𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬

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I left after what had happened with Dream and I, my heart aches in longing for him the further I walked into the woods.

Dream knew that I was gone, blowing up my phone begging me to come back before night fall, but I ignored him, I didn't want to go back..I needed a break.

I smelt a familiar scent soon, as the sun started to set, and I followed it to a small cabin, the tall pink haired alpha stood there with one other alpha..and that pretty Beta..

Though..he didn't have on his mask..and his features were actually quite soft and attractive.

"Well if it isn't the Luna~"
The pretty Beta purred.
"What are you doing all the way out here, you look absolutely terrible.."
He frowned,

I never noticed how tall he was, and his curly brown hair was quite nice, I wanted to touch it.

"I ran away..and it's all your fault Techno.."
I grumble, approaching them.

"Techno what did you do?"
The blonde alpha looked at Techno next to him and shook his head in disappointment.

"Just said hello to my dear friend Dream using his mate as a messenger."
Techno shrugged.
"So are we keeping you tonight?"

"If you will have me.."
I had no choice but to stay..

"Wilbur, get him some new clothes and some food."
Techno looked over to the pretty Beta who nods.

"Alrighty~ well you're stuck with me."
He smiled down at me, taking my hand and leading me into their home which was a lot more spacious then I thought it would be.

While there, I smelt two other betas, they were young because their smell was faint.

"Tubbo and Tommy are who you smell right now."
Wilbur confirmed we weren't the only two in the house.

I just nod.

"We are actually rogues. Tommy, Tubbo, and I were kicked out of the Eastern pack, and then we met Techno and Phil who seemed to be from the North. At first we didn't really get along, but we learned that we were all stronger together."
Wilbur filled in the lul in our conversation with their background.
"Where are you from originally, you are definitely not from the East or North, maybe the West?"

"South..I'm from the South."
I straightened my lips into a line.
"I wish I just stayed there.."

"You don't like Dream anymore?"

I couldn't answer that..I liked him..but I was reliving my first relationship at the moment and so it was impacting my answer.
"I still like him..I'm just-I just need a break."

"Understandable. You know-I've actually met my mate..her name is Niki..but she is from the West and I am afraid to leave the guys.."

"Well- is she nice?"

"Extremely. There is no bad bone in that woman's body."
He spoke fondly.
"I feel bad that I didn't stay..but she was so understanding and encouraging of me to come back for her when I was ready."

"You should go to her Wilbur."


"Tomorrow! Tell your friends you are ready to live your life!"
I exclaimed, sitting on their couch.

"But I'm a rogue now..what if she doesn't want me? Or if her family rejects me?"

"My family rejected Dream..but we didn't let that..."
I trail off, my eyes sunk to the floor..
"...get to us..because we care for each other a lot."


"Wilbur, I think I'll go back to Dream tomorrow, so on our way West, are we able to take a detour."

"You know, you change your mind really quickly."
He laughed.
"I don't know if I should be scared for you or scared of you in the future."


"Nothing..I'll bring you something to eat."
Wilbur stood up, excusing himself to the kitchen.

I noticed the scent of the other two betas seemed to close in on me and I turn my head to the right to meet a pair of curious hazel eyes.

I scream.

He screamed as well.

We both startled, flying back. He stumbled and fell back into a tall Blonde Beta's arms and I just fell off the couch.

"Oi! I told you not to get so close to the guy Tubbo!"
The blonde scolded.

"Well I was curious!"

"Curiosity killed the cat!"

"Well I'm a wolf Tommy so there is a difference!"

I watched them bicker with each other in awe, they were just like Nick and I when we were just turning 16.

"Tommy, Tubbo, this is George. He is only staying with us for a day, he is Dream's Luna."

"A Luna? All the way out here? We're you lost?"
Tubbo got close again, curiously.
"Why do you have tattoos?"

"I ran away for a bit..and-"
I blush, not knowing if I should tell him about the marks.
"You see..when two mates uhh...feel the need to make their bond stronger, they mark each other..and that mark turns into something that represents their mate.."

"Did you mark him back?"
He tilts his head.

I pause.
"No actually..I still need to do that.."

"Okay that's enough Tubbo, you are making the poor guy uncomfortable."
The blonde-Tommy I believe, placed a hand on Tubbo's right shoulder and pulled him away from me.

"Also boys, you remember Niki right?"
Wilbur spoke up.
"I'm thinking about going and staying with her..if her and her family, as well as her pack..will have me..."

Tommy looked up at Wilbur.
"You're leaving us?!"

"Wait, Tommy it isn't like that-"

"Will, we are in this together!"
Tommy crossed his arms.

"Tommy, you wouldn't understand until you meet your mate one day. You don't get how hard of a choice this is, but I trust Techno and Phil with you two."


"Tommy..let him go to her."
Tubbo frowned.
"Let him be happy for once please."


𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗲 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮|𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now