see me from the window in here!"

He thought for a moment, looking me over a bit, then he finally spoke again.

"You have an hour, no further then the tree line, stay on the side where I can see you."

"Okay thank you Dream~"
I quickly kiss him before slipping off his lap and running out the door.

Time to make friends!

And "explore" to an extent.


The first thing I did when I got down to the stalls was look at the food. I didn't really eat much, but I still liked food.

"Hey Luna. What can I get for you?"
The vendor smiled at me.

"Oh! May I have the chicken skewer please?"
I smiled back at her.

"Just one?"

"Yes please!"

And she gave it to me, I fished in my pockets for my wallet but as I pulled it out she quickly stopped me.

"The Luna doesn't pay! Keep your money."


"Off you go then Luna!"
She shooed me away and I hung my head a bit as I walked the path, people moved out of my way quickly, except for one person-

I bump into someone and look up to see a pink haired alpha male wearing-

"A pig skull?"
I gasp.

"Are you just gonna stand there, or-?"
He paused, getting close to my neck and taking in a breath.
"So you must me his mate huh?"


"Dream. Dream's mate. That is who you are."

"What about it?"
I finally get back my senses, crossing my arms and growling at him.

"Nothing much. Just an old friend of mine who doesn't seem to like to hang out much."

"Well there must be a reason."
I roll my eyes.

"Oh there is."
His dark chuckle sent a shiver down my spine and I look into his eyes through his mask.
"Tell him Techno says hi~"

He pulled me close to him,rubbing his head on the side of my neck, a growl escaping his lips.

His scent was all over me now, the blend of his and Dream's smells clashed and it was very unpleasant.

"I will be leaving now."

I couldn't say anything to him, he just left and I quickly made my way back to Dream's office.


"You smell like another Alpha! Who the hell touched you?!"
He barked as soon as I walked in the door, I shrunk back against the wall.

His nose pressed to the nape of my neck and he snarled.

Was the only thing I could squeeze out.

Dream looked right into my eyes, seeming even more pissed off.

"You let him this close to you?!"

"I didn't know what to do! I'm still an Omega Dream! My will against strong Alpha's isn't that good so don't go blaming me!"
I snap back.

"George you could always run away!"

"Dream, he had a hold of me!"

"Then fight dammit!"
He completely lost it.
"He rubbed his scent all fucking over you and you just sat there taking it?! George speak!"

"Stop yelling at me!"
My voice broke.

"Answer me!"

"Dream you're scaring me!"
I bust out crying.
"Just listen to me! I already fucking told you I couldn't move fore several reasons but you can't get that through your thick skull because your a fucking Alpha who thinks he can control me!"

"I never said any of that George!"

"Well you fucking implied it you prick!"
I was shaking uncontrollably in both fear and anger.

"How come it is so easy to stand up to me, Nick, and your parents, but when it comes to others you don't know how to say fucking no!?"
He took a hold of my collar.

I instantly had a flashback to the first time an Alpha hit me and I started screaming and flailing, making Dream freak out and let go of me immediately.

"George I-"

"Forget it! You are just like him! You stupid fucking prick! I'm not doing this!"
I try to open the door but he stops me, hugging me against him as I fought and screamed, crying out of fear.

"George please! I didn't mean to..I'm sorry....I was just mad that Techno-"

"Then instead of taking it out on me you should hunt Techno down and take it out on him! Let go of me right fucking now! I'm leaving!"

"No..I won't let you leave."

"Dream let go! I'm having a panic attack!"
I screamed even louder before I felt dizzy and started struggling for air.

Dream started to freak out even more when I started choking.

"Please let me go!"
I coughed and cried as the world was becoming black.

He released me and I fell to the ground coughing, eventually puking.

Dream tried to approach me but I just started screaming again, so he watched me from a distance as I tried to calm down.

Everything always came back to that Alpha that hurt me so bad..

𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now