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I was finally done with the preparations for George becoming my Luna officially. At this point his parents really couldn't take him from me unless they killed me of which I was prepared for another fight with them.

"Georgie can you wear this suit?"
I handed my sleepy boy a navy blue suit with a grey tie.

He just yawned and took it, stumbling to the bathroom. His scent seeming a bit stronger than usual but I thought that was just because he was almost my Luna.


I was wrong. VERY wrong.


During the ceremony George was acting strange, his scent became extremely sweet and his eyes darkened as his cheeks were a red color.

I watched as his breathing became hard and he let out a groan when I pulled his back into my chest, whimpering.

I let out a growl unconsciously..

"You're in heat? Why didn't you tell me?"
I whispered to him, but he just covered his mouth to not make anymore sounds.
"Excuse us everyone."
I watched many unmated Alphas in the crowd looking at my mate hungrily.

I hadn't been able to mark George, which would tell them to fuck off, so all I could do was growl and pull him away to our room before they started challenging me for him.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you..I just-you have been working so hard for this day and-"

"Baby it's okay..shhh."
I hug him against me.

His hormones were starting to effect me a bit and I tried to move away from him after I comforted him but he didn't let me go.

"George this is dangerous.."
I covered my face with my large right hand,
"Please let me go get a Heat Nurse for you.."

"No..don't leave. I'll behave."

Despite him saying he would behave, his hands seemed to try and explore my body, making me groan.

"Wow that was hot.."
George purred.
"Do it again~"

I cover my mouth as he unbuttoned my shirt, pulling my tie down so my face would be close to his.
I grumbled.

He demanded.

"I can't or you and I will-"

He pressed his lips to mine.
"I want that.."

I tensed up.
"No George. You don't. You are in heat. It is just your hormones talking not you."

"But Alpha~"
He moaned.

I used my word binding and he stopped, his eyes seemed to become glossy and he started to sniffle. I felt terrible but I didn't want to fall for his seduction.
"I'm getting a nurse. I'll see you in a week.."

This is for the best..I had never encountered someone in heat, let alone my mate, so I didn't want to do something wrong..

Being away from him for a week would be hard..but it was necessary to keep him safe.

Though he may be angry with me now, he will thank me later..


"He is done heating Alpha."
The nurse came to my office a week later and I smile with a nod in her direction.

"How was he?"

"In a lot of pain..but he got through it."

"Is he mad at me?"

"No, I actually think he is glad you did this for him. Though he would never be able to get to sleep since he is so used to you being right next to him."
She frowned.

"Awe..well I am going to go see him. Thank you for looking after him."

"Anything for my Alpha and Luna."
She bowed her head and then left, I stood up and walked to the bedroom.

George was sprawled out on the bed, his breathing calm but his cheeks still a bit flushed. I smiled slightly at the sight of him.

"I've missed you."
I spoke quietly, walking into the room.

His eyes open slowly and he sits up rubbing his eyes.
He finally realized it was me and he started to whine as he opened his arms for me to hug him.

I hug myself into his tiny frame.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't stay with you.."

"You did what you needed to do...for my sake."
He hiccups.
"Please stay next time though.."

"I will baby.."
I kiss his cheek.
"Only if you are ready though.."

"I will be.."
His eyes were tired and his voice small and sheepish.

He really didn't sleep much..

"Let's take a nap okay?"
I pull him on top of me as we laid down, he seemed to instantly fall asleep as soon as I started stroking his back.


A day later we had finished George's inauguration as Luna.

The crowd cheered and congratulated George who was red in embarrassment and not quite used to all the acceptance.

I kissed his lips softly and nodded to him.
"Good job my Luna."

He whined but still gave me a bashful smile as we went into the pack house to celebrate.

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