𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞

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George was being very tame, he wouldn't pick a fight with me and he let me hold him from behind while the announcement ceremony was going on.

I kiss his cheek,
"Be careful okay?"

"I'm always careful."
George grumbled, though he unexpectedly intertwined our fingers.
"You be careful as well."


"Everyone get to their horses! We are starting in two minutes!"
The announcement cut me off and George quickly slipped from my grip around him. I growled but that didn't stop him.

I watched as he mounted Tawny, brushing her fur, I mounted my white horse Achilles and trotted over to George's side.

George looked at me questioningly as I took a hold of his reins. Pulling his horse closer to mine so that I, in turn, was closer to George.

"Dream what are you-?"

I leaned in and kissed him, watching as his eyelids fluttered shut before closing mine as well, kissing him three times, him finally kissing me back on the third kiss.

"My good luck charm."
I leaned away from him with a smile while he freaked out in a fluster of red.
"I'm going to win."

"N-No..I am."
George finally pulled himself together, focusing on the field before him.

A gunshot was sounded, and I clicked my heels against Achilles into a straight gallop, George kept up with me pretty well along with Nick and a few others.

Around a bend George's horse started slowing down and we were no longer neck and neck.

I looked back and saw him brushing Tawny's mane.

He was so gentle..

"Hey lover! Eyes on the prize!"
Nick pulled his horse besides me.

"My eyes are on the prize~"
I joke.

"I saw y'all kissing, I am surprised George didn't shove you away."

"As am I. Though I am glad he didn't reject me."
I cleared my throat.
"Anyways, I have a race to win, so if you will excuse me-"
I click my heel against Achilles one more time and he takes off, reaching the finish with ease. Nick in second and George in third.

I hop off Achilles and jog to George, helping him dismount Tawny and hugging him into me. He protested but didn't try to push me away, rather, he buried his head in my chest.

"You did so well."
I kissed the top of his head.

"I didn't do anything, I just rode a horse Dream."
He grumbled.
"Let's have an actual race."


"Please! I'll stay longer if you hold the actual event!"

If I was in my wolf form my tail would be wagging like crazy in excitement.

"We can hold the actual event Georgie~"
I comply with him, making him smile up at me.
"Anything for you."

"Oh shush.."
He gently pushed my shoulder as he squirmed out of my arms.
"I'm going to beat you by the way."

"No you won't. You're going to be choking on my dust."
I poke his chest.


Hot..I felt very hot, and as I sink into a chilled bath couldn't cool down by body or regulate it's temperature at all.

Thoughts of George flew about my head, all types of thoughts such as if he left, if we settled down, when I mark him-

Then my mind went to him last night, his glassy eyes averted as he talked about how another Alpha had done something to him.

I was heated.


These thoughts and feelings came out of nowhere and I snatched up my phone and starter texting Nick.

"What happened to George?"

"Wdym?" Nick respond.

"He said an Alpha did something to him. What happened and who were they?"

"Oh, his ex boyfriend..yeah he abused the living shit out of George and he was in that relationship for two years before he finally came clean to me and I could deal with it."

I threw my phone.

George was abused?

George's voice came from the other side of the door.
"Are you okay? Did you fall?"

"I'm okay Georgie. Just..got a bit upset."

"Over what?"

"George, that Alpha you talked about..he hurt you. He hurt you a lot."

He was silent on the other side of the door. I decided to get out of the bath and wrap a towel around my waist, unlocking the door.

George was on the ground trying to hold in his crying.

It pained me so much to see him like this..

It haunts him..

"Georgie, it is alright."
I knelt next to him and pet his head.
"I'm sorry I have been bringing it up a lot but I just want to hear it from you..I want you to trust in me, to know that I am not the same as whoever that Alpha was. I would never hurt you Georgie."

"I know that..now.."
He looked up at me with his watering eyes and I sigh, smiling at him wearily.

"Can I hug you?"
I ask.

"No..you're wet.."
He giggled a bit, pushing me away a bit, I giggled too.

"The original race will be held the day after tomorrow, until then, want to go on an adventure with me?"
I slowly stood to my feet, offering him my hand.

George tilted his head at me, wiping his eyes and face, and taking my hand.

"Tonight or tomorrow morning. You choose."
I give him the choice.

He decided.

"Great. Are you sure you're up to it?"
I had to confirm.
"Are you not super tired?"

"Not now."
He joked.

"Great. I'll get dressed and then let's go."

𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now