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I had never thought I would be pretty comfortable with Dream, but between him being hot and really good to me and the mate bond itself, I found myself really wanting him.

We had shifted, his wolf was a large blonde and brown furred wolf with a few nicks and scars, a very beautiful wolf. I felt a bit self conscious of my small brown wolf form.

Dream kept me close as we passed out of his pack borders, entering an unmarked territory, hunting grounds maybe?

Dream had picked up the pace, occasionally nipping at my neck telling me to get closer or to keep up, I wasn't as athletic as him and he kept this in mind but still made sure to push me.

Eventually we made it to a new boarder, crossing over to a pack in the North I didn't know. I whimpered to Dream, though he had no intention of stopping, he knew this territory..

We encountered no trouble from the boarder patrol, if anything they just stepped out of our way, and I couldn't tell if it was out of fear of my mate or because they were allies.


Finally, at sunrise, we made it to a beautiful beach, Dream shifted first, putting his clothes back on, and the tossing some to where I was so I could shift and change too.

"I won't look so go ahead."
Dream turned away and I shifted and quickly pulled on the sweats and large hoodie,

"How did you find this place? It looks like something from a movie."
I marveled at the colors dancing on the water, the nature around the small bank glew.

"My mother used to take me here every weekend..she was originally from the bordering Clan."

"That makes sense. So..why did you stop coming here?"
We stood side by side, his hand took mine as we stared at the horizon.

"She was killed, and at the time I just wanted to forget, so..I stopped going to places that reminded me of her, I stopped eating meals she got me to like, I even refused to wear anything she had bought me."
He took in a deep breath.
"And my dad was killed trying to save is both. Our enemies in the East tried to kill us off so they could take over our territory.."

"I'm sorry Dream."
I look up at him, but he kept his eyes on the water.

"You know, I hadn't had anyone to care for for about five years. I was fifteen when it happened, and I prematurely fronted as an Alpha. I went out of control..and that is why you may have heard nasty things about me."
Dream finally met my eyes.
"I killed a lot of the Eastern pack..not alone, but most of the blood was on me."

He took my other hand into his so that he had both, pulling them up to lay on both sides of his face.

"Please don't leave George..I just want someone to live for.."

My heart ached, Dream wasn't terrible at all, he just did what he had to do..he was in pain..

"Dream I'm sorry I've been so terrible to you and you still have it in your heart to care for me and want me to stay.."

"You don't need to apologize. I get it."
He pulled me close, pressing his lips to my forehead and looking into my eyes.
"And if you don't want me..I won't stop trying..but I will back off if you want..."

"No..I will stay. I want you..."
I press our noses together,
"I just want to take it slow."

"Of course. I won't do anything you aren't ready for. I'll wait forever as long as I knew it would make you happy."

I groan in embarrassment.

"Stop saying my name like that.."
Dream held back a growl of excitement.
"We are going to have to work on that.."

I giggle,

Dream kissed my cheek, then the corner of my lips, then my lips themselves, we kissed for a while before he finally decided he was satisfied and pulled away, making me whine in disappointment.

"We should start back to my pack so we get there by night fall and sleep before the race. Don't want to be too tired out."
Dream pulled me by my hand.

I wish we could have stayed longer..but we have plenty of time to come back here after the official race tomorrow..

I decided to stay with Dream, acknowledging him as my mate from now on.

I learned a lot about him, and he still doesn't know much of me, but I would tell him piece by piece..

When I was ready..

𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now