𝐈 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐖𝐢𝐧

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George pressed me against a counter when we were alone in the kitchen, it was midnight and we had just gotten back, a hand snaked between my thighs, his lips to my neck near my ear.

"I'm going to win tomorrow."
He smirked, pulling away from me immediately.

Every lustrous desire I had in my mind dissipated and I growl as I pull him by the collar and press my lips to his,
"No, I am going to win."
I slip off the counter and push him agains it, leaning over him.
"And never play like that with me again Omega."

"You don't have to call me Omega.."
George grumbled.
"And I was just playing around.."

"I'm trying to be a good boy and behave and you playing with me with this behavior and your moan-like groaning of my name make me so..you know-"

"You are just a sexually deprived Alpha~"
George cooed.

I growl deeper, pressing my lips against his neck.
"I'm serious."

George covered his mouth, his breathing intensified.

He likes this..?

"George we should go to bed..the race is in the morning."
I lean off of him and begin to walk out of the kitchen.

George whimpered sadly.
"I'm sorry..I won't tease you...I'm just-"
He blushed a bit, looking away from me.
"Late on my heat..and it is affecting me.."

I look back at him.
"You are okay, I get it. Come on Georgie let's get to sleep okay?"

"Okay..you aren't mad..?"

"No baby."
I offered him a hand.

He took my hand and I pulled him carefully, kissing his forehead and leading him back to my-well..our room.

I cuddle him into me and he hugged me tight and just like that-we were asleep.


"Up! Dream get up! It's time! Come on!"
George bounced on my chest, shaking my shoulders.

I snatch his hands from my shoulders and smirk up at him.
"Calm down."

"No! It's time!"
He bounces more making me groan,

He stops.
He frowned,
"I'm just so excited. I haven't raced since I was young."

"I know Georgie, we can get up now and get to the field."
I slowly sat up, making him slide onto my lap.
"You're so pretty."
I marveled at him, kissing his neck.

He grumbled, his skin turned red in embarrassment.
"Let me go.."

"We have a bit of time left."
I moved my face in front of his.
"Be a good boy now~"
I cooed, kissing him.

I was truly happy.

George pulled his lips from mine slowly,
"Remember..I'm late...what if-"

"You will be fine. What will kissing do?"

"Dream it does a lot and leads to..you know..."

I toy with him.
"Are you afraid?"

George exclaimed, sliding off of my lap and walking to the mirror, looking at his outfit.
"I'm not ready, and me being in heat will change that but I don't want our first time to be during that.."

"George that would be taking advantage of you. I would just lock you in my room and feed you and protect you."
I got up as well, rummaging through my clothes to find a pair of shorts.

"I know you wouldn't take advantage of me..but I'm a totally different person during heat.."
George looked back at me.
"I literally have zero chill."

I start to laugh at his statement.
"You are so silly. Let's leave this discussion for now, we need to get to the field so I can win."
I walk to the door.

"No I'm gonna win and you'll be calling me Alpha~"

"You don't even call me Alpha."
I took a hold of George's collar of his shirt and growled in his ear.

"Well if you win I'll do it.."
He purred.
"And if you don't win, I'll call you pup."

"Don't you dare."

"Oh I dare~"
He smiled innocently at me and I rolled my eyes and let go of him.


We lined up at the starting line, it was a quick sprint, leading up and down a hill, the end being a lake at the edge of my pack's border-

"On your marks!"

"Get set!"

George lowered, his eyes seemed to darken and focus,

A shiver went down my spine at how serious he was-


And before I could even blink, George was already far ahead of me.

I look over at Nick next to me bewildered.

"He is a good sprinter in his human form! But when it is time to shift at the shifting zone he won't do as hot!"
Nick enlightened me and I nod, focusing on George running ahead of me.

The shifting zone hit and I easily caught up to George who snarled.

Poor baby.

And like that, I crossed the finish first, George being one of the last due to his small figure.

We were given robes so we could shift back, and as I tied mine I noticed George was dragging his by his mouth away into the woods, his tail tucked between his legs, and Alpha's and Betas patronizing him.

I yelled, I felt so angry all of a sudden, and all the other wolves looked at me and cowered a bit.
"George did his best! You all are just embarrassed an Omega overtook you so much in your pathetic human forms! Now shut the fuck up or it's your head!"

They all nodded and many scurried off, whispering among themselves, I followed George's scent to him curled up at the base of a tree in his human form, his robe hung open revealing his pale chest.

"Georgie..baby you did so well."
I kissed his cheek as I sat next to him.

"Stupid shifting zone.."

"I know, but you still held up well."

"You are just saying this because I'm your mate."

"Baby, I would say it to you even if you weren't my mate."


"Because when I saw you approaching the pack house the day you arrived here with Nick, all I could think was that I wanted you even if you weren't the mate the moon goddess assigned me.."

𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now